WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Common knowledge? This is the first time i'm hearing about Serkis possibly being that character.
Pretty common. The beard was a give-away. Probably should've just saved him for the movie.
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Rumor is Mantis might make an appearance in AoU.

Also, Hulkbuster Funko Pop! A must have along with the super sized Thanos!

Love that character. Was hoping for her in GotG

In her Asian looking form or her green form?

What do you mean?

Set up Ultron
Set up Scarlet & Quick and give enough backstory for them to switch sides
Give us enough of Vision
BW background
BW - Hulk love story
Baron Von Strucker has already been "confirmed" to be defeated in the first scene so I aint worried about that
Trying to prove Hawkeye aint garbage.

Seems like a lot for a franchise they have been desperate to keep under 2:15 since Phase 2 started
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Set up Ultron
Set up Scarlet & Quick and give enough backstory for them to switch sides
Give us enough of Vision
BW background
BW - Hulk love story
Baron Von Strucker has already been "confirmed" to be defeated in the first scene so I aint worried about that
Trying to prove Hawkeye aint garbage.

Seems like a lot for a franchise they have been desperate to keep under 2:15 since Phase 2 started
All of that seems easily doable honestly. Except, I don't see Vision getting TOO much time.
Rumor is Mantis might make an appearance in AoU.

Also, Hulkbuster Funko Pop! A must have along with the super sized Thanos!

Love that character. Was hoping for her in GotG

In her Asian looking form or her green form?

What do you mean?

Set up Ultron
Set up Scarlet & Quick and give enough backstory for them to switch sides
Give us enough of Vision
BW background
BW - Hulk love story
Baron Von Strucker has already been "confirmed" to be defeated in the first scene so I aint worried about that
Trying to prove Hawkeye aint garbage.

Seems like a lot for a franchise they have been desperate to keep under 2:15 since Phase 2 started
:rofl: What?

Yall in here just believing any rumor you hear?
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Yall in here just believing any rumor you hear?
While not a love story per se, there is spose to be some sort of connection they have.
:lol: @ a Spidey mention being a lamekilla like Bat signal.
While not a love story per se, there is spose to be some sort of connection they have.
Ok. That's pretty vague as ****.

But I'll go out on the limb and say there won't be no ******* love story between Black Widow and the cot damn Hulk. Banner? Maybe but that's a bit of a reach too given her bond with Hawkeye or w/e it is that was mentioned in the first Avengers.

I doubt Whedon needs a Betty substitute so bad he's gonna make BW play that role. That'd be insulting.
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But I'll go out on the limb and say there won't be no ******* love story between Black Widow and the cot damn Hulk. Banner? Maybe but that's a bit of a reach too given her bond with Hawkeye or w/e it is that was mentioned in the first Avengers.

I doubt Whedon needs a Betty substitute so bad he's gonna make BW play that role. That'd be insulting.
Iono breh, it's possible. BW & Hawkeye's relationship seem to be on a friendship spy level type thing. Doesn't seem as if they were involved romantically. And I wouldn't be against a Betty substitute. I don't read Hulk comics, but what else is she besides Banner's girl?
But I'll go out on the limb and say there won't be no ******* love story between Black Widow and the cot damn Hulk. Banner? Maybe but that's a bit of a reach too given her bond with Hawkeye or w/e it is that was mentioned in the first Avengers.

I doubt Whedon needs a Betty substitute so bad he's gonna make BW play that role. That'd be insulting.
Iono breh, it's possible. BW & Hawkeye's relationship seem to be on a friendship spy level type thing. Doesn't seem as if they were involved romantically. And I wouldn't be against a Betty substitute. I don't read Hulk comics, but what else is she besides Banner's girl?
Exactly. That's all she is, Banner's girl and then wife and then she dies to give him some more angst (until she comes back as a red hulk). That's why I'm against a Betty substitute. Don't see why dude even needs a love interest. I don't see why BW should be regulated to that at all.
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Exactly. That's all she is, Banner's girl and then wife and then she dies to give him some more angst (until she comes back as a red hulk). That's why I'm against a Betty substitute. Don't see why dude even needs a love interest. I don't see why BW should be regulated to that at all.
Can't have Banner being the only one not getting laid in the Avengers. And if it were to happen, I guess it would be to also show a softer side to BW or whatever.
Exactly. That's all she is, Banner's girl and then wife and then she dies to give him some more angst (until she comes back as a red hulk). That's why I'm against a Betty substitute. Don't see why dude even needs a love interest. I don't see why BW should be regulated to that at all.
Can't have Banner being the only one not getting laid in the Avengers. And if it were to happen, I guess it would be to also show a softer side to BW or whatever.
Banner smashes the most out of all the Avengers.

The whole selling point for BW is shielding her soft side :lol: I'm not even against her being in a relationship but with the Hulk as stated or Banner LOL. It just kinda wreaks of bad ideas which then leads to bad story telling.
Banner smashes the most out of all the Avengers.

The whole selling point for BW is shielding her soft side
I'm not even against her being in a relationship but with the Hulk as stated or Banner LOL. It just kinda wreaks of bad ideas which then leads to bad story telling.

Eh I guess. I don't necessarily want to see it. Something about Ruffalo and ScarJo even looking at each other creeps me out, but I really won't care.

I wonder if they'll eventually try to bring in Mockingbird to stir something up between Hawkeye & BW,
Oh wow. That's a real good, life like toy. The first pic had me thinking it was just a pic of Chris Evans as Cap :lol:
While not a love story per se, there is spose to be some sort of connection they have.
I know. Y'all ****** take **** too literally.

My goodness, the details on these Hot Toys are amazing.

Prolly wouldve grabbed some if Marvel had X-Men.

There have been a couple I wanted in the past by both Sideshow and Hot Toys (which I think are the same company) but then I find out about them too late and aftermarket is. I need to join an email list or something
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I'm on my 7th hot toy, I absolutely love every single one, 3 more on the way...2 were gifts from xmas (starlord and Starboost) and I nought Igor...I'll post some pics later, there should be a thread for all these scaled collectibles, been looking at diecast 1/18th cars...those are amazing as well!
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