WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

I think you should pay attention more before you go on with this nonsense reaching theory. Black Bolt has a comic called Inhuman (there's a huge Inhuman comic push going on right now that's coming before any movie), Captain Marvel has a solo comic, Groot is in GOTG and one of the main talked about stars, Falcon is the new Captain America with his own solo comic, Rocket has his own solo comic too. Not to mention Wolverine is dying this month and the X-Men are about to go under a huge change story wise by next year.

But even if I were to go with they used the movie characters to promote the comics anniversary so what? That doesn't mean a Spidey merger with SONY is coming or any sort of crossover. Like I said which you keep ignoring, SONY sold everything back to Marvel but the film rights so that they could keep it without that whole reverting stuff. With that agreement in place, unlike with the X-Men and F4, Marvel can go hard on once again promoting their most popular character. You have to understand the relationship Marvel has with FOX is one of the main impediments to what you're reading too much in to.
Again this has more to do with Marvel not going out of their way to promote X-Men and F4 in a group poster than anything else.

I want you to keep in mind you're entire cockamamie theory is based off of an anniversary poster. Not even a credible rumor.

You miss my point. It didn't happen cuz it never was going to happen. It was a bull **** rumor. Just like the rumors that Osborn was gonna be in IM3 in the Iron Patriot armor.
Yes it definitely can. BTW all these civil war "rumblings" are fan generated or by comic/movie sites that are strictly speculating.

An Avengers and GotG movie will make more money than an Avengers and Spidey film at this point. Don't lie or come with hyperbole when you're talking. 3x? :lol: You sound delusional. If the current Spidey flicks were that good they'd be making a billi on their own

Marvel studios is not working with SONY in their Spider-Man movie expansion. As of right now, there have been no reports that they're involved with ASM4, Venom, S6, or the female solo movie.

Marvel canceled EMH so they could make a new Avengers cartoon more like the movies. Due to SONY giving up those animation rights, Marvel launched ultimate Spidey which isn't ANYTHING like the ASM universe. Please stop reaching. Now that they own both and are doing shows for both it only makes sense that they're in the same universe. Same goes for that Hulk show and the upcoming GotG cartoon.
It isn't coincidence that Marvel wants cohesiveness with their cartoon shows. That doesn't mean Spidey is gonna be in the Avenger movies. Only way that happens is if Disney buys SONY and gets the rights back that way.

At this point though, I can see like you're irrational love for ASM2, you won't get off this poorly put together theory until somebody directly asks Feige if Spider-Man will be in Avengers movies and he says no so consider me done here.

Nothing you have said has been convincing in the least and it is literally based off of nothing.

:lol: zik you crack me up. My "cockamamie" theory is more so an observation and one that you've been adamant to ignore.
I didn't ignore anything about your "observation" :lol: I directly addressed it. Each and every one of your reaches I spoke on and clarified for you so that you could possible be more reasonable. You refuse to.

No duh, black bolt is part of the inhumans. The big inhumans push in Marvel Comics stems from that Marvel doesn't own the film rights to Xmen and they want to phase the xmen into the background and boost up their other yet much less known group of genetically advanced humans. This is all to eventually get ready for the inhumans film right? Ok so black bolt is on the poster. Groot, rocket, quill, on the poster. The Avengers, even hawkeye on the poster. Lots of characters who aren't normally on a group photo when you think of 75 years of marvel are on this group photo to celebrate 75 years.
Again each and every one of those ppl you just named have a solo marvel comic or are in a successful marvel team book. That they're in movies only helps. The reason Spidey is front and center is cuz he's Marvel's biggest star and they have no reason not to have him in it cuz they don't have problems with SONY. Like I said before you seem to be missing what's actually going on. You're using a comic anniversary poster for support for dealings with a movie studio. Beyond delusional.

I don't get how you can say I'm ignoring what you're saying and then you go ahead and ignore what I'm saying.

So we can deduce the fact that these characters that aren't normally on group Marvel photos and some of which haven't even been around for 40 years (Star Lord) are due in part to popularity in film and upcoming future films. Ok so....where does spiderman, who Marvel only has the merchandising rights to.......come in the photo that is clearly showing Marvels Heroes who are popular in film or who they plan to have in film? Again if it was general popularity, wolverine would've been in that pic because he is more iconic for Marvel than a talking tree or a guy who doesn't speak and wear silverware on his forehead. Marvel made posters for the xmen and fantastic four so that main poster has nothing do with merchandising either. So I ask you, aside from Spiderman being the cornerstone character of the marvel universe (which in turn makes his appearance in an MCU film that much more likely) why is he not only on the poster but front and center? I mean we did come to the conclusion that everyone on the poster is, has been in or will be part of an MCU project right....
I get it, you're not gonna listen to any opposing views. Just close your ears and yell Spidey is going to be in the MCU.

Ignore hard facts.
And quit hyping guardians talking about it would make more money with avengers than spiderman with avengers. Really who were the guardians before this year?
I'm not hyping anything. You said Spidey would make the Avengers make 3x what it already did if he was in it. That's false. What's more likely though is that right now as things stand GotG would make more money if they teamed up with the Avengers. There's reality and then there's w/e you're on.
All this Spidey talk is unnecessary...anyways, is anyone watching this Avengers cartoon? I'm watching S1 on Netflix and after a couple episodes, it got really good
I didn't ignore anything about your "observation" :lol: I directly addressed it. Each and every one of your reaches I spoke on and clarified for you so that you could possible be more reasonable. You refuse to.

Again each and every one of those ppl you just named have a solo marvel comic or are in a successful marvel team book. That they're in movies only helps.The reason Spidey is front and center is cuz he's Marvel's biggest star and they have no reason not to have him in it cuz they don't have problems with SONY. Like I said before you seem to be missing what's actually going on. You're using a comic anniversary poster for support for dealings with a movie studio. Beyond delusional.

I don't get how you can say I'm ignoring what you're saying and then you go ahead and ignore what I'm saying.
I get it, you're not gonna listen to any opposing views. Just close your ears and yell Spidey is going to be in the MCU.

Ignore hard facts.
I'm not hyping anything. You said Spidey would make the Avengers make 3x what it already did if he was in it. That's false. What's more likely though is that right now as things stand GotG would make more money if they teamed up with the Avengers. There's reality and then there's w/e you're on.

:lol: now comics and the little bit of people that read them matter right?

So what you're trying to tell me now is that those characters in the artwork have films because their comics are popular....

Or are you going to admit I'm right and that each of those characters are on their because they are or scheduled to be in upcoming MCU projects.

Pick your poison
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Earth's Mightiest Heroes was awesome man. I was sad when they discontinued it. The new Avengers cartoon that they started up after they ended EMH took some getting used to, but it's pretty good too.

The biggest difference between the two shows that I miss? The Wasp. I liked her. And also the opening credit theme song. I miss that.

About the new cartoon, I dislike that we never see Black Widow. I don't think the animation is as good either.
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People think making 300 million dollar movies is like playing with actions figures in your room. :lol:

Fox will never give the X-Men back, Sony will never EVER give Spidey back.

I don't even know why people want an avengers spider man thing so bad, I like the fact that they are separate, if Marvel had FF and Spider we would never have gotten Guardians.
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People think making 300 million dollar movies is like playing with actions figures in your room. :lol:

Fox will never give the X-Men back, Sony will never EVER give Spidey back.

I don't even know why people want an avengers spider man thing so bad, I like the fact that they are separate, if Marvel had FF and Spider we would never have gotten Guardians.
Now that we have Guardians and Inhumans coming up I could give two ***** about the Spidey and X-Men rights reverting back and I used to want X-Men for the longest.

Marvel not having the rights to their best characters is what makes the MCU so good. It had to be better than the competition just to be taken seriously. That's what also lead to Cap stepping his game way up! Now we got Cap movies better than X-Men. Think about that.

:lol: now comics and the little bit of people that read them matter right?

So what you're trying to tell me now is that those characters in the artwork have films because their comics are popular....

Or are you going to admit I'm right and that each of those characters are on their because they are or scheduled to be in upcoming MCU projects.

Pick your poison
You have an uncanny ability to twist arguments around hoping it makes your argument better when it really just highlights how much you are reaching. The artwork for the 75th anniv of the comics has what to do with the movies? Ohh yah nothing. They should just stop advertising to people who read the comics now? :lol:

Don't say "why advertise to such a small market" as if those posters were distributed with every box of cereal. Outside of nerds finding it on the internet they are nowhere to be found.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes was awesome man. I was sad when they discontinued it. The new Avengers cartoon that they started up after they ended EMH took some getting used to, but it's pretty good too.

The biggest difference between the two shows that I miss? The Wasp. I liked her. And also the opening credit theme song. I miss that.

About the new cartoon, I dislike that we never see Black Widow. I don't think the animation is as good either.

That cartoon did so many things right. First cartoon I watched since JLU.
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Also I heard the new Avengers cartoon is borderline unwatchable. Can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon. Hope it delivers.
Frank Grillo as the Punisher would be dope, for those of you who have seen The Purge, he pretty much played him in that movie.
Frank Grillo as the Punisher would be dope, for those of you who have seen The Purge, he pretty much played him in that movie.

He's Crossbones already though.



He was dope in The Purge though. Hopefully the bring him and "Carmelo" back in the sequel.
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I didn't ignore anything about your "observation" :lol: I directly addressed it. Each and every one of your reaches I spoke on and clarified for you so that you could possible be more reasonable. You refuse to.

Again each and every one of those ppl you just named have a solo marvel comic or are in a successful marvel team book. That they're in movies only helps.The reason Spidey is front and center is cuz he's Marvel's biggest star and they have no reason not to have him in it cuz they don't have problems with SONY. Like I said before you seem to be missing what's actually going on. You're using a comic anniversary poster for support for dealings with a movie studio. Beyond delusional.

I don't get how you can say I'm ignoring what you're saying and then you go ahead and ignore what I'm saying.
I get it, you're not gonna listen to any opposing views. Just close your ears and yell Spidey is going to be in the MCU.

Ignore hard facts.
I'm not hyping anything. You said Spidey would make the Avengers make 3x what it already did if he was in it. That's false. What's more likely though is that right now as things stand GotG would make more money if they teamed up with the Avengers. There's reality and then there's w/e you're on.

:lol: now comics and the little bit of people that read them matter right?
Are you not reading my posts or what?

You're talking about the poster for the 75th anniversary of MARVEL COMICS. Then question everyone in the poster and ignore that they all have comics.

So what you're trying to tell me now is that those characters in the artwork have films because their comics are popular....
Jesus, you must be more dense than I thought. You're the one mixing these two things together.

It's a celebration of MARVEL COMICS. They're putting characters on it that they're not just pushing in the comics but are also currently popular now because of the movies

Or are you going to admit I'm right and that each of those characters are on their because they are or scheduled to be in upcoming MCU projects.
Your entire argument is putting the cart before the horse. You're trying your hardest to say what's going on in a promotional poster for an anniversary of the publishing company is direct evidence that one character in the movies will cross over from one studio to the other. That's what you're saying and there's nothing to admit about that other than you're delusional.

That Marvel comics used characters that are in upcoming or current projects and that Spidey is there doesn't mean he is not going to be apart of a MCU movie. Who was in the poster was up to the editor that commissioned it.
People think making 300 million dollar movies is like playing with actions figures in your room. :lol:

Fox will never give the X-Men back, Sony will never EVER give Spidey back.

I don't even know why people want an avengers spider man thing so bad, I like the fact that they are separate, if Marvel had FF and Spider we would never have gotten Guardians.
This is the main thing. Just adds to Marvel's dominance. They're making more money having sold the license to these properties to other studios than they would if they kept them all since they didn't have the money to make all of these movies
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This Avengers cartoon? there a new one?
EMH? if so i enjoyed it.
It's called Avengers Assemble. It's kinda tied into the MCU. There's a couple of references in the cartoon that are from the movies.
Earth's Mightiest Heroes was awesome man. I was sad when they discontinued it. The new Avengers cartoon that they started up after they ended EMH took some getting used to, but it's pretty good too.

The biggest difference between the two shows that I miss? The Wasp. I liked her. And also the opening credit theme song. I miss that.

About the new cartoon, I dislike that we never see Black Widow. I don't think the animation is as good either.
Yeah, the main problem is the animation, but it's good. I'm glad it came out better than the new spider man did. Spectacular Spiderman was amazing. Was sad when they canceled that.
Also I heard the new Avengers cartoon is borderline unwatchable. Can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon. Hope it delivers.
That's not true at all. You're most likely hearing it from people who are upset that EMH was canceled.
Official Synopsis:

Marvel Studios presents Avengers: Age of Ultron, the epic follow-up to the biggest Super Hero movie of all time. When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron stars Robert Downey Jr., who returns as Iron Man, along with Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk. Together with Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, and with the additional support of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Cobie Smulders as Agent Maria Hill, the team must reassemble to defeat James Spader as Ultron, a terrifying technological villain hell-bent on human extinction. Along the way, they confront two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Wanda Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen, and Pietro Maximoff, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and meet an old friend in a new form when Paul Bettany becomes Vision.

Written and directed by Joss Whedon and produced by Kevin Feige, Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series The Avengers, first published in 1963. Get set for an action-packed thrill ride when The Avengers return in Marvel’s Avengers:Age of Ultron on May 1, 2015.
Master Zik Master Zik I left the debate alone for the sake of not derailing the thread too much but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that the pic is implying that those are characters that marvel will be focusing on in film and media in the next couple of years. It's obvious to see this in the pic because many of the characters in the poster are more so unknown and their are more recognizable and iconic heroes Marvel could've featured in that group photo to represent Marvel's 75th anniversary. Your rebuttal would be Marvel doesn't have a great relationship with fox so they won't do anything to promote properties fox has under there movie umbrella. My response is then telling you and posting the Marvel 75th anniversary portraits they've made for the FF and the xmen as well. Then you'll go back and say that it's the 75th anniversary of the comic company and a celebration of marvel as a whole so to which I respond then why didn't the main photo include marvels most iconic heroes? Rocket raccoon isn't iconic for marvel. Neither is black widow. But they are both involved in highly successful marvel films as well as everyone else on that photo...minus spiderman.

Again I'm reading too much into one picture but...you know how many words a picture is worth.
Master Zik Master Zik I left the debate alone for the sake of not derailing the thread too much but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that the pic is implying that those are characters that marvel will be focusing on in film and media in the next couple of years.
And I'm saying you're completely wrong in regards to Spider-Man being involved with the MCU. It's not obvious at all.

It's enough for Marvel right now that they own everything Spidey but the film rights. If it wasn't they wouldn't have made that trade with SONY.

Also please don't go assuming my responses. We're talking about the one group poster. They chose who to have in it. They gave the X-Men and FF separate posters. You're problem is you're reading too much in to 75th anniversary posters for the comics.
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i get what both sides are saying but i also agree with lamekilla. wouldnt Spidey just have his OWN poster if that was the case, like they did with XMen and F4? why would they include him front and center in a poster with other MCU characters and give him his own? i know nothing that goes on behind the scenes in the industry but one could assume this can possibly mean something. from Oscorp almost being in Avengers to Sony's team working on GotG to the possibility of the Civil War rumors and now the inclusion of him in a MCU poster. i think it may be more than just coincedence here. as a fan of Marvel as a whole i sure would like to see him included one day in this cinematic universe..
i get what both sides are saying but i also agree with lamekilla. wouldnt Spidey just have his OWN poster if that was the case, like they did with XMen and F4? why would they include him front and center in a poster with other MCU characters and give him his own? i know nothing that goes on behind the scenes in the industry but one could assume this can possibly mean something. from Oscorp almost being in Avengers to Sony's team working on GotG to the possibility of the Civil War rumors and now the inclusion of him in a MCU poster. i think it may be more than just coincedence here. as a fan of Marvel as a whole i sure would like to see him included one day in this cinematic universe..

Including the more obscure characters in the 75th anniversary book with Spidey was likely just good strategy in giving them more exposure, given that Spidey is the most popular Marvel character ever.

The FF and the X-men are popular enough that they can stand on their own without Spidey.

It's like Kyrie Irving. Alone, he's good enough that he can get popular on his own. But now being associated with LeBron James will get him more popular faster.

That's how I'm reading into the character placements on the cover until more evidence emerges.
the Avengers arent popular enough to stand on their own tho? why was he chosen for two? he could of easily been replaced by Wolverine if thats the case no? at the end of the day its a MCU poster. 75th Anni or not.
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