WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Anybody notice that with the wording of the official Avengers 2 synopsis it sounds like Hank Pym might still create Ultron in the MCU? I'm guessing maybe along with Howard Stark either having some input or financially backing it?
Anybody notice that with the wording of the official Avengers 2 synopsis it sounds like Hank Pym might still create Ultron in the MCU? I'm guessing maybe along with Howard Stark either having some input or financially backing it?

they did it so everyone can quit *****ing about Hank not making Ultron.
I'm not reading Hank's possible involvement from the synopsis. What exactly are ya'll talking about?
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You've mentioned that the comic crowd is in the very minority in some post then ask why would they stop advertising to the comic book crowd in this one. This photo is for the 75th anniversary of Marvel, no? So why are they including these obscure characters in the poster as opposed to their household names only on the poster,
the characters that have kept marvel relevant for the past 75 years? Inhumans comics don't sell. Heroes for hire comics don't sell. People JUST started reading guardians but those numbers will fall eventually. So what about that photo is advertising to the comic crowd and not their future plans for films? Nothing. If spiderman wasn't on that photo it would be blatantly obvious that the poster is promoting MCU films but spiderman gets added and then the explanation gets blurry. Marvel knows what they're doing

I also mention that the advertising budget for the superminority comic readers is nowhere near as high so whats the problem? I forget it's selective amnesia with NTers. Dont act like it took so much money for them to release a 75th anniv poster that only nerds on the internet ever saw. There are literally ads for Magic the Gathering with more exposure than that poster.

Use obscure characters is something to pretend Marvel will crutch Sony for? ALL those characters have something coming up or have comics in the mix.

3 GotG box occupied the top 20 comic book sales in July. Outselling all X-Men and Avengers titles for the month.

All the other characters are in Original Sin and/or Axis. Marvel event comics take up another 2 slots in the top 10 best sold comics of the month in the months they are out. Also New Avengers is one of their most praised comics and Black Bolt is a main character in that.

Only one really unaccounted for is IF.

Those Guardians figures are already the numbers after it fell. Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sold 110k last July. Even after the drop RR will still be in the top 10 and Legendary Star Lord in the top 25

You don't promote MCU to all 120k spidey fans who read this comic :rofl: Ask anyone if they saw that ad and they'll tell you no.

****. This argument makes me hope that SONY truly keeps that weak *** superhero.

Also MP is a **** source known to make up info for clickbait.

Movie Pilot be like: Marvel is gonna stop making X-Men and F4 comics and prevent writers from using X-Men in crossovers.

Look at all these X-Men. That MP just said would cease to exist

View media item 1184229View media item 1184230View media item 1184231View media item 1184232View media item 1184233View media item 1184234View media item 1184239

Axis has literally been set up by AvX and Uncanny Avengers.
These are all from event and event tie ins
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To make money. They think aligning certain properties that are in the public eye on multiple platforms will make them more money.
Loeb is the head of Marvel tv. He oversees the animation and tv shows. I don't think I need to explain what he does right? He's dealing with the netflix shows, AOS, Agent Carter, and the cartoons. Quesada is Marvel Comics chief creative officer. He's the go between for publishing to every other part of Marvel entertainment. Outside of just his art duties with certain divisions he deals with all of the new projects on the multiple mediums to relay back to Marvel comics. Perhaps you don't understand the importance of these roles. These aren't producers and animators. If what you're saying is true those two dudes especially would know about these "subtle chess moves" you're pulling out your ***.

Again I don't think you're researching this stuff at all at this point. Just talking out your ***.

Name these higher ups. Outside of Feige who didn't I name? You want quotes from Ike P.? Perhaps the the Publisher of Marvel? Who exactly are you talking about that'll make what you're saying sound like smart "subtle chess move"? :lol:

Do you mean to tell me you want to take this all the way back to Disney? Despite it being widely reported for Marvel and many other companies that Disney owns that they leave their acquisitions to do them as long as they make money? Disney just gives the okay on ****. They're intertwined in how Marvel promotes and spreads their brand. They're not making day to day decisions on "subtle chess moves" I'd say this much though, if what you're saying had any truth to it they'd automatically have to be involved given the amount of money they'd have negotiate to do this with SONY which is unlikely given how much Marvel Studios is already making them and projected to make them as they continue and that they're already making money from SONY just by them continuing to make the Spidey movies after they just negotiated for the rights of everything else Spidey but the film rights.

Like I said man, you don't really know what you're talking about. I just named some of the main guys involved whose job is to coordinate, think up, and execute the success of the Marvel brand.
Seems to me you haven't grasped what I said then or now.

The films being the most important is exactly why what you're saying doesn't make sense. If Marvel was preparing for Spidey to be in the MCU they'd wouldn't use a poster as a clue. Cart before the horse man. The comics isn't dictating the films and neither is the video games. They're not clues either.
It's not a strategic move. If they know they're about to have something ready where these characters will have a buzz or be in a movie it would only make sense to prepare for their exposure. You should read some interviews in how this process commonly works. At times it's a suggestion, something like there's a lot of chatter about Nova right now so add him in the game. Sometimes it's taken, some times it's not.

Right now you've yet to establish how or why this poster thing makes sense.

You still haven't given me what I asked for either. You claimed your point is Marvel makes subtle chess moves. I'm asking for another instance where they did something like this that led to something else. If you seriously think adding a character to a video game is the foundation of what you're talking about you might as well stop now. They already own these characters. There's no negotiation with another studio. They just do it cuz they can. Isn't Wolverine in the video game? Where's your theory that he's crossing over? The Thing?
3 years ago what was the subtle chess move? 2011.

If it's the video game you're talking about then I gotta say you're really not aware about how this stuff works.

Zik you're trying to argue circles. I'll address these few points that stood out in your recent post. Again for MVC3 which is one of the "subtle chess moves" I've been mentioning that you keep dismissing then mentioning how it doesn't make sense I posted already that the initial release just catered to fans and brought back returning characters from the series like wolverine. When the update came out they only included characters with upcoming MCU projects that at the time the general public was unaware of like GotG characters and Dr Strange. Now 3 years later you can see what there motive was and they took the game off shelves because they didn't want to continue to promote the game because the core of the game is XMEN vs street fighter and marvel doesn't want to advertise them in media and animation any more. Again the core of the game for the marvel side were xmen. No xmen were added for the update or FF characters. Just characters that have future MCU projects.

Ok as far as the renegotiation that Sony and Marvel have, were you in the meeting? Because you keep stating that it was for merchandise as a fact. None of us know the details of what went down so please stop using that as a basis for your argument. What is a fact though is that Sony has come under financial trouble and ASM2 didn't do for the company what they wanted and as soon as box office numbers started rolling in Marvel and Sony had a sit down then we started getting blurry release dated for the spiderman films where as of a month before the ASM2 dropped we had a release window for ASM3 AND ASM4.....

Plus, have we not just discovered that Sony worked on the VFX for guardians? So does that make Sony an ally or a rival still? No serious question because where were the lawyers and all the legal jargon went down? If that subtle partnership just happened right under our nose why is it hard to believe that Marvel would make a play for Spiderman in whatever capacity to be involved in the MCU?

All in all this whole thing is speculation and it's fun to talk about this. I'm not spewing anything as fact, just little things I'm noticing here and there. For the most part you have displayed very thorough counter arguments and I like that we're able to have great nerdy discussions in here. I'll chill on my "reaching"....for now
I also mention that the advertising budget for the superminority comic readers is nowhere near as high so whats the problem? I forget it's selective amnesia with NTers. Dont act like it took so much money for them to release a 75th anniv poster that only nerds on the internet ever saw. There are literally ads for Magic the Gathering with more exposure than that poster.

Use obscure characters is something to pretend Marvel will crutch Sony for? ALL those characters have something coming up or have comics in the mix.

3 GotG box occupied the top 20 comic book sales in July. Outselling all X-Men and Avengers titles for the month.

All the other characters are in Original Sin and/or Axis. Marvel event comics take up another 2 slots in the top 10 best sold comics of the month in the months they are out. Also New Avengers is one of their most praised comics and Black Bolt is a main character in that.

Only one really unaccounted for is IF.

Those Guardians figures are already the numbers after it fell. Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sold 110k last July. Even after the drop RR will still be in the top 10 and Legendary Star Lord in the top 25

You don't promote MCU to all 120k spidey fans who read this comic :rofl: Ask anyone if they saw that ad and they'll tell you no.

****. This argument makes me hope that SONY truly keeps that weak *** superhero.

Also MP is a **** source known to make up info for clickbait.

Movie Pilot be like: Marvel is gonna stop making X-Men and F4 comics and prevent writers from using X-Men in crossovers.

Look at all these X-Men. That MP just said would cease to exist

View media item 1184229View media item 1184230View media item 1184231View media item 1184232View media item 1184233View media item 1184234View media item 1184239

Axis has literally been set up by AvX and Uncanny Avengers.
These are all from event and event tie ins

Blotters you know Axis and Time runs out are suppose to be Marvel events that change everything in the comics apparently. This could very well be what Marvel does to put the xmen away for some years. Also The death of wolverine is here sooooo...there may be some validity to the rumor about Marvel putting the xmen in a box for a while
Earth's Mightiest Heroes was awesome man. I was sad when they discontinued it. The new Avengers cartoon that they started up after they ended EMH took some getting used to, but it's pretty good too.

The biggest difference between the two shows that I miss? The Wasp. I liked her. And also the opening credit theme song. I miss that.

About the new cartoon, I dislike that we never see Black Widow. I don't think the animation is as good either.

That cartoon did so many things right. First cartoon I watched since JLU.

you owe it to yourself to watch this

View media item 1184465
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I feel like this thread is pretty active for being so many months away from release

And then I see the batman vs superman thread, 20 pages more WOW
To make money. They think aligning certain properties that are in the public eye on multiple platforms will make them more money.
Loeb is the head of Marvel tv. He oversees the animation and tv shows. I don't think I need to explain what he does right? He's dealing with the netflix shows, AOS, Agent Carter, and the cartoons. Quesada is Marvel Comics chief creative officer. He's the go between for publishing to every other part of Marvel entertainment. Outside of just his art duties with certain divisions he deals with all of the new projects on the multiple mediums to relay back to Marvel comics. Perhaps you don't understand the importance of these roles. These aren't producers and animators. If what you're saying is true those two dudes especially would know about these "subtle chess moves" you're pulling out your ***.

Again I don't think you're researching this stuff at all at this point. Just talking out your ***.

Name these higher ups. Outside of Feige who didn't I name? You want quotes from Ike P.? Perhaps the the Publisher of Marvel? Who exactly are you talking about that'll make what you're saying sound like smart "subtle chess move"? :lol:

Do you mean to tell me you want to take this all the way back to Disney? Despite it being widely reported for Marvel and many other companies that Disney owns that they leave their acquisitions to do them as long as they make money? Disney just gives the okay on ****. They're intertwined in how Marvel promotes and spreads their brand. They're not making day to day decisions on "subtle chess moves" I'd say this much though, if what you're saying had any truth to it they'd automatically have to be involved given the amount of money they'd have negotiate to do this with SONY which is unlikely given how much Marvel Studios is already making them and projected to make them as they continue and that they're already making money from SONY just by them continuing to make the Spidey movies after they just negotiated for the rights of everything else Spidey but the film rights.

Like I said man, you don't really know what you're talking about. I just named some of the main guys involved whose job is to coordinate, think up, and execute the success of the Marvel brand.
Seems to me you haven't grasped what I said then or now.

The films being the most important is exactly why what you're saying doesn't make sense. If Marvel was preparing for Spidey to be in the MCU they'd wouldn't use a poster as a clue. Cart before the horse man. The comics isn't dictating the films and neither is the video games. They're not clues either.
It's not a strategic move. If they know they're about to have something ready where these characters will have a buzz or be in a movie it would only make sense to prepare for their exposure. You should read some interviews in how this process commonly works. At times it's a suggestion, something like there's a lot of chatter about Nova right now so add him in the game. Sometimes it's taken, some times it's not.

Right now you've yet to establish how or why this poster thing makes sense.

You still haven't given me what I asked for either. You claimed your point is Marvel makes subtle chess moves. I'm asking for another instance where they did something like this that led to something else. If you seriously think adding a character to a video game is the foundation of what you're talking about you might as well stop now. They already own these characters. There's no negotiation with another studio. They just do it cuz they can. Isn't Wolverine in the video game? Where's your theory that he's crossing over? The Thing?
3 years ago what was the subtle chess move? 2011.

If it's the video game you're talking about then I gotta say you're really not aware about how this stuff works.

Zik you're trying to argue circles. I'll address these few points that stood out in your recent post. Again for MVC3 which is one of the "subtle chess moves" I've been mentioning that you keep dismissing then mentioning how it doesn't make sense I posted already that the initial release just catered to fans and brought back returning characters from the series like wolverine. When the update came out they only included characters with upcoming MCU projects that at the time the general public was unaware of like GotG characters and Dr Strange. Now 3 years later you can see what there motive was and they took the game off shelves because they didn't want to continue to promote the game because the core of the game is XMEN vs street fighter and marvel doesn't want to advertise them in media and animation any more. Again the core of the game for the marvel side were xmen. No xmen were added for the update or FF characters. Just characters that have future MCU projects.

Ok as far as the renegotiation that Sony and Marvel have, were you in the meeting? Because you keep stating that it was for merchandise as a fact. None of us know the details of what went down so please stop using that as a basis for your argument. What is a fact though is that Sony has come under financial trouble and ASM2 didn't do for the company what they wanted and as soon as box office numbers started rolling in Marvel and Sony had a sit down then we started getting blurry release dated for the spiderman films where as of a month before the ASM2 dropped we had a release window for ASM3 AND ASM4.....

Plus, have we not just discovered that Sony worked on the VFX for guardians? So does that make Sony an ally or a rival still? No serious question because where were the lawyers and all the legal jargon went down? If that subtle partnership just happened right under our nose why is it hard to believe that Marvel would make a play for Spiderman in whatever capacity to be involved in the MCU?

All in all this whole thing is speculation and it's fun to talk about this. I'm not spewing anything as fact, just little things I'm noticing here and there. You're refusing to address what I'm saying cuz you're deluded about this. For the most part you have displayed very thorough counter arguments and I like that we're able to have great nerdy discussions in here. I'll chill on my "reaching"....for now
That's not a subtle chess move. I'm not arguing in circles. You just don't have a reply to me telling you you're wrong about this. You don't have anything that is actual evidence or a clue about how this works. Video games and comic posters aren't leading to anything other thing than what they do.

Listen man I actually looked this stuff up when the news broke, if you just want to talk out your *** about video games and comic posters and how they'll hint to things in the movies go ahead but if you're not gonna even bother to look up details that are available what's the point?

You've still yet to provide an example of anything else that proves any of these statements that'd give credibility to the idea. There's a leap in logic you just refuse to acknowledge but since you've already admitted you're reaching I'm not surprised.\
I also mention that the advertising budget for the superminority comic readers is nowhere near as high so whats the problem? I forget it's selective amnesia with NTers. Dont act like it took so much money for them to release a 75th anniv poster that only nerds on the internet ever saw. There are literally ads for Magic the Gathering with more exposure than that poster.

Use obscure characters is something to pretend Marvel will crutch Sony for? ALL those characters have something coming up or have comics in the mix.

3 GotG box occupied the top 20 comic book sales in July. Outselling all X-Men and Avengers titles for the month.

All the other characters are in Original Sin and/or Axis. Marvel event comics take up another 2 slots in the top 10 best sold comics of the month in the months they are out. Also New Avengers is one of their most praised comics and Black Bolt is a main character in that.

Only one really unaccounted for is IF.

Those Guardians figures are already the numbers after it fell. Guardians of the Galaxy #5 sold 110k last July. Even after the drop RR will still be in the top 10 and Legendary Star Lord in the top 25

You don't promote MCU to all 120k spidey fans who read this comic :rofl: Ask anyone if they saw that ad and they'll tell you no.

****. This argument makes me hope that SONY truly keeps that weak *** superhero.

Also MP is a **** source known to make up info for clickbait.

Movie Pilot be like: Marvel is gonna stop making X-Men and F4 comics and prevent writers from using X-Men in crossovers.

Look at all these X-Men. That MP just said would cease to exist

View media item 1184229View media item 1184230View media item 1184231View media item 1184232View media item 1184233View media item 1184234View media item 1184239

Axis has literally been set up by AvX and Uncanny Avengers.
These are all from event and event tie ins

Blotters you know Axis and Time runs out are suppose to be Marvel events that change everything in the comics apparently. This could very well be what Marvel does to put the xmen away for some years. Also The death of wolverine is here sooooo...there may be some validity to the rumor about Marvel putting the xmen in a box for a while
That's actually not going to happen. Those are simply rumors gone too far about the Marvel and FOX relationship.

I don't get how anyone can think Marvel would decide to put away one of their highest selling comic franchises because of rights in other mediums. It's like ppl are ignoring to acknowledge that one of Marvel's biggest writers if not the biggest is helping the X-Men comics for the past 2 years now and has big plans for next year. I mean the editors and writers involved have directly said the opposite is happening.

It's just rumor mongering by hack comic sites so that they can get more hits from crazy X-Men fans that have a persecution complex.
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Blotters you know Axis and Time runs out are suppose to be Marvel events that change everything in the comics apparently. This could very well be what Marvel does to put the xmen away for some years. Also The death of wolverine is here sooooo...there may be some validity to the rumor about Marvel putting the xmen in a box for a while

"Marvel events that change everything in the comics "


Their highest selling comic franchise. Even much more so than Spidey. They aint goin nowhere.

Anyway your trolling is getting boring now. I was having fun until you said that.
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That's not a subtle chess move. I'm not arguing in circles. You just don't have a reply to me telling you you're wrong about this. You don't have anything that is actual evidence or a clue about how this works. Video games and comic posters aren't leading to anything other thing than what they do.

Listen man I actually looked this stuff up when the news broke, if you just want to talk out your *** about video games and comic posters and how they'll hint to things in the movies go ahead but if you're not gonna even bother to look up details that are available what's the point?

You've still yet to provide an example of anything else that proves any of these statements that'd give credibility to the idea. There's a leap in logic you just refuse to acknowledge but since you've already admitted you're reaching I'm not surprised.\
That's actually not going to happen. Those are simply rumors gone too far about the Marvel and FOX relationship.

I don't get how anyone can think Marvel would decide to put away one of their highest selling comic franchises because of rights in other mediums. It's like ppl are ignoring to acknowledge that one of Marvel's biggest writers if not the biggest is helping the X-Men comics for the past 2 years now and has big plans for next year. I mean the editors and writers involved have directly said the opposite is happening.

It's just rumor mongering by hack comic sites so that they can get more hits from crazy X-Men fans that have a persecution complex.

These details you've looked up, were they legal documentation? Or were they from hack comic sites? You're stance is that their is 100% no chance that Spiderman ends up in an MCU film. I'm trying to get you to understand that their is a chance, even if it is 1% that he does end up there (even though I think it's about 45% right now). Let's acknowledge a fact that neither one of us has disputed which is that Sony helped Marvel for the VFX portion of guardians. Is that alone not indicative of a partnership between companies who are suppose to be rivals, ESPECIALLY when Sony has rights to Marvel's star superhero? Is Sony the only company that can do visual effects?

We'll see who's right and wrong soon
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I feel like this thread is pretty active for being so many months away from release

And then I see the batman vs superman thread, 20 pages more WOW
I have no updates from that thread. This one is more active though because we have more to talk about.
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That's not a subtle chess move. I'm not arguing in circles. You just don't have a reply to me telling you you're wrong about this. You don't have anything that is actual evidence or a clue about how this works. Video games and comic posters aren't leading to anything other thing than what they do.

Listen man I actually looked this stuff up when the news broke, if you just want to talk out your *** about video games and comic posters and how they'll hint to things in the movies go ahead but if you're not gonna even bother to look up details that are available what's the point?

You've still yet to provide an example of anything else that proves any of these statements that'd give credibility to the idea. There's a leap in logic you just refuse to acknowledge but since you've already admitted you're reaching I'm not surprised.\
That's actually not going to happen. Those are simply rumors gone too far about the Marvel and FOX relationship.

I don't get how anyone can think Marvel would decide to put away one of their highest selling comic franchises because of rights in other mediums. It's like ppl are ignoring to acknowledge that one of Marvel's biggest writers if not the biggest is helping the X-Men comics for the past 2 years now and has big plans for next year. I mean the editors and writers involved have directly said the opposite is happening.

It's just rumor mongering by hack comic sites so that they can get more hits from crazy X-Men fans that have a persecution complex.

These details you've looked up, were they legal documentation? Or were they from hack comic sites? You're stance is that their is 100% no chance that Spiderman ends up in an MCU film. I'm trying to get you to understand that their is a chance, even if it is 1% that he does end up there (even though I think it's about 45% right now). Let's acknowledge a fact that neither one of us has disputed which is that Sony helped Marvel for the VFX portion of guardians. Is that alone not indicative of a partnership between companies who are suppose to be rivals, ESPECIALLY when Sony has rights to Marvel's star superhero? Is Sony the only company that can do visual effects?

We'll see who's right and wrong soon
Maybe you should look it up yourself and come back with a better informed opinion and possibly a better theory to concoct about Spidey being in the MCU?

At this point it don't matter if it were legal documents, direct comments from the ppl in charge or complete comic site speculation you're over here making up made up percentages for the chances of this going down :lol:

Like I said Mr. Fantastic reaching. You trying to add in some Elastic Man too now. I mean I knew you'd end up hanging your hat on that visual effects fact. It's the only credible thing you could use as support and the thing is you didn't even look that up yourself :lol: Aint really soon for me. You're wrong now. 10 years from now you'll probably still be talking about some Spider-Man crossover that's on the horizon.
Maybe you should look it up yourself and come back with a better informed opinion and possibly a better theory to concoct about Spidey being in the MCU?

At this point it don't matter if it were legal documents, direct comments from the ppl in charge or complete comic site speculation you're over here making up made up percentages for the chances of this going down :lol:

Like I said Mr. Fantastic reaching. You trying to add in some Elastic Man too now. I mean I knew you'd end up hanging your hat on that visual effects fact. It's the only credible thing you could use as support and the thing is you didn't even look that up yourself :lol: Aint really soon for me. You're wrong now. 10 years from now you'll probably still be talking about some Spider-Man crossover that's on the horizon.

Funny how you knew Id hang my hat on the guardians visual effects thing yet have not come up for an explanation for it....because you can't. I didn't have to look it up, my "reaching" brought about this hidden fact ( thanks E everysingletime for the ammo :lol: ) again this discussion is getting old so let's bury it for now.
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Sony helping out with the visual effects on GotG just means they can work together on a Marvel movie. Doesn't indicate anything definitive about a Spidey collaboration, although it does leave the door open..

Like I said before, I'd rather not go there because that's just leaving my heart open to get A town stomped on :lol:
Maybe you should look it up yourself and come back with a better informed opinion and possibly a better theory to concoct about Spidey being in the MCU?

At this point it don't matter if it were legal documents, direct comments from the ppl in charge or complete comic site speculation you're over here making up made up percentages for the chances of this going down :lol:

Like I said Mr. Fantastic reaching. You trying to add in some Elastic Man too now. I mean I knew you'd end up hanging your hat on that visual effects fact. It's the only credible thing you could use as support and the thing is you didn't even look that up yourself :lol: Aint really soon for me. You're wrong now. 10 years from now you'll probably still be talking about some Spider-Man crossover that's on the horizon.

Funny how you knew Id hang my hat on the guardians visual effects thing yet have not come up for an explanation for it....because you can't. I didn't have to look it up, my "reaching" brought about this hidden fact ( thanks E everysingletime for the ammo :lol: ) again this discussion is getting old so let's bury it for now.
What you mean explanation for it? Have you not been reading the posts in the thread? When it was brought up I directly addressed it and when I asked for specifics and details, guess what? They were provided and I addressed that too.

I ask you about your Max Landis nonsense you go ghost, I try to clarify that Osborn rumor in Avengers you go ghost, ignore it and then bring it up in another post anyway :lol: Then after a few replies you just repeat all the same garbage you brought up the first time around with more nonsense added like video game characters added and then say other ppl are arguing in circles and that your points aren't being understood or ignored when they were all directly addressed.

You just throwing **** at the wall and waiting to see what sticks.
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