WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

By the time CW comes out, make that 3 good movies

He about to have the best trilogy out of all the solo movies

Cap is that great :pimp:
:lol: at people actually watching this movie to see Captain America
They keep fronting like Cap is some fan favorite star or what made TWS a great movie was Cap :lol:

People legit fooling themselves into thinking that Captain America's the most popular hero in the MCU, or any Marvel property for that matter. They're not gonna end this film with Tony looking like a chump. :lol:
Yeah. Its like they forgot the MCU started with IM's success and he has been their poster boy since.

So how yall figure a movie based off a comic where Tony won would have Cap win?

Also we gonna have to disagree. Cap has one great movie and that's it.

I'd take IM3 over Cap1. The first Cap movie really aint no different than Thor1 to me.
IM3 just goes to show how much of an insecure, careless, emotional, irrational character tony is

cant wait for a MCU without the selfish prick 
I'd rather pass a kidney stone than watch IM3 again.

Who was the villain in IM2? Exactly. Ain't nobody going to the movies to see a 50 year old dude struggle to accept himself on some 15 year old girl ish.
To this day, The Hulk is the only film I've ever fallen asleep in the theater while watching. That is easily the worst MCU film to me.
I fell asleep watching green lantern, woke up to a yellow cloud..

Also went and saw open range with my dad and passed out quick
They end every movie with tony looking like a chump though
:lol: What movie endings have you been watching?

IM1 - Reveals to the world he's IM like a boss.
IM2 - Chills with his girl, eats donuts, and celebrates after saving his company and beating a traitor.
Avengers - Saves the world single-handedly from an alien invasion and then drives off in his car LIKE A BOSS.
IM3 - Saves the president with his homey and then after his girl kills the bad guy he has the shrapnel removed from his heart so he no longer needs an arc reactor to live while getting over his PPTSD like a boss.
AOU - Saves the world with his team and then hands the keys to the Avengers to Cap with a new facility he paid for and drives off in his car like a boss.
^LOL at every film ending with Tony looking like a chump. People be making **** up to try to make Old Man America look better. The equipment his team uses, trains with, and the facility they operate out of all came from Tony Stark. :rofl: A good number of the other Avengers pull more weight than Captain America does. Son had a new team at the end of AoU and three of them have already defected to Tony's side. Dude is trash. :lol:

Tony's not taking any L's in Civil War.
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at the end of the movie he is either shook and it shows the next few movies or does some sad act to get attention because he needs to be loved

dude is lame as hell, pretty much what we would get if lebron was a superhero

its not enough saving the day he has to make everything about himself

most of his problems are because he cant handle his own business and constantly disrespects other people

all ironman is good for is getting to see a cool new suit every movie, the character of tony needs to be retired 
IM3 just goes to show how much of an insecure, careless, emotional, irrational character tony is

cant wait for a MCU without the selfish prick 
Aint happening any time soon :lol:

IM3 is the worst mcu film in existence. I'd rather watch the teletubbies than watch that trash again.

I'd rather pass a kidney stone than watch IM3 again.
Who was the villain in IM2? Exactly. Ain't nobody going to the movies to see a 50 year old dude struggle to accept himself on some 15 year old girl ish.
How you go from IM3 to IM2? IM2 is worse than IM3.

I'll stick to enjoying IM3 before I watch Cap1. To each his own.

To this day, The Hulk is the only film I've ever fallen asleep in the theater while watching. That is easily the worst MCU film to me.
You fell asleep watching Incredible Hulk or Ang Lee's Hulk?

Lee's Hulk was very slow paced and dry. Don't understand it if you mean IH.
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IM2 is boring

IM3 is offensively bad

cap has gotten better every movie, IM has gotten worse 

IM1 was 8 years ago, marvel needs to let it go 
Ang Lees Hulk, IH is still the bottom tier to be but it was ok and had entertaining parts. Ang Lees Hulk has no redeeming qualities to me outside of Jennifer Connoly. Even made a fight between Hulk and hulk dogs boring.
IM2 is boring

IM3 is offensively bad

cap has gotten better every movie, IM has gotten worse 

IM1 was 8 years ago, marvel needs to let it go 

Can't believe it was 8 years ago. Kinda seems like yesterday I went to watch it.

What I can't wait to see:

Flashbacks of 7 year old Peter during the alien invasion. If it doesn't happen in CW, would like to see it in the solo movie. :pimp:


Ignore me. In my head A1 was in 2008 for a second.
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IM2 is boring

IM3 is offensively bad

cap has gotten better every movie, IM has gotten worse 

IM1 was 8 years ago, marvel needs to let it go 
Your problem here is that Cap movies have gotten better (there's only been 2 so it's not some long track record of improvement) but Cap has not become a bigger star for it :lol:

Iron Man surprisingly has become bigger. His showing in Avengers completely had that pay off in IM3.

There's nothing to let go. Iron Man has a proven track record over 3 solo movies and making him the main guy in Avengers. They fell back on that in AOU a bit and got what they got.

Just from a success standpoint, they have no reason to think it's not working. Nothing is pointing to them setting Cap as the next figurehead. That'd only change if Civil War does 2 billi.

It's probably why the last 2 IM flicks had more improvising and ad libbing. The opinions of a few and story quality haven't affected the bottom line. Only change going on now is Feige introducing these new character they want to establish.

So yeah I'm not putting stock in IM3 being offensively bad looking at the actual worst comic book movies out there :lol: Not buying it.
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Cap about to give Vision that work
by offering him a job on the wining team 
Cap was a hero before tony was a single sperm cell in his fathers nutsack though.

Cap is not losing in his own movie.

There's a reason it's captain America civil war and not just marvel civil war

Bruh cap gon die. We know this.
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