WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Hey everyone, lamekilla wants attention again...

"Someone try to convince me to change an opinion that I won't ever change... oh no one will do it? That's what I thought"

Guardians is a good movie. It's funny, interesting characters, great soundtrack, expands the MCU in a way that doesn't feel shoehorned, and some cool action sequences. No one is saying you have to love it or praise it, but it's an objectively good movie. Oh boo hoo social media praised a movie that you didn't love... and that matters why exactly? 

What on Earth is the big deal about Rocket crying? That was part of his character development.. the initial impression of a tough and hard character is softened by his past experiences and frustrations. He's damaged, flawed, and that's why they showed him lashing out and crying.. plus him crying over Groot makes sense considering they're partners and best friends. No one is trying to convince you that you have to LOVE those character beats.. but it's really not as big of a deal as you make it. That's why they were in the movie, it's how you make well-rounded, three dimensional characters. Give them backstory, give them flaws, give them an arc. 

The best part of guardians came in the first 30 mins and had nothing to do with the guardians themselves. It was Thanos. Other than that the only memorable part was the scene with the Celestials and the Collector is telling the story about the gems. Other than that the movie is trash. Nobody has yet to tell me why Rocket Raccoon cried more than he fired a gun.

Is anybody up for that challenge, without basically reiterating how garbage Guardians was? No? Ok.
He had one emotional speech and one cry.... Peter Parker spent more time crying in AS2 than he did fighting the Green Goblin. 
Liked TMNT

Just wish it had been Anna Kendrick instead of Megan Fox as April.

As for GotG, the sequel just has to have better action beats - especially during the climax - and it will be golden. The dancing and the hand holding worked but doubt they can do something similar for the sequel without more fans complaining.
Megan fox should only be in one type of movie and it's not the type you want at your local AMC theatre

How in the world did she get all these major roles without any talent at all
Liked TMNT

Just wish it had been Anna Kendrick instead of Megan Fox as April.

As for GotG, the sequel just has to have better action beats - especially during the climax - and it will be golden. The dancing and the hand holding worked but doubt they can do something similar for the sequel without more fans complaining.
Megan fox should only be in one type of movie and it's not the type you want at your local AMC theatre

How in the world did she get all these major roles without any talent at all
She (was) hot.

Now not so much.
The blasphemy in this threat is ridiculous.....

To bash any movie in the mcu is just crazy...
Each film is its own film u can't exactly compare any to another cause there are all different and ment to be that way. All the iron man movies have different tones same with any first marvel movie then there sequal..
Some people like some movies over the others plain and simple..
Only people truely aloud to bash the mcu movies are true marvel fans that been reading comics and watching cartoons and all that there hole life...
If you just watch the movies and give ur opinion you don't no squat simple as that..
Liked TMNT

Just wish it had been Anna Kendrick instead of Megan Fox as April.

As for GotG, the sequel just has to have better action beats - especially during the climax - and it will be golden. The dancing and the hand holding worked but doubt they can do something similar for the sequel without more fans complaining.
Megan fox should only be in one type of movie and it's not the type you want at your local AMC theatre

How in the world did she get all these major roles without any talent at all

She (was) hot.

Now not so much.

This must've been my wallpaper for like 3 years staright back in the day :lol:

I can't believe it's almost a decade old :wow:

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Whenever a new leaked photo pops up online, I usually know that RFX probably already posted the HQ/Ninjahood sized photo here
I appreciate his posts, I'm usually in the loop on everything and some things RFX posts had slipped right by me.
Guardians of the Galaxy better than Winter Soldier?
The disrespect.

You're really gonna tell me that this ****

is better than this


**** outta here

Guardians of the Galaxy had one of the worst endings in the MCU by far.
 but they're about even to be honest.
The blasphemy in this threat is ridiculous.....

To bash any movie in the mcu is just crazy...
Each film is its own film u can't exactly compare any to another cause there are all different and ment to be that way. All the iron man movies have different tones same with any first marvel movie then there sequal..
Some people like some movies over the others plain and simple..
Only people truely aloud to bash the mcu movies are true marvel fans that been reading comics and watching cartoons and all that there hole life...
If you just watch the movies and give ur opinion you don't no squat simple as that..

Well if that's the case then I certainly qualify regardless.
Tony naturally shines bruh. Don't be mad at it.
nothing natural about driving a flashy car, giving his suit bright colors, announcing things to the media for the sake of attention, acting a fool at court hearings

the guy is just hurt and always looking for attention because his own father didn't show him any love

now he's about to get washed by grampa steve and the dude who killed his daddy 
He's a billionaire. It's natural for that breed of wealth.

Now you just trying to police my dudes American right to express himself. Typical Cap supporter, infringing on our rights :smh:

Sound jealous talking about he's hurt. Famous ppl don't need to do things for attention, they just naturally get it.
bill gates and elon musk dont need the attention he needs, they let their products do the talking
And yet they both get the attention any time they open their mouths.

I think the jealousy is stemming from Tony not being your typical nerd genius billionaire but an actual celebrity on top of it :smh:

he has every right to express himself, and I have every right to judge him as the clown he is. just like how kim k has every right to express herself.
You straight up talking about what Tony does and doesn't need to do. Trying to dictate his actions. Can't cover it up with I'm just criticizing him :lol:

Stop putting your standards on him. You aint him.

I just had dinner with my dad the other night. I'm not an alcoholic.
You also aint wealthy or a genius. I see the envy.

I get good sleep at night because I have good mental health. I dont have to worry about people wanting to kill me all the time.
Sometimes that's the price a superhero has to pay when he saves the world. Don't worry about Tony's problems, worry about your own.
I would hate to get the attention he's getting.
We get it. You're not him and never could be. You can't handle his life or his problems. You're simply not built with that level of resilience and perseverance.

I already knew that.
I don't need to live with the fact that my entire life has been dedicated to creating weapons that kill people. Why would I be jealous of tony stark?
I dunno. Clearly something is going in your life that you haven't revealed that got you jealous beyond reproach.

I can't help you. Go see a therapist.
Is Deadpool better than GoTG?
The movie just came out. Control your fanboyism.
The balls NTers have. Captain America is one of us and posts in this thread and yall still bad mouth him :/

When he's swinging Mjonir in IW yall will understand then.

IM can never be as great. All he can be is a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist that can make toys that almost end the world ej. Ultron
Look at you already reaching to a movie years from now for Cap to be "great" :lol:
Clearly there's nothing worth destroying in California

Cali might as well be one of the Dakotas.
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Some of the things said in here has got to stop.

To say Capt 1 is good is a slap in the face to how actually great TWS was. The reason why TWS is so good is because how bad the first was. If TWS was the sequel to say.. Iron Man 1, it wouldn't be held as highly as it is because Iron Man 1 is great in itself. Listen.. Going great to great is meh. No one cares if Lebron does 28/7/6 because he's been doing it. Going from bad to great gets attention.

People are saying Captain America has better films than Iron Man.. Stop it! The First Avenger is arguably one of the worst films in the MCU. I've said this before, the movie was completely rushed and was squeezed in right before Avengers dropped. Story lacked, poor directing, poor special effects. First half was detailed and second half was completely rushed. To respect and love captain is to understand his importance. Now they did a nice job building him up to the point where he became Capt but after that, what? It was just all rushed. Just flash sequences. If they had taken the time to deliver the second half of the film like the first, it would've been a much better movie. Best thing the film had going was Hayley Atwell as Peggy. I liked Hugo as Red Skull too.

Also, I don't understand why people don't get Iron Man 3. It's really simple.. Is Iron Man the man or the suit? Take it all away and is Tony still Iron Man? He had no suit. He thought he was done. He reminds himself (with some help) that it's he who makes the suit not the other way around. That's why at the end of the credits it says "Tony Stark will return" not Iron Man will. My boy said it best "Iron Man 3 is the movie version of Eminem's album 'Recovery'". With the PTSD and anxiety it's clear this film is about finding himself.
Without Tony, Loki would be ruling Earth as we speak. Without Cap, Avengers still would've won. Just being honest. Without Tony Ultron would be the only thing on the planet right now.

People fault Tony for Ultron, but can you really blame him? He seen what was in store for Earth through the wormhole. He did what he thought was going to help. Ultron took a phrase he heard come from Tony and ran with it. Like your kid overhearing something you said without hearing or understanding the whole conversation. It's not like he programmed him to destroy the planet.
Without Tony, Loki would be ruling Earth as we speak. Without Cap, Avengers still would've won. Just being honest. Without Tony Ultron would be the only thing on the planet right now.

People fault Tony for Ultron, but can you really blame him? He seen what was in store for Earth through the wormhole. He did what he thought was going to help. Ultron took a phrase he heard come from Tony and ran with it. Like your kid overhearing something you said without hearing or understanding the whole conversation. It's not like he programmed him to destroy the planet.
As I said, Lebrun of the MCU

Excuses on excuses
Hey everyone, lamekilla wants attention again...

"Someone try to convince me to change an opinion that I won't ever change... oh no one will do it? That's what I thought"

Guardians is a good movie. It's funny, interesting characters, great soundtrack, expands the MCU in a way that doesn't feel shoehorned, and some cool action sequences. No one is saying you have to love it or praise it, but it's an objectively good movie. Oh boo hoo social media praised a movie that you didn't love... and that matters why exactly? 

What on Earth is the big deal about Rocket crying? That was part of his character development.. the initial impression of a tough and hard character is softened by his past experiences and frustrations. He's damaged, flawed, and that's why they showed him lashing out and crying.. plus him crying over Groot makes sense considering they're partners and best friends. No one is trying to convince you that you have to LOVE those character beats.. but it's really not as big of a deal as you make it. That's why they were in the movie, it's how you make well-rounded, three dimensional characters. Give them backstory, give them flaws, give them an arc. 

I like my comic book characters based off of the source material. Rocket is the oldest out of all the Guardians members in terms of his first publication history so I was expecting him to be the star of the film. The film was so out there and was so different from what Marvel had been giving us. I was never a fan of the Guardians and Bendis' run made me hate them even more but I was eccstatic at the idea that this would be the movie to expand the marvel cinematic universe...and then it came out. Pure cheesiness. James Gunn took these characters and made them straight C-tier. Age of Ultron did more for expanding the MCU than this film. They should've been outlaws in space instead they're some rag tag group ran by a cornball that come together through love and companionship :stoneface: Star Lord is suppose to be a master tactician, someone who could rally troops in times if desperation. Chris Pratt was a herb the whole movie. James Gunn took "Now that's what I call music 70's edition" and slapped it in final edit for the soundtrack and you guys ate it up too. And then Rocket Racoon, the only character that had a chance to be 100% like his comic book counterpart...was awful. My gripe isn't Rocket Racoon crying, my gripe is that ROCKET RACCOON CRIED MORE THAN HE FIRED A GUN! like it was absolutely ridiculous. I was expecting for him to have a gun for every situation. To be pulling out guns from underneath his sleeves that were bigger than him. Instead we got....

...instead we got this. It was a travesty what they did to them in this movie.

He had one emotional speech and one cry.... Peter Parker spent more time crying in AS2 than he did fighting the Green Goblin. 

Rocket Raccoon cried when he was called a vermin, cried when Groot was in the midst of sacrificing himself and cried once he saw Groot was in thousands of pieces....

Rocket Raccoon fired a gun when they were trying to escape from the jail.... And........and........ Um...... Howard the duck was in it too! :rolleyes

Spiderman cried based on something from the source material. Something that was he was very distraught from in the comics SOMETHING THAT CHANGED SPIDERMAN COMICS, MARVEL COMICS AND COMICS IN GENERAL FOREVER...No big deal, we just saw one of the most defining moments in comic book history played out on the big screen. Show me Peter Quill dancing in The Guardians comics and Rocket Raccoon crying in the comics so we can end this. Wait, that's not how their characters are in the comics? Really?? Oh.

Only people truely aloud to bash the mcu movies are true marvel fans that been reading comics and watching cartoons and all that there hole life...
If you just watch the movies and give ur opinion you don't no squat simple as that..

Clearly there are a lot of people that don't know squat. But I promise you there are only 7-8 people in this thread who knew who the Guardians were before the movie was announced. Then you have people who never heard of Thanos before the end credit scene in Avengers, but I digress. Let Disney put y'all on game cause many are lost.
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