WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

You can save the whole "If you don't know the comics you don't know squat". THAT'S ridiculous. This isn't the comic book thread, it's the MCU  thread. I'm strictly interested in these as movies, not as how faithful they are to the source material.

Now if you can make a great movie and  be faithful to the source material, then that's awesome. But if we wanted the most accurate representation of these characters, then we should read the comics.

It doesn't grant you a greater and more powerful opinion just because you're well-versed in the comics. Based off the movie, there was nothing wrong with Rocket getting emotional. Like I said, it added to his development and made him a more well-rounded character. Sorry that Star Lord wasn't the same character from the comics, but the character we got in the movie was fine. 

And Rocket did plenty of shooting, it's such a weird thing to get hung up on.
That 'if you don't read comics you don't know squat' dude been ghost for a couple pages, now I believe.

But yea, agree - no real need for comic book elitism in this thread.
Ooo yes ghost for a couple of pages....
Silly person.....
My comment was simple u ppl nit pick and complain about movies in the mcu when u simply shouldn't... All the mcu movies are great in there own way including im3.... Am I saying it was the best, no most definitely am not.....
But I stand by my comment only dire hard comic fans should b able to complain about the movies.... And there favorite character not having the same story or back ground that's all
Ooo yes ghost for a couple of pages....
Silly person.....
My comment was simple u ppl nit pick and complain about movies in the mcu when u simply shouldn't... All the mcu movies are great in there own way including im3.... Am I saying it was the best, no most definitely am not.....
But I stand by my comment only dire hard comic fans should b able to complain about the movies.... And there favorite character not having the same story or back ground that's all

I'm sorry, i'm so damn sorry. Tony Stark is one of the best characters in the MCU and is the reason we can even look forward to Civil War or Infinity War in a few years (And most definitely the reason we can get films of less known properties like Guardians of the Galaxy and the Inhumans), but Iron Man 3 was straight trash. :smh: The best parts of the film were when Rhodey jumped out of his armor and started attacking Killian and his goons, the opening, and the final conflict with all the armors at the end. They took The Mandarin, the biggest, baddest, Iron Man villain, Tony Stark's Lex Luthor, his Joker, his Green Goblin, and made him into a ******* joke. And I don't wanna hear any **** about how Aldrich Killian was the "real Mandarin" and the Kingsley's character was a fakeout. That shouldn't have been the ******* case in the first place! Nobody wanted to see that ****! I'm as open to new interpretations of character's as a longtime comic book fan can be, but that was just bad writing. Every single trailer set you up for a dark, serious film where Tony's going up against this badass terrorist-type enemy and instead we find out that that guy's just some coked up actor pretending to be the Mandarin for the cameras, while the guy behind it all is some dude that's salty about Tony blowing him off ten years ago. That's not scary. That's not even intimidating or worthy of some small bit of respect. Its pathetic.

Killian is easily one of the worst villains we have seen in an MCU film so far and if your villain doesn't provide a suitable counterpart to your hero then that's a major problem with your film. Obadiah Stane? Iron ******* Monger?! He was a solid villain. Closely related to Tony, business savvy, moving pieces behind the scenes to betray someone who considered him a friend, and gaining his own suit to use to challenge Tony equally. Still think he should've been built up and saved for the second film for a larger payoff, but what we had was solid. Vanko? Whiplash/Crimson Dynamo? Could've been better, went a similar route as Stane by using the same tech as Tony, but in a different way, and he was aided by Hammer. He then served as a counterpart to Tony as well. Whereas Stane was older and a corrupt version of Tony's father, Vanko was a rougher, more criminalized version of Tony, without the silver spoon in his mouth, but still very intelligent in his own right. In both cases there's a connection to Tony, a type of possible scenario as to what Tony Stark could have been in another life and they challenge him in different ways, along with the personal issues he already has going on in his life. Killian? Only thing he's got going on is that Tony Stark pretty much had everything he always wanted and now that he's fixed himself up he wants revenge, while also plotting to further profit from wars with his exploding soldiers. And to add insult to injury, the dude is just a rehash of Syndrome from Incredibles and Riddler from Batman Forever at the end of the day in terms of primary motivation motive. Maybe if they'd had him be another character or the side villaion to Kingsley's Mandarin this wouldn't have been so bad, but they didn't and it was terrible. Those two films did it better with the villain being butt hurt over the hero rejecting him and Dark Knight Rises did it better with one villain not actually being the final villain.

The destruction of the suits at the end of the film was pointless. It was pointless when you watched the film because you know that whatever decision Tony comes to about whether the suits matter or not that he's going to be back in one by the time Age of Ultron rolls around, which he indeed was, and there's not even any explanation provided as to why he decided to blow up all those suits and then just go on to make more anyways. May as well have Captain America throw away his shield, try to play it up as some big event, and then in the next film he's using it again like nothing happened. :smh: Extremis as a concept, which in the comics was actually used to provide an interesting discussion about the continuing evolution of Iron Man and his armors in al world where amazing technology already exists, but even more amazing technology is being created all the time, was completely wasted. Again, I don't like to harp on about films not being like the source material, but the comic storyline was just plain better, with Extremis being used to give a natural upgrade to the character of Iron Man. Here? He's not only downgraded, but he's downgraded after the film was building up reasons why an upgrade would be a good thing. We basically got the bare bones of it, some exploding goons for Killian to throw at Tony, Pepper was infected with it, and then it was cured and forgotten about, just like Tony's PTSD. When we first saw that he was suffering mentally after what happened to him at the end of Avengers, panic attacks, inability to sleep, insistant need to work to take his mind off things, I thought that was one of the best concepts we'd seen in the MCU in terms of characterization. It was powerful, it fit the character, and it made sense. It was also solved by an annoying brat telling him to do the same exact thing that he'd been doing for months since The Avengers anyways. :smh: There's well done comic book type silliness, such as Hulk punching Thor in the middle of an alien invasion, and there's that trash, which doesn't even really go into how annoying that kid was in the film.

After hyping my girlfriend at the time up for that film and spending countless hours convincing her to go see it with me I damn near apologized to her for wasting her time at the end of that film.

By the time that this

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happens, I'm in the exact same mindset as Tony. "Whatever" :rolleyes
Started watching vikings, I'm all in on Katheryn winnick being captain marvel

She got black belts taboot
Iron Man is winning?

Smh this thread -_-

I see you guys aren't fans of freedom
Bunch of communists 
I hate how one set of promos its Agent 13 and the other is SW, starting to get annoying. 
I dislike even more how it seems that her head is just photoshopped on to a female body in an all black black-op suit.

Looks real bad.

I wonder if she dies in this now.

Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes &Athletic... sounds like Hitler's ideal superhuman :smh:

You take that back, sir!
Facts are facts.

Never knew what Joe and Jack were going for with that look.

Should've made Steve a Jew.
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Kurt Russell included in the cast

Marvel Studios has begun principal photography at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” which is slated to hit U.S. theaters on May 5, 2017. The production will shoot at Atlanta’s Pinewood Studios.

“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” is written and directed by James Gunn (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Slither”). The film marks the return of the original Guardians, including Chris Pratt (“Jurassic World,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”) as Peter Quill/Star-Lord; Zoe Saldana (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Star Trek Into Darkness”) as Gamora; Dave Bautista (“Spectre,” “Guardians of the Galaxy”) as Drax; Vin Diesel (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Furious 7”) as the voice of Groot; Bradley Cooper (“Joy,” “American Sniper”) as the voice of Rocket; Michael Rooker (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Jumper”) as Yondu; Karen Gillan (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “The Big Short”) as Nebula; and Sean Gunn (“Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Gilmore Girls”) as Kraglin. New cast members include Pom Klementieff (“Oldboy”) as Mantis, Elizabeth Debicki (“The Great Gatsby,” “Everest”), Chris Sullivan (“The Knick,” “The Drop”) Kurt Russell (“The Hateful Eight,” “Furious 7”). James Gunn has confirmed via Facebook that six-time Academy Award-nominated actress Glenn Close will be returning as Nova Prime in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”.

Set to the all-new sonic backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” continues the team’s adventures as they unravel the mystery of Peter Quill’s true parentage.


But Pinewood is Marvel's official movie studio. It's insane that the studio is literally 10 mins from my house. I caught some of the Civil War filming so I'll try and see if I can catch some of guardians 2. Dr. Strange I believe has been filming but it's been very quiet. Spiderman will be filming out here as well too :D
But Pinewood is Marvel's official movie studio. It's insane that the studio is literally 10 mins from my house.
you live in England???

The first time I went over there to visit an old roommate he lived like right down the street from the studio.

They just started filming the first Guardians at the time. Threw me for a loop
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