WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

If thats the case what if we get bucky in an agent carter episode showing that.

I know it wont happen but would be cool
Don't believe that Zola was speaking of Bucky, but of Hydra in general in that scene. Still could've been Bucky of course, but I doubt he's the only person in the organization that they've had kill people over the years.
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Don't believe that Zola was speaking of Bucky, but of Hydra in general in that scene. Still could've been Bucky of course, but I doubt he's the only person in the organization that they've had kill people over the years.

Good. Murked the parents, now to murk the son.
Olsen on SW and Vision connection

"I think there’s something unique in the fact that her powers come from the same thing that powers him, and that is how we’ve made them have that kind of… that specifically in common, as opposed to it being something else that the comics kind of created, which has been pure romance. But they do have something uniquely special because of that."

Did I miss something? When did they share the same power source? SW gets her powers from the stone?
She does? Thought she already had her powers when she volunteered for Struckers experiments?
I forget. How did Von Strucker get his hands on the scepter again?

I'd like to know this too, as I'm sure it's more complicated then them just leaving it atop Stark Tower and it was just looted like the rest of the technology all over the city explanation I give my wife every time she asks me
You'd think Thor would have taken it to Asgard when he left with Loki. Someone swiped it either during the fall of SHIELD or after the Battle of NY.
I could've sworn Thor used the scepter to take him and Loki home


No I remember now. That was the tesseract.

The scepter was always in shield's possession. They were using it to make wmds. Could've been pilfered by hydra at anytime.


I'm sorry again. That was the tesseract they were using to build the wmds
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Yeah it was the cube in a case thing that transported them back

I still think Loki was playing everyone for fools in Avengers 1. His plan was to get home.
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Has it been verified that Tony finds out Winter Soldier killed his parents in Civil War?

Wait .. WS killed Tony's parents?
They're still dancing around it lol i think it's gonna be a big reveal in CW

It is implied that Hydra killed Howard Stark. I think we can say that. I think that’s all we know, for sure, is that they did that. Bucky killed a lot of people. That’s perhaps more important. When Bucky wakes up, or gets some semblance of his humanity back, if he were to get some semblance of his humanity back, how does he feel about the long list of kills on his record?

RFX is team IM?


Say it isn't so....

This whole thread is compromised. Abandon ship!

I've been pretty neutral so far, just posting up updates as usual and watch as chaos ensue

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Don't even remember the last time I saw Jessica Alba in a film. Then again i've also never been a major fan anyways :lol:
Word she barely acts anymore except for in those crazy Mexican related movies like Machete or something she already committed to like Sin City.

Besides she's a billionaire now she don't need to act ever again.
Sarah Michelle Geller for Mary Jane ! There I said it
And George Clooney for Norman Osborn.
:lol: Sarah is fine but too old.
She does? Thought she already had her powers when she volunteered for Struckers experiments?
I think Strucker's experiments were based off of the stone? Those were the small details in the movie not focused on a lot.
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