WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

It's got to add up to 100 percent

50 percent plus 49 percent is 99 percent

Obviously, Tony stole the other 1 percent
Team Justice
Bucky's going to shine up his metal hand real nice and slap the ish out of tony's team.
Black panther a black batman??? The disrespect....BP would wash batman

And WS bout to wash the IM team
I'm a Marvel guy, but with prep time, I don't think anyone (besides the obvious) could take Bats. You think of prep time and the two names that instantly come to mind are Bats and Doom
I thought Dr. Strange was going to be the greatest CBM of 2016? :nerd:

I was thinking Suicide Squad (despite starring Will Smith smh) would be the breakout film that Deadpool is.

Always thought Civil War would have the highest gross
He's referring to dude keep saying Dr. Strange was gonna be the real breakout hit of the year and he wasn't all that hopeful about CW cuz of w/e opinion he had about Marvel on some movie decisions. He has changed his tune a bit.
Who do you guys think will have a bigger opening weekend domestically? BvS or Civil War?
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Based on the article rfx posted last night, I dont think the movie is going to mention inhumans. Probably would be the only disappointment I feel about the movie so far
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Who do you guys think will have a bigger opening weekend domestically? BvS or Civil War?

BvS might have the bigger weekend opening because Batman and Superman in the same movie is unprecedented. I feel either way, CW is going to have longer legs.
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