Well Seattle, Looks Like You Can Smoke Freely

The Seattle Hemp Festival in 2013 will be :smokin

You do realize almost everyone at Hempfest (including the organizers) was against this initiative, right? They'll probably have signs up talking about how they are so oppressed by the new laws. This law was targeted at ending prohibition, allowing law enforcement to fight real crime, and avoiding 10,000 annual arrests. It wasn't about a bunch of stoners being able to toke up.

And as already stated, you can't smoke in public.
Damn, I might move. It was raining today, I had my highway 420 tee on, it only felt right to :smokin on the block but I didn't. Now there's a place where I can.
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The Seattle Hemp Festival in 2013 will be :smokin

You do realize almost everyone at Hempfest (including the organizers) was against this initiative, right? They'll probably have signs up talking about how they are so oppressed by the new laws. This law was targeted at ending prohibition, allowing law enforcement to fight real crime, and avoiding 10,000 annual arrests. It wasn't about a bunch of stoners being able to toke up.

And as already stated, you can't smoke in public.

Don't really care about the voting demographics but my point: they already smoke in public at the Hempfest and the cops look the other way. Now that its official, expect all the hermits and reclusive smokers and tourists to be celebrating out in full force.
did you forget that the Cali stoners somehow were persuaded to vote against that prop, saying that it will lead to big business taking over their weed with increased prices lol The prop was voted down in 2010.
Then they did the same thing with the same reasoning this year to GMO labeling.
Same tactics from the big companies every year smh

Oh trust me I haven't forgotten that...... I try to pretend that never happened but now that you've thrown it in my face I will be crying myself to sleep tonight.

Though Washington’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law won’t formally take effect until December 6th, prosecutors in the state’s largest counties are already treating it as the law of the land.

In King County, where Seattle is located, prosecutors announced last Friday plans to dismiss some 175 misdemeanor cases involving pot possession of less than one ounce by individuals over 21.
“Although the effective date of I-502 is not until Dec. 6, there is no point in continuing to seek criminal penalties for conduct that will be legal next month,”
said King County prosecutor Dan Satterberg.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Pierce County prosecutor Mark Lindquist, who told local media outlets the second most populous county (behind King County) would dismiss “about four dozen” misdemeanor marijuana cases.
“The people have spoken through this initiative,” Lindquist told the Seattle Times. “And as a practical matter, I don’t think you could sell a simple marijuana case to a jury after this initiative passed.”
Changes to law enforcement policy were also taking place, with King County Sheriff Steve Strachan saying in a statement that adults over 21 caught with an ounce of pot or less would not be arrested, effective immediately.

Despite the fast-moving reforms, residents of Washington should be aware that marijuana remains illegal in the state until next month, and even then, some restrictions still apply.

A Bremerton native who was busted smoking pot inside a parked car near a public park told the police officer he saw on the news that pot was legal. Before hauling the man off to jail, the cop helpfully reminded him that Initiative 502, which doesn’t take effect until December 6th, doesn’t cover smoking marijuana in public spaces, and certainly doesn’t cancel out charges of driving under the influence.
I don't smoke but this is good news.

Props to the 206. First of many. Conservative states like mine (Alabama) will forever hold true to the historical stigma and traditional prejudices of the ganja.

As soon as I get out of the military I'm heading straight to Seattle to see the top of the space needle :pimp:
Just watched a news report on this. It sounds good to me, they're also throwing some cases out. The only thing I don't like is if you're pulled over while driving and the officer believes you're driving under the influence he can request a blood draw. I've read conflicting things about the actual detection windows from its being possibly 1-2 days to around 2 weeks in heavy users. Why not use a saliva test?
As of right NOW, its still somewhat illegal..Until there's a way for the state to distribute (next year), they might say you obtained it illegally...So to all my fellow Washingtonians just be careful. And from what I've read the DUI part of 502 is wack as ****.
Even though marijuana is now legal there, an employer can still screen for it and choose to not to hire you based on the results.

An employer or hiring manage might believe that weed smokers have less desirable traits than non-smokers.
As if there wasn’t enough reason to move to Seattle already, the following blog post was published on Seattle.Gov:

Written By Jonah Spangenthal-Lee

The people have spoken. Voters have passed Initiative 502 and beginning December 6th, it is not a violation of state law for adults over 21 years old to possess up to an ounce of marijuana (or 16 ounces of solid marijuana-infused product, like cookies, or 72 ounces of infused liquid, like oil) for personal use. The initiative establishes a one-year period for the state to develop rules and a licensing system for the marijuana production and sale.

Marijuana has existed in a grey area in Seattle for some time now. Despite a longstanding national prohibition on marijuana, minor marijuana possession has been the lowest enforcement priority for the Seattle Police Department since Seattle voters passed Initiative 75 in 2003. Officers don’t like grey areas in the law. I-502 now gives them more clarity.

Marijuana legalization creates some challenges for the Seattle Police Department, but SPD is already working to respond to these issues head on, by doing things like reviewing SPD’s hiring practices for police officers to address now-legal marijuana usage by prospective officers, as well as current employees.

While I-502 has decriminalized marijuana possession in Washington, the new state law does not change federal law, which classifies marijuana as a Schedule I narcotic. All Seattle Police officers have taken an oath to uphold not only state law, but federal law as well. However, SPD officers will follow state law, and will no longer make arrests for marijuana possession as defined under I-502.

The Seattle Police Department and Mayor Mike McGinn have already begun working with state officials to navigate this conflict, and follow the direction of Washington voters to legalize marijuana.

In the meantime, the Seattle Police Department will continue to enforce laws against unlicensed sale or production of marijuana, and regulations against driving under the influence of marijuana, which remain illegal.


Here’s a practical guide for what the Seattle Police Department believes I-502 means for you, beginning December 6th, based on the department’s current understanding of the initiative Please keep in mind that this is all subject to ongoing state and local review, and that it describes the view of the Seattle Police Department only. All marijuana possession and sale remains illegal under federal law, and Seattle Police cannot predict or control the enforcement activities of federal authorities.

Can I legally carry around an ounce of marijuana?

According to the recently passed initiative, beginning December 6th, adults over the age of 21 will be able to carry up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use. Please note that the initiative says it “is unlawful to open a package containing marijuana…in view of the general public,” so there’s that. Also, you probably shouldn’t bring pot with you to the federal courthouse (or any other federal property).

Well, where can I legally buy pot, then?

The Washington State Liquor Control Board is working to establish guidelines for the sale and distribution of marijuana. The WSLCB has until December 1, 2013 to finalize those rules. In the meantime, production and distribution of non-medical marijuana remains illegal.

Does I-502 affect current medical marijuana laws?

No, medical marijuana laws in Washington remain the same as they were before I-502 passed.

Can I grow marijuana in my home and sell it to my friends, family, and co-workers?

Not right now. In the future, under state law, you may be able to get a license to grow or sell marijuana.

Can I smoke pot outside my home? Like at a park, magic show, or the Bite of Seattle?

Much like having an open container of alcohol in public, doing so could result in a civil infraction —like a ticket—but not arrest. You can certainly use marijuana in the privacy of your own home. Additionally, if smoking a cigarette isn’t allowed where you are (say, inside an apartment building or flammable chemical factory), smoking marijuana isn’t allowed there either.

Will police officers be able to smoke marijuana?

As of right now, no. This is still a very complicated issue.

If I apply for a job at the Seattle Police Department, will past (or current) marijuana use be held against me? The current standard for applicants is that they have not used marijuana in the previous three years. In light of I-502, the department will consult with the City Attorney and the State Attorney General to see if and how that standard may be revised.

What happens if I get pulled over and an officer thinks I’ve been smoking pot?

If an officer believes you’re driving under the influence of anything, they will conduct a field sobriety test and may consult with a drug recognition expert. If officers establish probable cause, they will bring you to a precinct and ask your permission to draw your blood for testing. If officers have reason to believe you’re under the influence of something, they can get a warrant for a blood draw from a judge. If you’re in a serious accident, then a blood draw will be mandatory.

What happens if I get pulled over and I’m sober, but an officer or his K9 buddy smells the ounce of Super Skunk I’ve got in my trunk?

Under state law, officers have to develop probable cause to search a closed or locked container. Each case stands on its own, but the smell of pot alone will not be reason to search a vehicle. If officers have information that you’re trafficking, producing or delivering marijuana in violation of state law, they can get a warrant to search your vehicle.

SPD seized a bunch of my marijuana before I-502 passed. Can I have it back?


Will SPD assist federal law enforcement in investigations of marijuana users or marijuana-related businesses, that are allowed under I-502?

No. Officers and detectives will not participate in an investigation of anything that’s not prohibited by state law.

December 6th seems like a really long ways away. What happens if I get caught with marijuana before then? Hold your breath. Your case will be processed under current state law. However, there is already a city ordinance making marijuana enforcement the lowest law enforcement priority.

I’m under 21. What happens if I get caught smoking pot?

It’s a violation of state law. It may referred to prosecutors, just like if you were a minor in possession of alcohol.

Source: Seattle.Gov
My Seattle brehs, school me on the evergreen fest. All I know that it comes every summer in August.
Im a person who really doesn't partake in any mild altering substances, from marijuana to alcohol, I have always found it absurd that it was way way easier for a child to get his hands on a joint than a beer. It's insanely dumb, legalization is the only logical and reasonable solution.
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