What Ancient cultures fascinate you


Apr 12, 2012
for me it is definantly Egyptian and feudal Japanese. the idea of how Egyptians were the leaders of technology at the time and how we were kings and queens back then, the ideas of the samurai , bushidos and the art of the period definantly influenced me as a child and still does today ,
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

The Dogon tribe of west Africa.

Google "Dogon Sirius"

will check outmayans and Rome are pretty dope too
Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs have always fascinated me moreso that I want access to all the information they knew... As far as how people lived Feudal Japan and China .. I want to learn more about the Sumerians and some other ancient stuff.. Overall I wanted to be a historian or archaeologist but I'm not about that studying for decades to not even get a sniff of an excavation life
1.) Greeks
2.) Ancient Chinese Empires
3.) Egyptians after uniting lower and upper
4.) Babylonians - hanging gardens and extinct fruit

5.) Mer-people of Atlantis?
Not really ancient at all. But French culture around the revolution and up until the 1920s really fascinates me
Rome. They had coliseums, water fountains, spas, retractable roofs, aquaducts. And they didnt take @+!# from anyone
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