What Ancient cultures fascinate you

all of them
The Arabs during the Crusades
All.of them honestly...I want to know what their women looked like, their education system,sports, and what their food tasted like
Double post but how if I had to choose ancient Rome/Greece n the Moors...Hidden Colors portrayed them as superhumans basically
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

for me it is definantly Egyptian and feudal Japanese. the idea of how Egyptians were the leaders of technology at the time and how we were kings and queens back then, the ideas of the samurai , bushidos and the art of the period definantly influenced me as a child and still does today ,

ALL OF THIS...plus Greek, Roman, and Native American culture.
you guys givin me lots of stuff to check out, those Easter island heads are dope

The Lakota people are still around and doing well but there culture and history has always fascinated and intrigued me.

(Plus you know my guy Sitting Bull stayed icey w/ the multiples chains all the way back in the 1800's.)
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

All nonwhite cultures pre-colonization by white's.

this. strong emphasis on Sumerians and Mayans.

anyone got info on the "white people = aliens" theory
Originally Posted by Yeah


Kingdom of Kush.

Knowledge of Self. I see someone out here is building, and keep adding on. Going back to Jerusalem, lost child of Israel touching on the home front. A scattered race of people should aim for unity today, like it was in the past. Black dudes on here talking about going back to Rome...
Weak stuff.

The most bizzare and fascinating cultures are the ones that place heavy emphasis on religion. The ones where they believe in sacrificing their young, or wrapping their bodies to preserve the soul are what fascinates people. The whole Rome stuff is already taugh in school.

Dark ages, bronze, gold ages are cool too.
Def the Egyptians. Once I read about the Egyptian Mystery School and how many of peoples favorite philosophers studied there, I wanted to know more
Not really sure about the name of he civilization but they show ruins of it all the time about how there is a rock type material that they could only get 50 to 100 miles from them, and then had to move it up a hill. Then if that was not enough they were able to cut grooves in it in a manner that we can not even do with today's technology. Thy usually bring up that civilization when talking about ancient aliens. I'm sure someone on here knows what I am talking about
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Not really ancient at all. But French culture around the revolution and up until the 1920s really fascinates me
Good choice, same here.
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