What Are Some Of Ur Interests That Most People Wouldnt Guess?

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I thoroughly enjoy a good crossword puzzle.

-Sex and the City
My g/f's father won't mention much about his grandmother for the simple fact that on his side it appears that is where this "ability"resides.

as for the home,we do know at one point in the early 1900's the Barn in the back burned down,so I am safely assuming it was an old plantation home.She hashad dreams about a barn and her looking at everything through someone elses eyes.seems to me someone/thing is trying to tell her something she wants toknow.sadly we can't find records of any activities at city hall past the 60's.
Creative writing, playing an instrument, video games, anime are some interests most people wouldn't expect me to have
Video Games
I own dart frogs. I'm building a new vivarium right now, actually.
Also into salt water reefs
overall a giant science nerd
writing scripts
reading philosophical books
scaring the &#&@ out of my gf (hiding and waiting for her to pass, then jumping out...works every time.)
Originally Posted by acidicality

-Politics. People know I'm into sports and music, but they wouldn't think I'm into that.
-Meeting new people. Most people think I'm really, really shy (because I'm very timid with people I don't know well) but I really do enjoy new company-I just don't express it outwardly.

Along with photography, art, cars, jazz, reggae, and graffiti.
-Anime/Manga... I've done pretty well hiding my addiction. Only people that know I'm even into are my roomates. And they only know cause I think theygot some "unusual" interests.

-Bowling... I've been a serious bowler since childhood. When I go out with friends and they see me hookin a house ball and making spares its always

-Metallica... NEVER listened to Metal until for some odd reason decided to give Death Magnetic a spin. Instantly hooked. St. Anger is all I've been playingin my IPod for the past 2 months.
Let's see here..

Creative Writing/Writing, Recently... reading, The heart and soul of real Hip Hop, 90's rap, R and B, Cooking/Baking, Soft music like Coldplay, Fitness,Psychology/How our brain works(initial reactions), The ocean, and every little thing about our earth(clouds, sunsets, sunrises...in Florida they are crazy nicelooking)
Hip Hop artist
Collecting Family Guy memorabilia
Blogging ( I keep meeting people who don't know what a blog is)
My sense of humor ( I always seem serious so people are surprised when I joke)
Originally Posted by Sun Of Knowledge


-Paranormal activity

-Tech (ie networking and computer repair i have degree in computer networking)

-Surrealism Art

- Psychology (I like reading about the human mind/behavior etc)
- Philosophy
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Cooking
- Asian/Egyptian history

Unless you really know me you would probably be surprised that I read about all that. I don't look like the person who would interested in that junk.
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