what are the benefits for a man to get married?

Nov 26, 2012
why can't i buy a house i like with a chick im with and have kids?

isn't it cruel to the child to take them through the legal parts of the divorce?

you would never have to worry about a goldigger being with you for the money

because at worse the woman IS a goldigger but is forced to actually bring something

to the table ...ie cook,sex,laundry etc as opposed to the self entitlement of a woman

in a long marriage.

no alimony,child support etc...

child support isn't a big issue to me .. you should have a good sense of who you are

having a child with and in the event that things don't work out you should be with a person

who feels the need to take care of their child by any mean and by which ever circumstances

forget that 40,000 wedding and 6,000 engagement ring ...put it towards the childs college fund

what are the benefits of marriage?

and to the niketalkers that are married , what about marriage makes you happier than not being married

as opposed to just being with that person and not being binded legally?
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Legally, unless she makes more bread...none.

But don't be fooled, u can be made to pay alimony, child support n a bunch of other stuff you didn't think about even if you aren't married. And that's real.
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in 2013? nothing.

i wouldn't dare own a house in da US either...thats da FIRST THING they give to da broad if you get divorced.
From what I understand, marriage isn't something you do for "benefits". You already looking at it wrong. It's something you do to show you're devotion to your spouse/family. If anything, it's going to be more sacrifices than benefits.
in this day and age its completely different
From what I understand, marriage isn't something you do for "benefits". You already looking at it wrong. It's something you do to show you're devotion to your spouse/family. If anything, it's going to be more sacrifices than benefits.

in this day and age its completely different

Yea, I know..|I

I think most people do it nowadays because they think they're supposed to and don't want to be deemed inadequate, or like OP, think there's some type of benefit in it(in house, 2 incomes are better than 1, ect).

It's gonna die out eventually. Modern day "women" don't want to be a "wife" and modern day "men" don't want to be a "husband".
If you act like you're married in everything with the exception of the legal ceremony & certificate, most states will treat you as married should you separate.

Just because you're not married, doesn't mean you won't be responsible for paying child support.

Just because you're getting married, doesn't mean the ceremony needs to be $40,000 w/ an expensive ring. If she demands that they're both expensive, you might have a red flag being raised for the type of lifestyle she expects. But then again, you probably already knew that before the wedding was being planned.
Yea, I know..|I

I think most people do it nowadays because they think they're supposed to and don't want to be deemed inadequate, or like OP, think there's some type of benefit in it(in house, 2 incomes are better than 1, ect).

It's gonna die out eventually. Modern day "women" don't want to be a "wife" and modern day "men" don't want to be a "husband".

Disagree. I want to be a 'husband' one day, but I'll be damned if I get hosed in pursuit of it.
Why does everyone assume that the husband makes more money than the wife? It's 2013. It's not always like that any more.
and in 2013 theres also more divorces than ever before

marriages seem to be constructed for the alpha male to make more money and the stay at home wife

and the notion of marriage seems outdated as women are as successful than they've ever been

im sure theres evidence somewhere that supports the claim that successful women usually struggle to find husbands

people have been getting married for titles , inheritances and estates for centuries 
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health insurance, car insurance are 2 big reasons. you guys keep talking about what happens when you divorce, you know it helps when you aren't getting married to woman with ****** personality's to begin with.
Why does everyone assume that the husband makes more money than the wife? It's 2013. It's not always like that any more.
and in 2013 theres also more divorces than ever before

marriages seem to be constructed for the alpha male to make more money and the stay at home wife

and the notion of marriage seems outdated as women are as successful than they've ever been

im sure theres evidence somewhere that supports the claim that successful women usually struggle to find husbands

people have been getting married for titles , inheritances and estates for centuries 
Not sure what you're trying to say, tbh

How to avoid marrying a golddigger: Marry someone that makes more or roughly the amount that you do.
People seem to think that marriage magically makes your relationship better and stronger. 
From what I understand, marriage isn't something you do for "benefits". You already looking at it wrong. It's something you do to show you're devotion to your spouse/family. If anything, it's going to be more sacrifices than benefits.

thats because alot of them are getting married for the wrong reason. (because the girl is hot, marrying a girl before living with her, money, you have a kid)

There are some legal benefits of marriage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rights_and_responsibilities_of_marriages_in_the_United_States

Your skeptical view of marriage seems to come from an expectation that your own marriage will fail. Sure, 1 in 2 marriages may fail, but that doesn't mean your own will. I'm pro-marriage and am under the impression that when the time is right for marriage, I will find someone that I can happily spend the rest of my life with. Then again, I am handsome, athletic, smart, went to a top college, and am relatively successful in my career thus far. I also come from a two-parent household where my parents have been married for 25 years.
I think fear of marriage is most apparent in individuals that did not grow up in a 2-parent household. In addition, I think one's impression of marriage is strongly influenced by the female company that one keeps even in one's early 20s. If you're spending time with women based solely on their attractiveness or how easy it is to smash, then you're putting you may be letting those sorts of relationships with women cloud your judgement of the gender as a whole. There are plenty of marriage-caliber women out there who aren't absolute gold diggers. Don't blame the institution of marriage because you don't associate yourself with that type of woman.
Plus if you really are CEO 10k'ing a day and are that worried about losing your fortune due to a divorce, get a pre-nup...

Furthermore, just because a marriage ends in divorce does not mean the marriage is an absolute failure. Both parties can leave the relationship better than when they went into it.
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