What are the Pros/Cons of living with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I don't live with a s/o, but here is what I WOULD DO:
1. Set rules. As previously mentioned. Everything from house work to other responsibilities

2. Set a day such as Sunday that is completely dedicated to not speaking to or seeing your s/o. It will give you both 'me' time and by midnight you'll just end up having crazy 'i miss you' sex

3. Learn to shut up. Seriously... its been joked about, but it has more truth than sandwich making skills
 Look at this unrealistic garbage 

Some of you need to stop watching romance comedies 
the nerve of that guy.

the day a woman agrees to that is the days she she is +#*#### one of your friends and you gave her the perfect excuse. 
A lot of emotionally unstable people in this thread 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You shouldn't want to muzzle me like a dog 

I was mostly speaking of the sunday crap
Its unrealistic because it aint gonna happen.
I think many of you will end up divorced if you ever get married.  

You are missing the point here.

1. Learning to shutup isn't just for the woman. It is for either party to bite their tongue and pick their battles instead of b*tching and nagging at any moment. Hold your toungue and don't waste your argument points. Nobody is talking about putting a muzzle on anyone. 

2. As I said before, picking 1 day might not be realistic but giving each other space is essentially what he is saying. Nothing further. Don't be up each other's butts at all hours of the week when you aren't working. Go take a walk. Go out with your boys/girls. Go to the library. Get away from them for some hours.

What is unrealistic about that again ShoeFreakBaby?
Go back and  re read brettthejetts post.
Im pretty sure brett who I originally quoted meant it for women 
Nah.... it's important to give EACHOTHER a little room 
Without personal time, you will be miserable, I don't care what fantasy any of you live in.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

 Look at this unrealistic garbage 

Some of you need to stop watching romance comedies 
the nerve of that guy.

the day a woman agrees to that is the days she she is +#*#### one of your friends and you gave her the perfect excuse. 
A lot of emotionally unstable people in this thread 
How so?

You would live with someone and dictate a whole day and not speak to them and then come home and have sex.

"Im so annoyed with you and need a break, and dont want to connect with you mentally but I will physically later on"

That is unstable

We all need me time, but do yourself a favor and dont move in with someone you cant stand.

Hey if it works come on NT and tell us

And you meant that shut up for women cause right after you said the sandwich line.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

 Look at this unrealistic garbage 

Some of you need to stop watching romance comedies 
the nerve of that guy.

the day a woman agrees to that is the days she she is +#*#### one of your friends and you gave her the perfect excuse. 
A lot of emotionally unstable people in this thread 
This %%$@ is so dumb.  Your partner needs your affection and attention, that's why you're in a relationship. If you don't wanna give it to her on a day she really wants it due to some ridiculous rule that sounds like the basis of a bad sitcom episode, then she'll get it elsewhere and often.  Where ya'll even coming with these stupid ideals if you say you don't even live with your girl?    Some dude out there is like "chea, it's pipe a ++$## girl sundays!"
Buddy thinks he isnt going to say anything to her all day and then come home and smash.
Minus whale get a sex doll, they dont talk at all.

It aint his fault he young  
im not sure if srs...

dating feb 2011
pregs feb 2012


if troll or no troll that time span is weak
and nt probably isnt the best place for advice
this move of yours probably be more bad then good
but its circumstantial
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by cap1229

the nerve of that guy.

the day a woman agrees to that is the days she she is +#*#### one of your friends and you gave her the perfect excuse. 
A lot of emotionally unstable people in this thread 
This %%$@ is so dumb.  Your partner needs your affection and attention, that's why you're in a relationship. If you don't wanna give it to her on a day she really wants it due to some ridiculous rule that sounds like the basis of a bad sitcom episode, then she'll get it elsewhere and often.  Where ya'll even coming with these stupid ideals if you say you don't even live with your girl?    Some dude out there is like "chea, it's pipe a ++$## girl sundays!"
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