What are u sippin on? VOL.......cheers


Lil Knob Creek 12, 7x70 cigar and Lakers pre game.
I think Blanton's is a solid daily sipper at retail. No thanks at anything close to secondary though.

Secondary is $100, so ~$30 more than MSRP. My point is if you’re trying to flip, Blanton’s ain’t getting you there… it’s not highly valued.

Blanton’s SFTB imo I’d the best value in bourbon when considering secondary. Far superior to Stagg JR, EHT BP, for about $250.
I don’t trade or flip Blantons… Rather gift or let friends drink it instead of jumping into the other bottles… For $60 it’s a buy every time for me… Have never paid over $70 for one and those 2 were store picks… Have a SFTB with a dump date of one of my daughters BDay… Looking for a Gold with my other daughters BDay… once I get both I will crack them on those dates.
Been seeing this around. How is it?
This is batch 84 which is a MI only release… It’s really good but I love older MGP products… I would like a little more spice but the leather and tobacco notes are a little more on this than the other 2 previously released MI only batches… At $189, I think that’s the most I would pay
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