What are you doing for National Simp Day aka Valentine's Day? update: last minute casualty

Nothing. Going out on V day is mad corny. I will buy everything on Wed when all the roses and V day crap is 50% off.
North Face jacket..Marc Jacob Fragrances.....Edible Arrangement...."Lush" Sex bomb Bubble bath ball(look it up, straight fire for a bath together). Keeping it simple it's a Tuesday....
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Idk but i just bought my her a dozen long stem premium red roses in a ruby vase, chocolates, and a v-day teddy bear which will all be delivered to her work on the 14th.
%#%! I didn't know roses were so expensive
especially when delivered on that day. Delivery alone was like 20 bucks! W/e though, the simp in me says it's worth it lolz.

But does that mean I have to do something special this weekend too? Prob not right? lol
Was thinking of just taking her out to eat dinner on Valentine's night & that's it(we both won't be available till after 6).

PS. gonna have roses delivered to my Mom's work too cause I'm a mama's boy lol <3

edit: if you guys are planning on getting roses delivered on the actual day, here's some really good coupon codes for pro flowers:
Just used proflowers and ending up dropping more than expected

It's all good though, she lives in Chicago and I'm in Indy. Just got one of my girls a flower set with chocolates, a teddy bear, some spa crap, and some other stuff. I'm horrible at shopping for women though
My chick told me a while ago that she HATES roses because they're just purchased without any real thinking. She said if she were to ever get flowers she would want dandelions because "when you were little that's what you gave to people you loved, and you meant it with everything in you" I just 
at the same time. Like what happens when I %**@ up and there aren't any weeds around?

Anyway...I'm making her dinner tomorrow night, got her an edible arrangement, and will give her the peen. I'm taking her out this weekend...there's nothing romantic about going to a crowded restaurant and getting lousy service on Vday
been hangin out with this chick for the past 2 weeks or so, nothin official tho

probably get somethin to eat real lowkey, grab some coldstone and rent a movie
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