What are you getting your Parents for Christmas?

grandpa- air force 1s (been telling him that for 2 years and finally bought the white and red pair on sale from last year.)

grandma- she got a wii last week, so ima get her some games.

mom- digi frame, maybe a yorkie, prince almus or dvds

step pop- a external harddrive, some karate movies, maybe some polos

group gift- some wii games.
Mom - I order her a Mac Mini just the other day. Told her she needed a new computer and that Mac would be perfect and she seemed sold on the idea butdoesn't know I bought it for her yet...

Dad - I've honestly thought about getting him a box of coal or charcoal (because he recently left my mom for his now former secretary) but probably morework than its worth to do that. so probably nothing...
i wanted to get my parents a TV, but they're being picky about it and saying that we don't need one just yet. so i guess i'll just get them giftcards to restaurants since they love to eat.
mom- most likely a purse
dad- maybe tickets for a Warriors game
family gift- a karaoke set to replace our broken one.
Usually don't get them anything b/c they always say they don't want anything + having a girlfriend + not having the bread to just spend but this yearwill be different. Ima surprise them both.

Mom- I like the idea of a gift certificate to get her treatment at the spa and a full body massage.

Dad- probably some polo shirts or shoes. He's very ungreatful so its best to get something for him to wear to work.
Yup. Its not that I don't love my parents, its just that I can't afford it. Time spent with them and a card, or just a thank you is good enough for the each of us.

You don't need to spend money to get them something they'll appreciate - in fact, more money often means a worse gift.

You couldn't think of something small that would show that you appreciate them?

Like me, I'm sure that a lot of your parents are able to buy their own stuff - and are a lot better off than most of us - but we manage to get themsomething interesting for each gift occasion that they will like.

At the moment I'm seriously considering getting my dad a hex set - after we were building some furniture recently and I had a much better set than him.They're only about $15 so I'll get some other stuff but I know it's something he'd enjoy using.

My mom is a different story - especially since it's her birthday on the 14th - but we'll get there.
probaly nothing
mom-coach purse
dad-he told me he wanted an hks turbo kit
.so idk whtat ill get him,jussnot a turbo kit($1800+)
little brother-playoff 8's and a big nurf gun
my mom's prolly juss gonna buy me some cheap shirts from khols or marshell's and put both their names on it
but whatever cause they're getting me a car in may.
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