What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?

If my Friend comes....


if im alone, which seems more likely, and i got the costume from china yesterday...

that is dope
idk my friends are to "grown" for halloween so i doubt ill get to go to anything theme related so i prob wont dress up as anything but if i do idlike to paint my face like
-capt spaulding
-one of them dudes from the cant believe it video
-dre in the whole world video
how is it "roughly 42 days away" its not like the day changes, its on the same date every year... so you should be able to get a precise timing nowshouldn't you...
I'm going as that idea from that website and tape like dolls to myself with a sign saying im a chick magnet
... But forreal halloween is comingup and i have no clue what i want to be smh. Nt lets get creative I need some ideas.
I have work that day so I'm just gonna roll up as Clark Kent/Superman. All I have to do is take the lenses out of my glasses (I've had Lasik since so Idon't need them anymore) and throw on a shirt/tie/suspenders/dress pants. Then unbutton the shirt and wear a Superman shirt underneath. I'll be rockingthat all day at work.
I was thinking the Traveler's Insurance umbrella guy.... but I don't know what I would do to make a huge umbrella.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I was thinking the Traveler's Insurance umbrella guy.... but I don't know what I would do to make a huge umbrella.
son...u don't even have to worry about gettin kicked out of a party cuz ur umbrella is smackin things around everywhere...

cuz u wouldn't fit through the door in the first place.
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