What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?


only if i had money...
If I go somewhere that "required" a costume, I have some options.

It's not original, but Sonny and Cher, can't go wrong.
The Strangers (easy to make)
I was thinking of dressing up as Madonna in Like a Virgin

But it's too expensive.

If I don't come up with the money, I'll dress up as Eric Cartman and draw Jennifer Lopez on my hand (word to my avy)
Or a nurse or a Greek goddess
im gonna go as the road. just a black outfit with a yellow stripe down the middle
super cheap and easy to make!
I want to be Shawn Michaels but I can figure out a way to make such a flamboyant costume. Anybody have any ideas?
actual halloween:

halloween weekend d1:

halloween weekend d2
getting sharpied up and being "the passed out guy" at the party

already a topic on this though
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