What are your biggest pet peeves with other people?

Sep 28, 2003
Drama queens or anyone who brings drama
Long-winded people
People who borrow from you, but act like they don't owe you anything
People who never admit when they are wrong
People who act like they are entitled to using your stuff without asking
people who complain too much or who are too negative aboutother people/traits on fb status updates thinking theyre dropping knowledge but who are just as annoying or worse.

quotes. if you use quotes to make you feel better, you are going nowhere in life. they should just remind you that youre not moving right now.

people who dont search or wish to not step back and think for themselves.

people who swear theyre funny and wish to tell everyone after every "joke".

people who go out of their way to get into a conversation with a useless "yes" or something to prove theyve heard about the subject and bring absolutely nothing to it after.

people who are horrible actors.
folks who chew with their mouths open. hate the sound of food being chewed and smacked on.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05


1. The extreme gassing up of females through facebook, twitter etc.
2. Pretty girls with their so called millions of problems.
3. Drivers who tailgate.
4. People who say call or text me when they have your #
5. Dudes camping in COD like we in a real war.
6. Females who have no clue about sports discussing their opinions to the grave.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. Elitism [/font]
-Dudes who are sore losers (a.k.a. he who throws controller after FIFA loss)

-Customers that think they are entitled to everything / Employees who can't do a simple task

-People who come to a crowded lecture after smoking a cigarette or jogging a couple miles

-The people in line who have 100 items and won't let the guy behind them who has 2 items go in front of them
-When women expect you to hold the door for 10 seconds while they walk to it. Unless your handicapped or a senior citizen, there is a 3 second rule
Sheep - getting iPhones, watching Jersey Shore, etc. just because they don't want to be excluded from the next sheep meeting.
People who can't spell.
Tourist. It's 2012, learn to use google maps and/or get a smartphone with gps.

People that stand on line for 3-5 minutes, finally get up to the register and still don't know what the !#!+ they want.

People that want a novel peace prize for holding the door for me. I have my own hands, I can open my own doors. Go about your business please.

The mta

People that get upset when I tell them that they are late about something

Store employees thinking that they know more about what I'm purchasing than I do.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

 Store employees thinking that they know more about what I'm purchasing than I do.
aka everyone at best buy
also, drivers with no sense of whats around them.  life would be much easier if you adapt to the flow and make EVERYONE comfortable.  not just you.  
People who come over unannounced.

People who call me just to ask a simple question or tell me something that could have been done via text.

People who demand for my help instead of asking for it.
People who make the same threads just different titles

people who text you all day but wants to call you to talk.

people you look into there face and say good morning/night/afternoon and they look at you and keep on walking, i always bald my fist up for some od reason.

people that are delusional about life and how it works, talks lot of GARBAGE about nothing.

people that tell you there ideas/plans and you ask them when and they say 'idk couple months' never do it.

people that care about other people that aren't family

people that ask me about gossip,rumors

people that watch something on tv and try change there life to do what the person is doing on tv.

people that are big and watch weight lost shows and say there going to do this and that 5minutes after the show is done
-1year pending and there never broke a sweat.

people that say just wait when your really hungry just because they had a meal not to long ago.

ect ect

and flying roaches that fly with attitude knowing im afraid of them.
#1: When people say they will call or be somewhere at a certain time and fail to do so.

Hate when people aren't punctual. HATE.
- People who chew with their mouth open and make smacking sounds and suck sauce or stuff off their fingers making tons 
of noise.....

- Mouth breathers who sit there with their mouth open breathing HEAVY as hell...

- Women who blow my phone up asking or wondering what I'm always doing..

- People who drive UNDER the speed limit ex...Speed limit= 50mph....they are cruising along at 40mph 

- Nosy people 

- People always talking about "Illuminati" or "omg did you see the Illuminati pyramids in such and such video?"...

- I rarely post status updates on facebook anymore..its become a bore..due to the fact that anytime I get on facebook...someone is always complaining or posting something stupid..

- OH and seeing meme comics all over the place now....and hearing people say "me gusta" or "trolled.." especially this younger generation 
Originally Posted by capuT

the people who create this thread every single week

Ppl who are always negative, quick to insult but never give a compliment.
Guys who cuss you out after you nicely reject them.
Ppl who make you feel bad for doing good things.
Ppl who make unfortunate pictures a profile pic.
unattractive ppl calling someone ugly.
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