What are your biggest pet peeves with other people?

Well, a few things definitely set me off:

- People who count everything they do for you as a favor that you have to return. Nothing is done simply out of kindness, but out of them bringing it up later to make you do something / buy them something.

- People who act like they're higher / better than me.

- People who don't tell me things straight up if I ask them to.

- People who don't really got your back if @#$# pops off.

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

1. The extreme gassing up of females through facebook, twitter etc.
2. Pretty girls with their so called millions of problems.
3. Drivers who tailgate.
I know that feel
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

People that want a novel peace prize for holding the door for me. I have my own hands, I can open my own doors. Go about your business please.

Grammer erros. I understand in this day in age, what with message boards, texting, facebook.. people are gonna say ur rather than your and so on but when people use your you're, through, threw out of context or their, there, they're and take the time to spell out the full word(s) I get sooooo pissed. I constantly post basic english grammer links on my facebook. Lol. Some of my friends are %!!@!$ dumb.
Oh yeah.. girls that post pictures of their prego updates on facebook weekly.
"33 weeks... Its gettin there hahahaha"
"Week 42.. can't wait to meet you"
Misanthropy FTW

To be honest, I would be quite happy living on a deserted island with just my cat for company and never having to interact with another human being ever again.

It's either that or keep my fingers crossed that the zombie apocalypse starts real soon.
Car salesmen who insist on riding with me on a test drive. I've been researching this car for weeks I didn't just drop in on the lot, gimme the keys i'll be back. And no we don't need to discuss monthly payments let's discuss the total price i'm not a fool. As you can see i'm interested in a new car
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Grammer erros. I understand in this day in age, what with message boards, texting, facebook.. people are gonna say ur rather than your and so on but when people use your you're, through, threw out of context or their, there, they're and take the time to spell out the full word(s) I get sooooo pissed. I constantly post basic english grammer links on my facebook. Lol. Some of my friends are %!!@!$ dumb.

it's spelled 'grammar'..You have become everything you hate...
Bad Breath
People with that white spit mass in the corner of thier mouth
And Braggers 
People who just dont "get it" in life.  Those who cant see beyond whats in front of them.  Its maddening trying to have a conversation on the pitfalls of fine cinema such as the A-Team, or The Expendables.. When you have dolts who are only able to focus on one aspect of everything.. never allowing a converse thought to drift into the subconscious.
Dudes who just think about smashing all day. I mean we all do but how about you get a decent job, which leads to a decent car, which leads to a decent place to live and continue to advance in life. It's not always about being fresh to death and stunting keep thinking like and you'll continue to get passed on in society. Also, being a father who's actively in my child's life I can't stand deadbeat parents, I don't got nothing against you I just can't rock with you. Seems like i'm more so venting
oh well
-I hate when people complain about money. Like Donda West said, you do what you need to get what you want, #@#%.
-People that "insist upon themselves"
-People who bring up ridiculous points to justify their political and sport preferences. Which is why I do not discuss either.
-Older @+%*%% that dress like me.......in 2002
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