What are your goals for 2014??? Vol. Lets progress

appreciate free things more 

walk more 

listen more, less talk 

love more 

spread more positivity 

become a better person overall 
Teach my kids more things each day. 

Lose weight.


Focus on separating family time and work.

Buy an investment property.

Spend less on stupid stuff

Invest half my net earnings

Make 150k and move up at work. 

And most of all have more patience and not stress as much.  This is a HUGE struggle for me.  If I had more patience and less stress alot of those goals would be checked off.
No particular order

Raise GPA

Lose 40lbs

Value myself

Get an internship or Job

Become a more confident person

Master the french language
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Raise GPA
More saving, less shoes
Strengthen my relationship with God
New girl
Less partying, more studying
Value my loved ones more
Stay in shape
Eat healthier
Meet a new person everyday
Leave the birds alone
New job
Same as 2013 resolutions: Lose weight and go out more.

But this year I'm sticking to them....dammit.
Continue to make money

Further my education

Travel a lot

Write a business plan

Take acting classes for fun

Road bike downtown and through my city, increase my swimming speed

Read more financial books

Learn more about African history

Find an amazing woman to share my life with

Continue working towards my dream job and lifestyle
I really just want to find some peace. 2013 was the worst year of my life from an emotional standpoint. Its so sad because 2012 was the best. Maybe I can achieve the same happiness that I had back then this year.

A new job also.
Start working out
Shed away all the negative people
Work hard at my new job
Save more money
Find a girlfriend
Move out
Graduate college
Travel more
Stop smoking (I know it's hard but if I can't do that I want to cut down dramatically)
Go to more sporting events games
Think about myself more than the person with me
Generally being a piece of ****

Focus more on School

Keep a better eye on my money

Talk less, write more.
Save allllllll the money I can(was living like a nba draft pick fresh outa high school in '13)

adapt a more healthy lifestyle. I would like to buy a bike and start trail riding.

Kick my shoe habit. Nothing but shell toes, NBs, and macbeths here on out

interact and converse with new people more often.

smash more yambs :smokin:

but at the same time wouldn't mind finding a girlfriend. 25 been in only 1 serious relationship through out my life.

go back to school. Tired of the assembly line blue collar life. I wanna wear dress pants and a tie to work, not steel toes, blue jeans, and mechanic jackets.

hit a studio ans record all this music ive been writing the past 10 years or so. Got stacks of notebooks filled with lyrics, notes, guitar/bass arrangements ect. Probably my biggest goal. I juat wanna get it out there. No to get famous, just for me, ya know?

Best of luck and happy new year
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already put away some extra money and got an inteview today for a job i've been dreaming of plus a few other positions have opened up at the company i'm feeling confident about :pimp:
do well in school, maintain a academic scholarship, keep my job hopefully progress to a better job, accumulate more currency, add on some muscle, and then cop a lambo :smokin :nerd:

sike...cop a new whip though :rolleyes :lol:
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