What are your thoughts on "camping"?

you wanna spend a night thats cool, (resellers aside). But i dont get how someone is gonna spend like 2 weeks sitting outside a shoe store. If you made less than minimum wage workin for all those hours you spend sittin there, you could buy several pairs from resellers. I also live in NY, most big releases are in the winter and its brick city.
Only thing I can say is those camping for yeezys will have them ones with strong connects will too.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Hughes, maybe it's about that time you take a step from the JB Forum, and take a step with me into the General Forum: http://niketalk.yuku.com/forums/14#.T2EcKlGb8VQ

man, I wasn't here for the NT glory days but man, just in my short time this Jordan Brand section has really gone downhill. Barely even visit in here.
Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

Originally Posted by spizike231

I don't have a connect yet, and I don't have the extra money to buy online.. my computer isn't fast enough to try my luck online because I know I'll strike out and be late to the lines at my local mall. My area is filled with hypebeasts so it's either I beat them out there or they beat me. Almost lost the battle for my WC IVs..

I have camped for 80% of the shoes in my collection, and I don't care if people think it's childish. I ain't spending a dime over retail+tax for any of my shoes and I sure as hell ain't payin reseller prices to come on here and post in the LC forum panicking because I'm not sure if my $275 GR pair is legit.

My opinion is, if you have to camp, then camp. No shame in it especially with what the game is today. People who don't have to- that's wonderful and I hope to have that connect one day. But don't bash the people who do it because they probably have no choice like I do.

EDIT- and Hughes, try to calm down with all the new threads homie.. I see you trynna do your thang with all the posts in threads but posting a new thread itself every other day isn't needed.. no shots fired just a suggestion to keep your name good. Everyone already knows you for getting your post count to 1000+ in less than a month.

It's a shame that people love putting me down almost every chance they get.
I know people have jobs, daily activities and whatnot, but to take a minute out of their day to comment negatively on my thread/post is ridiculous.

I have tried to remain calm and cool, but it's getting out of hand.

Never have I once been on any forum on the entirety of the net and had so much backlash towards me when I'm just trying to express how I feel.

It's times like I wish I wouldn't even made the thread.


really? Out of all the criticism and bad words towards you, you choose mine to quote and retaliate to? I didn't even really say anything except stop posting so many new threads. I contributed to this thread in a positive way by actually posting.
Idk why dudes in here beasting like they have never waited in line for kicks before... Smh... Stop frontin. I camped out for concords and WC4s recently, only because I've just recently moved to L.A. and hardly knew anyone here. I've found my way around it now though. I actually enjoy camping out sometimes, reminds of the good ole days when I was in High school. It's cool to actually talk face to face with people who share the same Passion as you, because none of my close friends are into it as much as I am. I do hate the new caos associated with it now, so I try to avoid it by all means. My time is a lot more valuable to me these days, rather spend it having fun somewhere and actually wearing my kicks lol
My girl and I camped out for a Wii when they were hot. It was super cold and we didn't even keep it. I have never camped out for a shoe.

Online or bust for me.
Originally Posted by spizike231

Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

Originally Posted by spizike231
really? Out of all the criticism and bad words towards you, you choose mine to quote and retaliate to? I didn't even really say anything except stop posting so many new threads. I contributed to this thread in a positive way by actually posting.
Just let him get his troll on man he isn't and hasn't been catching the hint for some time now, unfortunately the JB section really has taken a turn for the worst 
Ihave never camped, but I have gotten to a store 4-5 hours before it opened....I dont classify that as camping though....Now a days If I dont get it online NDC, ebay, etc. you can forget it
I don't bash people who camp. But I can't justify myself camping out to give a corporation my money. If I'm giving you damn near $200 I don't want to stand in the cold to do it.

But if DMP 6s come out I will be taking the whole day off of work
Originally Posted by TheprinceofDE

Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

Originally Posted by spizike231

I don't have a connect yet, and I don't have the extra money to buy online.. my computer isn't fast enough to try my luck online because I know I'll strike out and be late to the lines at my local mall. My area is filled with hypebeasts so it's either I beat them out there or they beat me. Almost lost the battle for my WC IVs..

I have camped for 80% of the shoes in my collection, and I don't care if people think it's childish. I ain't spending a dime over retail+tax for any of my shoes and I sure as hell ain't payin reseller prices to come on here and post in the LC forum panicking because I'm not sure if my $275 GR pair is legit.

My opinion is, if you have to camp, then camp. No shame in it especially with what the game is today. People who don't have to- that's wonderful and I hope to have that connect one day. But don't bash the people who do it because they probably have no choice like I do.

EDIT- and Hughes, try to calm down with all the new threads homie.. I see you trynna do your thang with all the posts in threads but posting a new thread itself every other day isn't needed.. no shots fired just a suggestion to keep your name good. Everyone already knows you for getting your post count to 1000+ in less than a month.

It's a shame that people love putting me down almost every chance they get.
I know people have jobs, daily activities and whatnot, but to take a minute out of their day to comment negatively on my thread/post is ridiculous.

I have tried to remain calm and cool, but it's getting out of hand.

Never have I once been on any forum on the entirety of the net and had so much backlash towards me when I'm just trying to express how I feel.

It's times like I wish I wouldn't even made the thread.


To each their own, but where I work, they won't understand me not showing up cuz I'm waiting in line for some shoes. And to use some vacation days??? Definitely not happening
Wow y'all knocking on that man like that smdh I ain't mad at him someone needs 2 start some topics around here cuz since 05-06 this forum has changed a lot it more hate and people put u down when they can niketalk has become a resellers paradise
Originally Posted by snuks5

Just raffle all the things!

Store in my home town (Melbourne Australia) are holding a raffle for their release of the Nike galaxy foams this saturday. A lot of hype as you all know so the owner says its only fair to hold a raffle. Good idea I reckon.

Back to topic. I'm 34 years old and have had a connect for 15 years, Camping is not really neccessary and while I like jordan/nike shoes I wouldn't camp/lineup for a pair. Plus being in OZ the hype is not as bad as in the states (Galaxy/Concord release being the exception) but it is growing.

DEZMOND, Still loving the chavon taylor avi bro.
I didnt get into buying Js until my senior year of high school which was 2 years ago. the varsity 6s and rising sun 12s were easy walk in cops but it seems like the trouble started with the wolf grey 5s for me ever since then every release has required me to stand in front of a store or destroy my refresh button smh.
Lol at Boz chavon gets em every time lol people inbox me weekly ( info on avi? ) .... Back on subject if I have to camp a day before a release it's not worth it
Last time I waited was for playoff 13s. Never will I do that again. From now on its NDC or nothing.
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