What college do/did you go to?

NC State '13 might switch to unc-chapel hill or USC (south carolina) anyone wanna give me some reviews who go to those?
Originally Posted by new york yanks


GMU is a commuter school which means it lacks the full experience you would get at say JMU/VT/GT. its really high school with out any of the fun you had in HS.

this is pretty true if you suck at life.

otherwise you would realize that you should probably live there your first year, then live off campus with friends for the rest of your schooling. the onlything that mason lacks is frat and sorority houses, which are not all that great in my opinion anyway.

where you don't get the small college town experience you have plenty of opportunities to work in the city and hit clubs in dc on the weekend.

believe me, you can have fun going to mason.
Originally Posted by mgrtarheel

NC State '13 might switch to unc-chapel hill or USC (south carolina) anyone wanna give me some reviews who go to those?
I got a lot of friends that go/went to State. It's alright but it is nothing like UNC.

The girls there are pretty fine and easy to get with. But it just seems like State isn't necessarily a true college experience. Most of my friends movedoff campus after freshman year and the places to live off campus for the most part aren't too close to where classes are.

UNC on the other hand has an awesome campus, which has everything revolving around it. You got Franklin St. where everyone parties at and which is also closeto where everyone can walk to when living off campus. Then the Kenan Stadium is right in the center of campus and further south is the Dean Dome. Plus theatmosphere at UNC is awesome. For the most part everyone is friendly and the student body was pretty tight knit even though theres roughly 18,000 students.
Graduated '07 from Boston University. Was good times, and more importantly, only 3 and a half hours away from NYC

fall back.. i am talking about the actual campus life which there is none..why are you home not out partying in dc?
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by new york yanks


GMU is a commuter school which means it lacks the full experience you would get at say JMU/VT/GT. its really high school with out any of the fun you had in HS.

this is pretty true if you suck at life.

otherwise you would realize that you should probably live there your first year, then live off campus with friends for the rest of your schooling. the only thing that mason lacks is frat and sorority houses, which are not all that great in my opinion anyway.

where you don't get the small college town experience you have plenty of opportunities to work in the city and hit clubs in dc on the weekend.

believe me, you can have fun going to mason.
Why would people like myself or new york yanks live their our first year if we live 20 minutes away from campus? That would be a waste of money.

What does working in the city or hitting clubs in DC have to do with GOING to Mason? We're talking about the school here. I can work in the city and goto clubs in DC if I didn't go to Mason.

Mason is no fun. Period. I have more fun spending time with my girl at UMD College Park than I do at Mason.

The closest thing that we could walk to with friends is the disgusting University Mall across the street. At College Park, you got so many things to walk to. It's more open, and it's just simply a more traditional and fun college feel that Mason LACKS.
Originally Posted by new york yanks


fall back.. i am talking about the actual campus life which there is none..why are you home not out partying in dc?
i graduated in '05. i live in bangkok, it's 11:30 am and i don't need to be back at the gym until 3. no need for me to fall backkid.

all i was trying to do is point out some advantages. and saying you could still work in dc while going to school is not true if you were at tech or jmu, whichis why i stated it as an advantage.

campus life is what you make it. i guess i can understand what you mean with mason having little around it, but shouldn't you have considered that whenyou visited schools before making your decision to attend? and just because you live 20 minutes away doesn't mean you shouldn't live on campus. living on campus = experiencing real campus life.

and yes university mall does suck balls. but there is plenty to do in the general nova area.

before finishing my degree at mason i was at vcu for a year. though there was more you could walk anywhere you would actually like to hang out at or go to ona weekend would involve driving because those place just weren't within walking distance.
fall back Bangkok

i stand behind what i said and your justifications mean nothing since they don't factor into my original point.It makes perfect sense for me to move outand live on my own to experience GMU the same way i would living at home. I work and party in DC BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GMU..does that make sense?
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by new york yanks


fall back.. i am talking about the actual campus life which there is none..why are you home not out partying in dc?
all i was trying to do is point out some advantages. and saying you could still work in dc while going to school is not true if you were at tech or jmu, which is why i stated it as an advantage.

campus life is what you make it. i guess i can understand what you mean with mason having little around it, but shouldn't you have considered that when you visited schools before making your decision to attend? and just because you live 20 minutes away doesn't mean you shouldn't live on campus. living on campus = experiencing real campus life.
1. Obviously, you wouldn't be working or clubbing in DC if you went to JMU or Tech. It's a few hours drive
. What I'm trying to say is that DC/work/clubbing are a whole separateentity with going to Mason. My friends at UVA, Tech, and JMU don't rely on outside stuff like clubbing in a city to have fun. We're talking about theACTUAL campus life, not what's around it. The campus at Mason just simply exudes a dead/boring feel compared to my visits to other campuses.

2. I didn't visit any other schools. My parents wanted me at home to help out, and I also wanted to stay in the area. I'm not one to complain aboutno fun at school because school is for learning and completing my classes to get a degree. I do my own thing away from school with my friends and girlfriendfor recreation. But, seeing someone imply that Mason was a fun place and had a fun campus life bugged me a little bit.
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