What current problems are you dealing with?

This month is ridiculously busy for me. Got a paper due on Monday, then take my GMAT on the 19th, then got a project due at the end of the month. I hate school so much right now
Wondering if college is really the right answer
Understanding these next 1 and 1/2 years could determine my life
Realizing my ambitions lay in the lap of professor that couldn't care less
Can't hide from family problems and there never ending.
The amount of work I put into assignments never seem to add up to the grade I receive.

Trying to figure out my next move for a job , trying to move out and need to be making just a little more
Trying to prepare myself for a placement exam about to get in college come january
Frustraed watched my mom and bro struggle
All kinds of self doubt when it comes to a relationship, really i feel like i question myself at every turn
Over all not too bad i guess
Got two more classes to take before I get my degree but there is nothing I want in this world more than not to take them next semester

Talking to women im actually attracted to

Over worked eventho im well paid

Need to get out more but dont know were to go

Need more people to hang out with
Not really a problem, but grad school is consuming my life as expected. However, I always find time during the day to crack a joke and smile because that's whats keepin' me sane.
I don't have a home to call my own.
Haven't spoken to my parents for a month now.
I'm out of tune with my true self which is causing me to lash out on the dumbest things.
My relationship with my best friend (bf) won't stop shaking up.

& I need a haircut.

All this is just a bumpy road I'm slowly crusing over.
Come on 2012!
Life has been pretty smooth suprisingly. However dealing with :
- Student Loan Debt
- Trying to reverse myself out of the friend zone with the girl who could be the one

Hopefully I can overcome these two things in due time.
Regardless of whats going on in life im trying my best to stay positive and change my way of thinking. Once I do that everything should fall into place.
got too comfortable from the summer and now i cant shake this lazy/horrible work ethic for some reason
apartment hunting.
trying to get in somewhat better shape. it was so much easier when i was 16

my side gig isnt as profitable as it once was.
Life is good. Not doing the best i can in school but imma step it up
I have a job its mot great but im happy
Familys good.
Im happy.

Hope u guys get your problems resolved . Best of luck
unemployed like everybody else..and this position I MIGHT get soon is sure to be a stressful one dealing with home foreclosures.
school is getting too me..

i see blurry with my right eye(long story) but its better then before so thats good

family says i have a bad attitude...try to change that but its hard

i have no job yet

hurt my finger in bball 2 weeks ago and it stil hurts
cant bend it all the way
Trying get one of these two jobs I'm currently going for but not hearing back from either of them. Gotta keep pushing
My sister is constantly getting herself into financial trouble. Not paying her bills.

Since my parents arent in the best place as far as finances go, I feel the obligation to bail here out.

Just passed her 2K to get her car from repo.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Can't figure out the purpose of life
ready to drop out of school but dunno what I would do afterward
trying to fight of this new spending addiction
exactly how i feel.
-Trying to figure out if college is worth it in this day and age, and if it'll benefit me in the future, or do the opposite.
-I'm only 18, and i'm balding
-Just got in a relationship, I knew she was sexual, but she tells me she almost had relations with a teacher. I'm a Virgin, so hearing that turns me off about her. Like, she's super open sexually, and has been dying for the D but says it's too early. Knowing she be wanting to give it to teachers got me thinking too much, like if it's to early for me, will she quench her D thirst with some next dude? Idk man, but the fellatio was 

-Unemployed, got close in getting about 3 different jobs, but they never contacted me back
-My mother just got on Welfare. She can't find work anywhere. It's scary, knowing our financial situation is cruddy. Meanwhile, my father is chilling making at least a G and a half a week and spending it all on his girlfriend who's only three years older than me, rather than taking care of his kids. 
Spoiler [+]
-My stool has been slimey, I checked up online an they said most likely its colon polyps, which can lead to cancer 

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Trying to be friends with my ex while accepting the fact that she's with someone else. She even told me she doesn't know who or what she wants right now. %$%%'s hard. Feel like my feet give out from under me sometimes.

My man, she knows exactly what she wants. If she wanted you then she would be with you. She's feeding you that "I don't know what I want crap" to keep you in her back pocket in case things don't work out with this other guy.

Stop talking to her.
Originally Posted by bogusreality

school loans.
trying to finish my probation without visiting jail.
DYING to get back into school.
trying to be disciplined with women, and alcohol...



praising him even in some dark places!

everyone keep your head up!!!
 ..... Life is hard.  I hope we all come out on top, pause. 

Glad to see NT'ers still thankful in the midst of the bad days.

I was stressed but still feeling blessed ... than I received the news this weekend that a bright young man, very close to me, passed away this weekend. 
It just makes me want to go harder, and fight the stress, because life is too precious ... It really is!

-Baby mama drama
-May be getting friendzoned again

-Want to move from seattle but cant because my son is here
-Mom is mad at me
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