What current problems are you dealing with?

i wanna become an optometrist... But I graduate next semester with a finance degree. Its like the clock is ticking for me to find a good stable intern or job before I graduate. Any kind of experience in my degree would help. But if I were to become an optometrist, I could get a job easily with the connects i have.
-Grandfather i ws really close with. my 2nd father passed away last month. its been a struggle.
-No Job
-No Money at all
-Ex who left me for a another guy wont leave me alone.
-ive had my Car stolen this year
-except for the other night its been dry as hell with the ladies

this is just not my year
^ Sometimes hearing other people's problems that are far worst than yours motivates me and just think positive vibes towards your problems or even from everyday activities such as working out, driving, etc...
Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

depression, unemployed, not gettin bunz, car engine needs to be checked/serviced, doing mediocre in school, if things doesn't go smoothly for me next semester i'm enlisting in the air force afterwards that semester.

This too minus the school but I wish I was at least in school.
No job, no money, no gf, & god doesn't want me to go to a university apparently.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

No job, no money, no gf, & god doesn't want me to go to a university apparently.

At least you have the internet to post your issues 
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

balloonoboy wrote:

Trying to be friends with my ex while accepting the fact that she's with someone else. She even told me she doesn't know who or what she wants right now. %$%%'s hard. Feel like my feet give out from under me sometimes.

My man, she knows exactly what she wants. If she wanted you then she would be with you. She's feeding you that "I don't know what I want crap" to keep you in her back pocket in case things don't work out with this other guy.

Stop talking to her.
Yea, I was about to dead her until she drove 3 hours to see me to save our friendship.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

balloonoboy wrote:

Trying to be friends with my ex while accepting the fact that she's with someone else. She even told me she doesn't know who or what she wants right now. %$%%'s hard. Feel like my feet give out from under me sometimes.

My man, she knows exactly what she wants. If she wanted you then she would be with you. She's feeding you that "I don't know what I want crap" to keep you in her back pocket in case things don't work out with this other guy.

Stop talking to her.
Yea, I was about to dead her until she drove 3 hours to see me to save our friendship.

I know how you feel. Feels bad
All this school work coming down at once
Realizing I dno what the hell I am going to do with a sociology degree
(but this year was paid for by financial aid so can't complain too hard)
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

I have a C in organic chem and I need an A

Had to drop organic chem

Physics is not going to well either

For the past 4 months I have been preparing for my marathon. Completed it this past weekend but now have an emptiness feeling. Like what do I do now?

 (oh yea not to mention the pain in my legs)
-I'm bored with school right now and I wish it would hurry up and end
-There's some things I should/need to be working on but I don't have the proper resources (place to work, software, tools, etc)

Small problems, they are nothing I can't handle. It's more of an annoyance than a problem.
-Childhood dog Just died
-Pops is a retired alcoholic in Denial fully dependent on me & my mom.

-No Friends
-Jobs never call me back.
-School does not seem to be the answer.
-Staying positive seems like a full time job now.
Originally Posted by chrisavelli

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

No job, no money, no gf, & god doesn't want me to go to a university apparently.

At least you have the internet to post your issues 
Need a J-O-B to pay off stupid student loans and save $$$ to get actually get my life started.
Got laid off work 2 weeks ago , going through a divorce and listening to my girl $&@?h about the divorce !! It's just life though...
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