What do it look like outside right now???

Oct 24, 2007
Well where im at... Norfolk, VA we are having a mini hurricance which canceled school for everyone and the gym is closed on campus so I cant go there...SO imbored.

Well anyway..this is what my street looks like this morning when my car almost stalled out ...

a mess...raining for like 3 days now...went to NC last night it was raining down there...i didn't even go to my second class cuz i didn't get back fromNC until 630 this morning...
a little gloomy in the morning in the bay but about to get sunnier in a bit. 63 high today, perfect temperature for november
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

a mess...raining for like 3 days now...went to NC last night it was raining down there...i didn't even go to my second class cuz i didn't get back from NC until 630 this morning...

I was looking on the news and I heard it was pretty bad down there in NC...

My whole frustration with this whole hurricane is that it started yesterday...but Classes werent canceled so all of us students had to brave the walk throughcampus..then all of a sudden they wanna cancel class today ..%*@??
Yea Im Mad..
Yea it's crazy out here...im in Norfolk too...I'm heated that they cancelled classes though...

I been studying all week for an econ test and now its not until tuesday
...I was ready for it too
it was a lil gloomy on the drive to school this morning
its clearing up now though..gotta love cali
Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

a mess...raining for like 3 days now...went to NC last night it was raining down there...i didn't even go to my second class cuz i didn't get back from NC until 630 this morning...

I was looking on the news and I heard it was pretty bad down there in NC...

My whole frustration with this whole hurricane is that it started yesterday...but Classes werent canceled so all of us students had to brave the walk through campus..then all of a sudden they wanna cancel class today ..%*@??
Yea Im Mad..

i was at UNC and NCCU...i don't know what part of NC that is but it was just wet and windy the whole time...it wasn't raining hard but whatever it wasdoing was enough to mess up the drive home...
Word..You were in the Raleigh/ Durham part ....I didn't know the storm was that bad all the way down there..
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

I know the feeling... ODU?
yep...they might as well just cancel classes for tommorow too...
True I only had one class today ...so I dont really get to reap the benefits of this ..and i learned my lesson of having Friday classes freshmanyear...
It is lower 60's and overcast here in Ventura County in California. It might rain this weekend.
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