What do you guys think of this life situation??

Dec 23, 2003
My life is now at a huge crossroad. Everything is clear to me in my head, but other people around me (my parents) have a different view.
Some Background: graduated high school in 06 and went to a major university. Hated it and came home to go to community college. I've now
done a year there and completely hate it. I hate school and don't want to go so i've told my parents that now I would like to move out at the
start of the summer.

Alright, you might ask well with no college education what am i going to do? I work for a detailing company and make decent money for my age.
about 1500-1800 a month. Thats def enough to get a 3 bedroom apt and a hoopty, but who wants to live like that? I now have the chance to take over and own
a detailing shop to myself and my friend and whatever money we make we get to keep. I won't have a life for a couple of months while we get off the groundand what not
but theres no limit on how many shops we can get in the future.

Numbers: roughly in a month a shop will do 20k. have to pay our employees hourly(2-3 employees),supplies, and then the cut to the actual company letting us usetheir
name to detail. So after all of that me and my boy will split 12-14 g's a month.

So, now my question for you is am i making the right decision to take the kanye way out and drop out of college and start up this new business proposal?

**Sorry for the long read** Thanks to everyone!
it all about risk man.
school is for me, but i never expect it to be for everyone.
I say take the risk and even if it fails(God forbid) try again.
Well I'm only 16 but seriously? Yes, but you have to make sure everything goes down like you want it to, don't expect everything to fall into placeautomatically.
I say go for it. But why not get a one/two br apt. and a decent car? Seems like you have it figured out. At this point in your life your parents opinions stillmatter but you have to do what you feel is best for you.
College is not for everyone imo. You don't have to have a college degree to be successful. So if you think you would get more out of this than going toschool then you have to make that decision. Of course parents are going to have a different view because they want the best for you and probably think you aremaking the wrong decision. But ultimately it's your choice. If you think you could handle the detail shop at such a young age (I personally would havesomeone older giving me advice and helping with book keeping and all that stuff), go for it! You'll never know what you're capable of until you try.
^^to elocin...the CEO of the company is my best friends mom and built the company from 1 shop to about 12 right now. So, she knows and can help us withanything we need, so thats an extra help.
Well then, like I said before go for it. It seems like you have given it much thought and have it planned out pretty well for the beginning stages. Hope it allworks out for you.
Go for it man. you have to take a risk at one point in life and this might be the one for you. if it fails then find something else. You are still young so ifthis fails so wat atleast you tried and you still have a full life ahead of you.College isnt for me either but im still going. Im just tryin to stack up papersrite now so later in life hopefully i can own a business or something.
to me it looks like you got a plan
it seems like a risk id be willing to take
im only 17 tho, so take it for what its worth
Man only risk takers become successful...

and as far as your parents, the only way you can assure them that this is the right move is by being successful. Actions speak louder than words. You shouldtake there advice in to consideration but don't let that get in the way.
Yo we are in the same exact situation except that you have things much more planned out.
Graduated 06. Went to Salisbury for 3 semesters. Didn't do any work and planned on going to CC.
But my parents didn't want to pay for me to fail.
My dad works in another country and brought up the option for me to go over there.
This country recently ran into some oil and is one of the richest countries in Africa.
I can choose to work with my father who started up a bank there and doing alright.
Or I can go and find my own niche. There are endless possibilities like a young America.

By the way man you can always go back to school and your parents aren't going to disown. All this sounds good.
Good luck man!
Edit: Whats good with a job? I am in MoCO. I have extensive experience as a receptionist and in customer service. Nvm jk I won't even be here for all ofApril but if I was I would most def ask for a hook up.
In regards to Frankie Cal, the company is already in buisness...it would be as if you were getting a macdonalds to run...very rarely do they go out ofbuisness...usually theres just no work.
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