What do you love most about pick-up basketball?

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Frustrating someone because of your defense. Locking someone up I think is more rewarding to me than getting major buckets.

Giving every game your all.
- you get to try and practice new moves that you don't have alot of confidence yet to use in a real game because you havent mastered it.
Gotta agree with locking someone up. Making that defensive play, like a clean rip or blocking your own man, even more satisfying than the highlight reelweakside block.
I love challenging myself. Generally play as a forward but pick-up I'll guard anyone and enjoy working my butt off guarding a quicker, smaller guy, even ifhe is going off.
Biggest thing is just getting recognition or having a rep. I like to play in the post, so if I get trapped or everyone's looking at me, it shows the rep.

Getting that feeling that something is on the line

cosign on NTers inflating their games.
Backing up your trash talking....the heated moments, the hard fouls...the arguiing over whether it was out of bounds or not....shooting forit.....everything....no matter how much anger and frustration you had during the game at the end of it all it's still all love...
Man... As a person who plays on average 4 hours a day of basketball everyday, I'd say the best feeling is just draining a trey in your defender's face.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Durden7

I LOVE when this type of topic comes up. Everyones make it seem as though theyre an elite player.
I don't know about anyone else, but when topics like this come up, I'm not lying when I talk about my triple-doubles.
I just love playing, I am leaving for college in a few hours, and I know I won't be able to play weekly like I was this summer for a while.

Seeing the regulars once you hit the court and saying what up, and sharing stories before the games start up.
Getting picked up after my squad loses

Just being outside during the summertime. Outdoor in the cages > Gym.
Playing to when it is too dark to play.
Man this summer made me fall in love with the game all over again.
-Making defensive plays that lead to Ws
-Staying on the court game after game after game
-catching fire and dropping some trifectas
-game winners
-dropping dimes
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Man... As a person who plays on average 4 hours a day of basketball everyday, I'd say the best feeling is just draining a trey in your defender's face.
damn that is a lot of ball. how old are you?

im 25, i try to hoop once per week for a couple hours...

to answer the question tho, for me what i love is just the escape from reality. nothin else really matters but puttin up buckets and wins. it don't matterif i'm having a rough week, the court is safety. and it don't matter if u a student, make minimum wage, or a millionaire - that stuff might matter inthe real world but on the court all that matters is Do you got game?
- Mid-range pull up / floater
- Making big defensive plays that leads to a bucket
- Dunking on fast break
- Going baseline and slapping backboard on someone
- Just getting buckets
Originally Posted by no vert

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Frustrating someone because of your defense. Locking someone up I think is more rewarding to me than getting major buckets. But I love making JWill esque passes on fast breaks.

And not getting credit for locking your man up. Everybody oohs and ahhs when a good off move is done,but when you are on your man like a tablecloth on a table, nobody openly acknowledges it.And everybody in the gym sees it.
thats why i just swat a lot of shots. trust that those dont go unnoticed, especially when you spike it out of bounds or block a jump shot. tonighti had one block that frustrated me because i had a dude try to dunk on me driving baseline and i blocked it out of his hand but my dumb $#% swatted it towardsthe basket and it went in.
Being the best player on the court

Also when newcomers come and underestimate me because I'm Asian and only 5'6
...Then next thing you know, I'm shooting 3s in their faces
Holding court

Hitting the open jumper

Knifing thru the defense and setting up your teammate with a sweet dime.

running the fast break properly.
(arnold) I like the Dunk. Its like sex on the court. so im...(arnold) ehh nvm lol

na i just like hittin a few buckets and folks tellin my man to put a hand in my face.

I hate folks who dont pass.
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