What do you say when... VOL. "So what are we?"

Just tell her what you feel. No need to lie or beat around the bush [although there's a possibility that you wont beat in or around the bush she possessesanymore.]

Just be real with her...and yourself.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Apples28

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me.
after seeing the way guys talk about females in real life and on NT, i'm remaining celibate until i find a man willing to commit

i feel you simply
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Apples28

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me.
after seeing the way guys talk about females in real life and on NT, i'm remaining celibate until i find a man willing to commit


Apples: For every girl I've met that let me smash in the past without considering commitment....1 out of 10.

Simply: We exist, but myself as a guy, needs a girl to grow up and be a Woman, to own up to her part. I can't stress how many times I've met girls(from "easy lays" to "highly educated") still with an immature mindset and outlook on relationships. So until, I meet a girl who'swilling to keep it a "100" as you say, with me, there isn't any way I'm committing myself to someone, who's just frontin because Iprovide great bedroom etiquette.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Apples28

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me.
after seeing the way guys talk about females in real life and on NT, i'm remaining celibate until i find a man willing to commit

You got the game all messed up lady. You don't have to be celibate to find a man that will commit. Actually, you're just making it harderon yourself that way.

As long as a female makes the dude actually take the time to get to know her, she's a lot less vulnerable to getting used. But if you're spreading yourlegs on a whim why should the guy put in time when he can just take what he wants and keep it moving? He'd be stupid to do that.
"We're cool. We're having fun. Let's not make it too complicated right now."
That's what I've been saying for years.

I might've met my match though.

Whatever you do dont tell her the truth, listening to these Nt females is gonna get you caught up. Women always working together!

Go with what DearWinter said and you'll be straight.
Originally Posted by Apples28

Originally Posted by PrimeSole

not one woman in the world is gunna be cool with a dude telling her that hes spending time with her just to smash.

QFT. The girl is gonna bounce right after you say your just with her to smash.

thats not true completely. a lot of girls prefer knowin that the guy isnt the on catching feelings. some girls want sex without the commitment.

How many of them do you know personally?

If any send them my way
Originally Posted by DG Kyrk 33

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Apples28

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me.
after seeing the way guys talk about females in real life and on NT, i'm remaining celibate until i find a man willing to commit

You got the game all messed up lady. You don't have to be celibate to find a man that will commit. Actually, you're just making it harder on yourself that way.

As long as a female makes the dude actually take the time to get to know her, she's a lot less vulnerable to getting used. But if you're spreading your legs on a whim why should the guy put in time when he can just take what he wants and keep it moving? He'd be stupid to do that.

it's a personal choice that i can say i'm 100% happy with.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by DG Kyrk 33

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Apples28

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me.
after seeing the way guys talk about females in real life and on NT, i'm remaining celibate until i find a man willing to commit

You got the game all messed up lady. You don't have to be celibate to find a man that will commit. Actually, you're just making it harder on yourself that way.

As long as a female makes the dude actually take the time to get to know her, she's a lot less vulnerable to getting used. But if you're spreading your legs on a whim why should the guy put in time when he can just take what he wants and keep it moving? He'd be stupid to do that.

it's a personal choice that i can say i'm 100% happy with.

Breath of fresh air to hear that.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

"We're cool. We're having fun. Let's not make it too complicated right now."
That's what I've been saying for years.

I might've met my match though.


That's funny--you remind a lot of gentlemen friend I'm talking to right now cuz he's kinda given off that SAME vibe. The thing is that I am tryingto tell him, or show him, is that things don't get complicated when you dealing with me......

They only get better
^^ never ask first , it will backfire .. thats when she starts feelin' like you cant make decisions on your own like a real man ..

first and best answer is "we cool" .. then turn your head and keep the day moving .
second best answer is to just shrug your shoulders and say "I been thinkin about this lately, I dunno" , then keep the day moving
never had a chick like that..so i cant be of any help

usually i say ''you tell me.''..and we're together minutes later..
Im really feeling this girl. We've been playing it cool for a couple of months now. I just dont know how to let her know I want to be in a relationshipnow.

We've been friends for so long, I just dont want to ruin that friendship we have.
Originally Posted by tillmatic

Tell her it is what it is. You dont like to label situations because they always go sour from there. Your movin at a slow but steady pace.

At least thats what i say.

ill rock with this one.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Apples28

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

if she's doing it right she's in control.
i don't mean it like that. i mean like she knows what's what and is not getting used.

imo, any chick smashing w/o commitment is getting "used"

so she has to want commitment to have sex. you must be kiddin me. but again thats your opinion.
both men and women get used. When one gets emotionally attached and the other just wants sex and makes them think other wise thats when the attached party is getting used. imo

i mean, she doesnt HAVE to want commitment

but giving up the (()) without it, imo, is being used.

you may not feel like you're getting used or whatever, and feel like you have the power or whatnot...

at the end of the day, he got what he wanted without compromising anything....

you can say the same, but hey, you're the one getting penetrated.

smh@this influx of girls thinking THEY are doing it....when really, they are getting done.....

Wth..I completely disagree. You really think its not possible for a dude to get used? Whats the difference with a girl using you for your #%*! then a guy usinga girl for her $%$@%? Some girls just want #%*! without all the other stuff and will lead dudes on or have them catching feelings. There is no difference! But,thats your view.
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