What do you think about Finish Line's new way of handling limited releases?

Its an awful idea. It should be first come, first serve as it has always been. If you miss out, too bad. That's just the way things are now. A lottery doesn't benefit anyone except the person that is chosen. Why should someone who made the effort to show up on time be penalized because they want to give everyone a "fair" shot? The decline of the sneaker culture continues. You guys can have it.
Did anyone besides me read the fine print on Finish Line's "Store Line Lottery"? it doesn't guarantee you a pair of shoes, it guarantees you a spot to line up. you still have to go to the store and line up at 8 am and you still may be out of luck. The website specifically stated winning a spot in the lottery does not guarantee you a pair, it just guarantees you permission to line up. I have a feeling we are still going to have trouble at the malls come the real big releases in November and December.
I'm guessing its gonna work so that they will cross check the inventory for the specific store with the entries so if the store is getting 2 packs in x size they're gonna pick 2 people who submitted entries for that size. So they're not absolutely guaranteeing you're gonna get the pack since there are always unforeseen circumstances, but more than likely you'll get the size that you entered for if you win.

In theory that would eliminate a lot if not all of the employees snatching them up. Around me in the DMV the fnl employees are the worst at this. That sucks if you work for them but for the rest of us that's pretty ill. Any other way they would do it would just seem like a way to thin out the lines which makes no real difference in the grand scheme of it all.
Did anyone besides me read the fine print on Finish Line's "Store Line Lottery"? it doesn't guarantee you a pair of shoes, it guarantees you a spot to line up. you still have to go to the store and line up at 8 am and you still may be out of luck. The website specifically stated winning a spot in the lottery does not guarantee you a pair, it just guarantees you permission to line up. I have a feeling we are still going to have trouble at the malls come the real big releases in November and December.
Think about it from there perspective, The head of FNL have very little control of the stores, and they know that, so saying you may not get a pair is just referring to the fact employees may hold a few pairs, security may be non exsistant, and if at release things get so hectic than it could be cancelled, so saying this FNL are covering there butts, and not sure if all the stores well follow the company rules.... which many don't. It is a smart idea in world where corruption is low, but thats not the world we live in
It'll be interesting to see how the first raffle goes. I know the Finishlines around my way get very limited stock of general releases, let alone limited releases. I was at an actual store for the Fire Red IV releases and was 7th or 8th in line and didn't get my size. I did enter the GMP raffle but the closest FNL that will have that shoe is about 30-35 miles away.
It does make things fair I suppose, but you're leaving everything up to chance. I've always felt that the early bird gets the worm. They should focus more on organizing lines so that people can get their pair.
Something had to be done. No one wants all these annoying kids lining up in droves at every single store for EVERY release.
And this is a perfect opportunity for them to save money in that respect, and maybe actually make a couple extra bucks by making this only available to members.
And as for excluding employees....tough. Sneaker store employees have been screwing customers for years. I could never get a size 12 at my local footlocker for years, and i never understood why. I'd be there early on release day, NO ONE else around. This was before the current jordan mania.
Come to find out, broman would take both size 12's for himself. one for him, and the other to 'flip' to his boys.
The latest thing is with the nike elite socks. The employees wiped out every single pair of the olympic 2.0's to put on ebay. WTF. thats BS.
Just because the employees your way are unethical doesn't mean all the employees have to be punished for it, especially those who actually have to wait in line like at my store.
Just think about it, employees hold pairs regardless of anything at least you have a better chance cooling the pair left over
If the drawing is ran electronically, then it's fair and square. I'm all for that. If it's a "pick and choose" system like NTSF RSVP, then we all lose again. We'll see, I entered to find out.
I was just told of this today too, but I wonder how long it'll last.
Or better yet, how it'll make things change when the Black/Red XI's retro again.
I think it's whack. Mainly because it gave me few options to pick my store. There are plenty of locations in my city but the nearest one I can pick is 25 mile away.
Saw the email today and all I could say was about time! Been calling for this for a good year now! Employees here in Charleston are dirty in all stores, not just FL. This is a start though.
Theres actually a lot of placesthat people can buy these from nonlinear and in-store, you just have to be on your Ps and qs
This is a poor idea. Think of all the people who will enter to get shoes just so they can resell and make money. It takes away from people who actually collect shoes. Worst idea I've herd of. Guess ill be paying top price for shoes cuz getting there early has no meaning.

it's not like the casual collector had a chance anyway....in these times, 9 outta 10 the line's already filled up with resellers....i can't personally beat them...so to even have a chance is nice
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