What do you think about Finish Line's new way of handling limited releases?

You have to remember, though, "winning the lottery" doesn't guarantee you a pair or even your size. You won a chance to line up and camp for the X amount of pairs the store you selected has.

My only gripe with this new system is if you "win the lottery" you should be guaranteed a pair in your size. All this lottery is doing is cutting down on the amount of people who can line up. There's still the possibility of people beefing in line ups over their number in line. Which is one of the main reasons this lottery was implemented, to cut down/prevent violence
You have to remember, though, "winning the lottery" doesn't guarantee you a pair or even your size. You won a chance to line up and camp for the X amount of pairs the store you selected has.

My only gripe with this new system is if you "win the lottery" you should be guaranteed a pair in your size. All this lottery is doing is cutting down on the amount of people who can line up. There's still the possibility of people beefing in line ups over their number in line. Which is one of the main reasons this lottery was implemented, to cut down/prevent violence
Thats not the case for my mall, I asked the manager today in person and she said it secures a pack, of course for most stores this isnt true
well if thats the case, looks like im done with jordan brand its too much of a hassle if you can only get a release that way.
Stores will receive a email with your info and size employee purchase info was submitted to DM in advance so most that won the lottery should get there pair
I hope for the people who won that this is true. And if FNL wants this to be the standard for all future releases then this is a MUST
I really dislike Finishline. The CSR is terrible and they never have a size 15.

My dude, size 15+ is simply not a profitable shoe to keep in stock. They take up more stock room space due to their larger boxes and 9 times out of 10 they end up being marked down.

If anything Nike/Adidas/Reebok should offer a 'direct to consumer' service for cats needing those sizes.
At least you have a chance!

When did you get that email?
like 9 last night, I think I was the first on the web to show this lol
I don't  understand all the hoops to jump thru to get this pack but yet, individuals are accepting pre-orders on frs's on eBay. Somethings just not right! LOL
Its not going to stay like this...JB passed the idea about thats why all account holders are doing this..its like some willy wonka ****....these will re relase
I never liked Finish Line this is another reason. I wanted to work there back in high school but then I found out they didn't get 50% employee discounts like Foot Locker, Champs, Foot Action back before they got so strict.
It's not just Finishline. I was at a Champs today and they told me they're doing the same thing. You sign up online and you're entered into a lottery. If selected, you can choose your size and store location. You'll have the entire weekend to pick up the shoes.

I kinda like the idea. It keeps things fair and somewhat organized. Let's just hope that it's a true lottery and the people are selected randomly. The only thing that sucks is alot of people really rely on the stand in line method.
I feel it's safe and fair
Honestly, I didn't like FNL methods.

Should of been like Footlocker if you ask me.

Hand out tickets till 6pm, call the people back the next day.


This whole "chance" for a "chance" is ridiculous.
All the lottery did at Finish Line was cause people to line up to buy the shoes at 12 PM instead of whenever the store usually opened.
all this raffle stuff is bananas even with the twitter rsvp. i have been selected. the raffle should be in done in person. so any person that does not show up loses their spot.
Screw my local Champs. They did the whole "pick your size and we'll call you if you win" deal. What it really meant was "Throw me an extra Bennie with your name and size and i'll make sure you get a call". PMO. Shyster *** employees and managers. All this system does is open up the window for more shady practices. I'm fine with the old system of first come first serve. got my GMP the old fashion way of camping friday night till saturday morning and was just fine with it.
I've been a FnL customer for years and didn't get the email for the lottery.
I'll call them I guess to find out what's up andf give em some hell! >:

Incidentally, I was in a lottery at my local HOH but struck out on that.
Oh well, just ordered a pack for $550 shipped, not great but not too bad.
Should be here on Wed. can't wait to rock them.
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