What do you want achieve by 13 April 2013?

Apr 10, 2012
Write 10 things that you want to achieve by 13 April 2013 and which one would make you happiest if you complete it?
1.Get Laid
2.Get own to 175 lbs.

3.Be 6 feet tall

4.Be able to work a full wrestling match-Happiest

5.Have a full relationship with my father

6.Play Varsity baseball
Get promoted at work. Every day I am told how valuable and irreplaceable I am. Later for all that talk. Show me the money.
Have over 10k in savings.
Have a second novel published
Get this venture me and one of my friends are working on in stores around the tri-state at least
Be with a slew of beautiful women
Finishing writing my first book. I have the outline planned out and how each chapter should go. But I just get caught up in my laziness from time to time
In college, back in Houston, happy.
wait, I'm already happy, I'm just not in college or in houston 

But in all seriousness,

1. Muster up the courage to finally record some of my music

2. Start producing.

3. Be in college

4. Lose about 50-60 pounds, I've been dieting lately so it's not impossible, hell, nothing is 

Maybe have gf, I'm moving back home in couple months and I don't really see myself being in a committed relationship for a while, I got too much P available for me in Houston 

It's a tie between college and music tho, I think it would bring a huge smile to my face to show other people my music.
1) Get into a top 10 school for CS.
2) Achieve the body that I desire.
3) Learn how to code at a decent level.
Man it will be that time in no time. Time really does fly. I swear jus a couple weeks ago is was Jan 1 2012
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