What does it feel like being short?

Jul 2, 2012
I was always at the end of the line in grade school and never asked for help when needing something from the top shelve. It must suck being short.
I was short all thru grade school, nd majority of middleschool. Still had females, then shot up during 8th grade summer then really went into 6th gear.
Being 5'9 isn't that bad, maybe an inch below average height. If I were like 3 inches taller, I'd dunk for sure...not that dunking is that big of a deal or anything.
Originally Posted by JPEG

I was always at the end of the line in grade school and never asked for help when needing something from the top shelve. It must suck being short.

I'm not trying to rustle anyone's jimmies but I believe it's far more difficult in society for short males when it comes to girls and certain careers.
I have to keep in mind the average age of most of you guys before I really get into explanations.

As you mature OP, you understand how height takes a back seat to confidence, education, and financial gain in this country. I cannot de-emphasize the benefits of being tall, but it doesn't cast a shadow upon things that really matter when you speak amongst adults.
OP, you're a jerk for this thread. What's the point? Go find something constructive to do with your time.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

5'10.It sucks being in the middle.
Far from short, and far from tall. 

Yeah I'm with you on this one. 5'11 but it's all good
Solid height and majority of the girls are shorter so it's legit
I mean getting taller people to do stuff for me without having to do it myself like getting things from the top shelf is pretty awesome, so yeah OP, thanks for the trouble. 
Originally Posted by JPEG

I'm not trying to rustle anyone's jimmies but I believe it's far more difficult in society for short males when it comes to girls and certain careers.

I know op is trolling but this made me
The replies of the people are a telling sign on their height.

Op is trolling, though.
I'm 5'7". I've never had any problems getting women and I'm currently employed. Won't lie, I wish I could push another 3 inches out. My !%%*+! know not to wear heels when we out.
Originally Posted by beh235

OP, you're a jerk for this thread. What's the point? Go find something constructive to do with your time.
There is no need to be upset.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by JPEG

I'm not trying to rustle anyone's jimmies but I believe it's far more difficult in society for short males when it comes to girls and certain careers.

I know op is trolling but this made me

Strong avy to sense of humor correlation.

Have we reached a consensus on whether being short is a disadvantage in today's society?
I'm 5'8. Yeah I'm short, but it's not like I'm an elf or some @#@$
 The only downside is being shorter than all those fine Scandinavian girls
 I'm taller than most Iberian,Italian, and Latina girls though, and most of these groups have many men who are my height , so I'm good to go 

 @ people thinking short guys can't advance far in their careers. I guess the thousands of 5'5 Asian immigrants in the Bay Area who earn 200K+ are just miracles? Even in NYC, most of the rich professionals I met were much shorter than me. This is why so many Americans are unemployed. More concerned about superficial @#$% than actual work
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