What Games Are You Playing?

Total war fall of t he samurai
New Super Mario Bros 2
Dream Drop Distance
GTAIV episodes
Mother 3
Tales of Symphonia 2
and SOOOOO many more

Them steam sales and more. This backlog never ends :smh:
been playing mass effect 3 multiplayer mostly...some arkham city combat challenges to mix it up. ....year or two ago it would've been COD all day.
I've been alternating from Diablo III and Starcraft II.

D3 not as much, I'm waiting for the new patch.

As for SC2, I'm trying to get ready for the new expansion.
I'm not sure if I'll pick it up right away though.
haven't picked up the sticks in several months and i'm backlogged with games to pick up.since last year. I saw Infamous 2 for 9.99 at Best Buy and the MSRP for Uncharted 3 is rumored to have a universal price drop to 19.99 today (8/14). I might have to start with those 2 while waiting for Skyrim to hit
Mass Effect 3 on 360. The graphics and small movement changes are awesome.

That's not my avatar anymore. Lol
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NBA 2K12

Arkham City (Harley's Revenge)

Sleeping Dogs (Just picked this up on my lunch break)
Skyrim Skyrim and Skyrim lol

I've been meaning to grab Diablo III but a friend told me yesterday that the most recent patch made the game horrible and that I'd be wasting my money if I bought it.
I've been alternating from Diablo III and Starcraft II.
D3 not as much, I'm waiting for the new patch.
As for SC2, I'm trying to get ready for the new expansion.
I'm not sure if I'll pick it up right away though.

info on your avy? seems so familiar and nostalgic but dont remember what it is
but on topic
nba 2k12
pokemon white
pokemon soul silver

NBA 2K12
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition
Red Dead Redemption

Basically nothing special.
My 360 got the RROD so I've been playing Majora's Mask on my sister's Wii lately. Just beat it earlier today, still my favorite Zelda game ever :pimp:. Might download Twilight Princess and try that out, I don't like the normal Wii controller though so hopefully I can use the classic controller for it. :\
My 360 got the RROD so I've been playing Majora's Mask on my sister's Wii lately. Just beat it earlier today, still my favorite Zelda game ever :pimp:. Might download Twilight Princess and try that out, I don't like the normal Wii controller though so hopefully I can use the classic controller for it. :\

This dude KNOWS.

BTW there's a gamecube version of Twilight princess so you don't have to use motion control bull **** I'd suggest playing that on the Wii.

I've been playing


New update is about to drop tomorrow introducing co-op game modes.

Anyone who is a fan of shooters should be playing this on PC. It's FREE.
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^ I got rid of my Gamecube years ago and this Wii is modded so I can just download the game for free so I guess I'll just have to man up and get my Link on with the Wiimote :lol:. You ever play Skyward Sword? Which is better Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword? Are they the same storyline or different adventures altogether? I didn't even know there was a newer game than TP up until a few days ago. I haven't been up on the Wii since ever.
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^ I got rid of my Gamecub years ago and this Wii is modded so I can just download the game for free so I guess I'll just have to man up and get my Link on with the Wiimote :lol:. You ever play Skyward Sword? Which is better Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword? Are they the same storyline or different adventures altogether? I didn't even know there was a newer game than TP up until a few days ago. I haven't been up on the Wii since ever.

They're totally different games, I enjoyed Twilight more though.
Just revisiting old ones like Arkham City, NBA 2K12 and L4D2. Looking forward to Sleeping Dogs though.
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