What happened to your homie Jay?

@ 5:15

i kno this dude still kick his self to this day that he aint sign the contract
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Sound like Jaz O was delusional at the time and couldn't humble himself or even see Hov and Dame's vision.
Sound like Jaz O was delusional at the time and couldn't humble himself or even see Hov and Dame's vision.

Bruh, I'm a huge Hov fan. But **** seeing another man's vision if I can't survive. I would have walked out also.

I could see if dude had other deals on the table, or he had ANY kind of heat at the time Rocafella was getting the Def Jam deal, but he didn't have either of those. He just had a feeling that Hov was under him and didn't have faith in Dame, Biggs, or Hov as a team. If you've got nothing, and someone puts a deal in front of you, ESPECIALLY if its more of a short term deal cause Jaz O talkin bout numbers for one album and not no 3 album deal and whatnot, TAKE THE DEAL. BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS. This was the 90's. Wasn't nobody independent except Rap A Lot at this time, and that's what the Roc was trying to create. Jaz O was not about to get any buzz without a deal.

Take that deal, and if you believe in your art then you can use the success of your art to broker your next deal for a much better situation. Son didn't think he had to do any of that.
Sound like Jaz O was delusional at the time and couldn't humble himself or even see Hov and Dame's vision.

I don't think thats what it is. He probably saw they were giving him a ****** deal and didn't want any parts of it.

jaz coulda made more, but he ain't signed his contract...hova ftw

that's the power Jay-Z has over his fans. We hear that line, and automatically assume Jaz O was going to get millions, but there is more to it than that.

Bruh, I'm a huge Hov fan. But **** seeing another man's vision if I can't survive. I would have walked out also.

exactly. Where are the roc a fella artist now? Minus Jay and Kanye no one is living it up. It's like somebody trying to be signed to Bad Boy, Puff be raping them people and they dont see **** out those deals. The only difference between them and Jaz O is he failed on his terms not someone else's.
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