What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

Had a close group of friends that I always had a great time with, but i def shoulda been more outgoing in HS and wish I branched out a bit more..

Not to sound ungrateful or anything but I know I failed by going to college in NYC...shoulda gone to a school with a huge campus, football team, greek life etc and wyled out for 4 years the way I was supposed to..
I don't have any major regrets. I did poorly on the LSAT even though I studied by butt off for 2 and a half months. I pretty much wasted half of a semester of my senior year studying for that thing only to choke when it mattered most
. I can't even describe how low I felt when I got that score back, I damn near cried. In the end though it was the best thing for me because it forced me to re-assess why I was looking at law school and opened my eyes to other job opportunities; one thing lead to another and I'm going to Navy OCS later this year
Not continuing to play basketball after high school when i had a chance is soemthing that bothers me just about everyday
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Having my head up my **+ in high school and college not knowing how easy it was to smash everything I crossed paths with.

exactly, my biggest let down for the first 2 years on college.. luckily theres still time.
also not living up to my academic potential, feel bads man.
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

Damn op how u bounced back?

I came here to say my biggest L so far is failing one class (calculus I)

I feel like I'm not taking school serious and Im just not about that' engineering life

Being in a cc doesn't help either

I the following summer I retook the classes and earned passing grades.
Stepping out of my comfort zone more and getting invovled in diffrent things more during college. Not a huge deal but it's something I think about sometimes.
Not having a gf in high school. Im pretty sure I could have asked 3 different girls throughout the time and they would've said yes but I just never committed for some reason
not being a millionaire by the age of 19, still bothers me till this day, not the actual money part, but just the principle that i couldent meet that goal i set for my self
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I should have never attended the college i did.  It was my fault i was uninformed on everything.  My dad wasn't in the picture and my mom had never been to college so she didn't know the whole process.  In my head at 18 it was "just take out loans and get a job and pay them back everyone does it...its not that bad".  I got approved every year for my 45k tuition with no co-signer.  (with aid i paid 30k per year).

Started out at 120k in debt just from undergrad.  I have been paying loans for 2 years now and im down to 95k.  I have put everything i possibly can into these loans and they go no where.  My interest rates are insanely high and most of my payments go toward interest not principal.  I have a job I love but 0 personal life because i never have any money.  This decision will haunt me forever. 
giving an 18 yo kid a 45k loan w/ no co-signer? %!@?
Sallie Mae doesn't give out the tuition plus loans anymore that allowed you to do this.  Once the housing bubble burst the stop giving these out probably because they are as toxic as those mortgages were.  I understand it was my fault and all but home owners all over the place made the same mistake i did and they are older and "wiser".  The system is set up to keep you stupid and in debt.  At least i know i will never allow my kids to do the same thing i did.  You live and you learn and money isn't everything as they say. 
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

not taking college serious. I networked better than i did in class. I coasted a lot

Same goes for me. Coasted through my whole 5 years. Most of my professors were hyping me up as a great writer well beyond my years. @+%# got in my head... never entertained the thought of getting better. Took it all for granted. Fast forward 12 years later, I can't even write a single creative paragraph no more. Sucks. And now I'm stuck with working jobs that I don't like because I no longer have what it takes to work at the type of job that I like.
at 18 i wanted to be come a cop, instead though i had a good paying job and didnt wanna leave it for school/take time off.

now im 25 and want to become a cop, but theres a hiring freeze where i live, i ran into a girl that i knew back in highschool (when i was 18) and shes been a cop for 3 years now

could be me
Being a D bag sometimes in College. I am only child and had always felt the world revolved around me. So I was all about me and taking care of me, I would do what it took to get what I wanted. I would clown on people Lulz, and was just overall a D bag. Fast forward 4 years now, I have grown up a lot and am not the same person, I moved away after college for my job and no longer live in the same city. A couple weeks ago I realized that not one of my college "friends" has ever attempted to even call me or visit me since college. So I asked one of them why they never visit, and he told me pretty much I was selfish d bag back then and rubbed people the wrong way. Then I realized thats why I never get invited to weddings and stuff. Its hard to hear that about yourself but it has really help me grow as a person.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Failed 2/3 of my first semesters at a community college.. I thought life was over after that, dropped out for 2 yrs and life was pretty much worthless. lost 2 yrs of my young adulthood doing nuthin, and trying to make a long distance relationship work, that soon failed. I don't let any of my past failures get to me now. Failure is no longer an option.

I had a similar experience..failed out of community college, had a kid..wasted time, gained no real life or work experience, was incredibly irresponsible.  I could barely support my own child (BM got me for 690 a month though). SMH..but now at 25, i've graduated, starting grad school in the Fall and take care of my child everyday.

Edit: i really owe it all to my father..without him, I would probably be homeless or in prison..he never gave up on me and continued to come out of pocket for school even after I wasted his money for like 4 semesters straight in my early college career.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I should have never attended the college i did.  It was my fault i was uninformed on everything.  My dad wasn't in the picture and my mom had never been to college so she didn't know the whole process.  In my head at 18 it was "just take out loans and get a job and pay them back everyone does it...its not that bad".  I got approved every year for my 45k tuition with no co-signer.  (with aid i paid 30k per year).

Started out at 120k in debt just from undergrad.  I have been paying loans for 2 years now and im down to 95k.  I have put everything i possibly can into these loans and they go no where.  My interest rates are insanely high and most of my payments go toward interest not principal.  I have a job I love but 0 personal life because i never have any money.  This decision will haunt me forever. 
giving an 18 yo kid a 45k loan w/ no co-signer? %!@?
Sallie Mae doesn't give out the tuition plus loans anymore that allowed you to do this.  Once the housing bubble burst the stop giving these out probably because they are as toxic as those mortgages were.  I understand it was my fault and all but home owners all over the place made the same mistake i did and they are older and "wiser".  The system is set up to keep you stupid and in debt.  At least i know i will never allow my kids to do the same thing i did.  You live and you learn and money isn't everything as they say. 

I'm not faulting you for taking the loan; you were 18, we all did dumb things. My issue is with them giving you the loan. This is one of my big issues with the educational system in general and what's gonna lead the educational bubble bursting just like the housing bubble. The same way it'd be hard for and 18 yo get a 45k auto loan, business loan or mortgage, I think it should be harder for them to get a big student loan as well. I know everyone should be able to get an education but some of these debt totals I see are ridiculous. Sallie should be alot more prudent with who they give loans to, it hurts everyone. Alot of students are defaulting on their loans because they have no reasonable way of paying them back (not to mention student loans are non-dischargeable). I know a dude who minimum monthly payment is $1200!
Originally Posted by MMG

at 18 i wanted to be come a cop, instead though i had a good paying job and didnt wanna leave it for school/take time off.

now im 25 and want to become a cop, but theres a hiring freeze where i live, i ran into a girl that i knew back in highschool (when i was 18) and shes been a cop for 3 years now

could be me

<Strong avy to post ratio
I don't really see it as 'failure', but in hindsight there are a couple of events that I thought would be life changing.

Back when I was applying for colleges, I could've applied for a lot more and given a genuine attempt at a good school.  I was afraid undoubtly, but the financial situation of being out of residence wasn't easy for me, nor my folks to accept.  Of course, my folks said it would be alright and that they'd make it work, but in the end, I didn't follow up with and remained at a university at home.

Another thing I see as a let down was me not trying to experience living in another country.  Now that I look back, I could've wished I tried a year or a couple of months living in another country. 

You can say now, that I am working full time, and wish to travel and not be tied down.  But life isn't fair and even though I didn't make those moves back then, it's never too late to make changes.  But seizing the opportunity is what's it about and it's not too easy now being in the real world.
OP I pretty much did the same thing. I screwed up heavy my last year, didn't even get to walk. Fast forward to now and I am getting my MBA next month. I finally give my parents the joy of seeing my cross the stage. It hurt a lot then but felt good that I did finish at Hampton and have exceeded my own expectations.

The other let down is getting involved with the wrong side of the law. It is no good having to step in front of any judge, unless you're getting married and even that's debatable, J/k

I promise when I'm done I will never be involved with the police.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Having my head up my **+ in high school and college not knowing how easy it was to smash everything I crossed paths with.

THIS. Girls was basically putting the p in your hands too smh. If only I knew what I knew now i'd be +20


Also, putting so much time, money and effort in my old band and seeing it just die out with nothing to show for it.  
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

I promised the one girl that I loved that nothing would come between us when she left for college three years ago.

Fast forward to 2012 and now were broken up for good. It's not even the fact that we're broken up that kills me, its the fact that I promised her she was the girl I would marry, she would have my children, and we would die together. And now I'm moving on today without her.

That *%+* will eat me up for the rest of my life

What the hell dude

Me and my girl had to part ways for college too, she's in LB I'm at Sac St.... and we both have basically committed to each other in one subtle way or another (joking about our future kids, our wedding, future house, etc) but we moved away when we were 21
not 18, not so sure if thats much of a difference.... and we do see each other every other week, heck I'm pretty much spending my entire summer with her down there.

Anywho its been 9 months and I wanna say we are as good as we have ever been
but your post got me nervous.

My biggest failure however, was when I first started dating this girl (current gf). When I met her at the age of 18 I was doing amateur bodybuilding shows, my fitness was not to be %!%*+% with. As soon as I started to dig this girl, I threw pretty much most of my own interests out the window, with the gym and bodybuilding being one of the first. Fast forward 6 months and my body is completely whack. I only gained like 20 pounds but I looked like a whole new person in a bad way
Thankfully I snapped out of it about a year ago, I started to really get back into it, but its a whole lot tougher than its ever been especially since I've started going to school here and started really drinking..... but on the other hand its easier too cuz my girl is in socal so I don't dedicated anytime to her
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