What has been your biggest failure or personal let down?

Messing around and not doing as well as i could have in school. I hardly worked in school, from 2nd grade until senior year it was the same. I wouldn't have passed the 5th had it not been for my teachers liking me and catching up at a private school I went to that gave me an insane amount of check marks and credits towards progressing(in that school the 5th grade class would do basic multiplication and advanced basic math). Then in 8th I dropped out of school after the first quarter of the school year because I moved and kept coming late so they removed me from the school and I never enrolled in another middle school. But I was a good student behavior wise so my teachers and counselors vouched for me and falsified my credits(I still didn't graduate but was allowed into high school).

Then in high school I didn't do any work, hardly went to school to learn, and started smoking halfway through freshman year, was suspended and expelled a total of 4 time and went to jail freshman year(that's another huge regret, if you wanna know the story behind that just post and i'll post it up later).
But I knew i wasn't dumb because I've never failed a state or final test in my life, I scored a perfect on the C.A.H.S.E.E twice(ended up at a continuation school called peninsula high school and they didn't believe a student with all f's for 3 years straight could ace the exam), I never did find my academic legs in high school and ended up taking my GED(averaged between 725 and 800 on the tests except 1 680). Now i work 2 jobs constantly just to keep my head slightly below sea level but still feel like i'm drowning. And still feel a pang every time i think about the fact that I've never graduated or lived up to my full potential, and never went to prom.

Will not post cliffs, if you're too lazy to read 2 paragraphs you need not be interested in other peoples stories.
Not passing my NCLEX from now
.. since 2011
How I was in High school. I have changed so much since then and overcame a lot of my laziness so it isn't all bad.
Originally Posted by jaywalkinsince91

Messing around and not doing as well as i could have in school. I hardly worked in school, from 2nd grade until senior year it was the same. I wouldn't have passed the 5th had it not been for my teachers liking me and catching up at a private school I went to that gave me an insane amount of check marks and credits towards progressing(in that school the 5th grade class would do basic multiplication and advanced basic math). Then in 8th I dropped out of school after the first quarter of the school year because I moved and kept coming late so they removed me from the school and I never enrolled in another middle school. But I was a good student behavior wise so my teachers and counselors vouched for me and falsified my credits(I still didn't graduate but was allowed into high school).

Then in high school I didn't do any work, hardly went to school to learn, and started smoking halfway through freshman year, was suspended and expelled a total of 4 time and went to jail freshman year(that's another huge regret, if you wanna know the story behind that just post and i'll post it up later).
But I knew i wasn't dumb because I've never failed a state or final test in my life, I scored a perfect on the C.A.H.S.E.E twice(ended up at a continuation school called peninsula high school and they didn't believe a student with all f's for 3 years straight could ace the exam), I never did find my academic legs in high school and ended up taking my GED(averaged between 725 and 800 on the tests except 1 680). Now i work 2 jobs constantly just to keep my head slightly below sea level but still feel like i'm drowning. And still feel a pang every time i think about the fact that I've never graduated or lived up to my full potential, and never went to prom.

Will not post cliffs, if you're too lazy to read 2 paragraphs you need not be interested in other peoples stories.
how old are you, famb? you make it sound like your life is over
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by jaywalkinsince91

Messing around and not doing as well as i could have in school. I hardly worked in school, from 2nd grade until senior year it was the same. I wouldn't have passed the 5th had it not been for my teachers liking me and catching up at a private school I went to that gave me an insane amount of check marks and credits towards progressing(in that school the 5th grade class would do basic multiplication and advanced basic math). Then in 8th I dropped out of school after the first quarter of the school year because I moved and kept coming late so they removed me from the school and I never enrolled in another middle school. But I was a good student behavior wise so my teachers and counselors vouched for me and falsified my credits(I still didn't graduate but was allowed into high school).

Then in high school I didn't do any work, hardly went to school to learn, and started smoking halfway through freshman year, was suspended and expelled a total of 4 time and went to jail freshman year(that's another huge regret, if you wanna know the story behind that just post and i'll post it up later).
But I knew i wasn't dumb because I've never failed a state or final test in my life, I scored a perfect on the C.A.H.S.E.E twice(ended up at a continuation school called peninsula high school and they didn't believe a student with all f's for 3 years straight could ace the exam), I never did find my academic legs in high school and ended up taking my GED(averaged between 725 and 800 on the tests except 1 680). Now i work 2 jobs constantly just to keep my head slightly below sea level but still feel like i'm drowning. And still feel a pang every time i think about the fact that I've never graduated or lived up to my full potential, and never went to prom.

Will not post cliffs, if you're too lazy to read 2 paragraphs you need not be interested in other peoples stories.
how old are you, famb? you make it sound like your life is over

20, and never that, just the younger years. right now i work at a shoe store making almost $9.00 an hour and landed the foot end of a contract with san francisco making 1400 a month, i just was expressing regrets.
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

Not passing my NCLEX from now
.. since 2011

My mom took it 3 times, she has a friend that took it 8x 
keep trucking sir.

Ignoring my problems with math from a very young age. 
A personal let-down: I'd say it's feeling like I missed out on part of my youth and the whole college experience. I just turned 23 and have been focusing on work and saving up money the last 4 years. When I first started college, I didn't have as many worries/priorities so I did get to enjoy the college experience of partying frequently and having fun initially but that gradually ended after freshman year. Over the last 4 years, I've had a non-existent social life
. It's not even just fact I don't have time or make an effort to go out; I've just lost the desire and would rather stay in and kick back these days 

Biggest Failure: Easily not finishing college. Changed my major 4 times in 4 years
. Just haven't been able to find that one true calling out of the ones we're allowed to pick from in a school setting. Had one more year to go to finish that last major I switched over to but just felt burned out from balancing school and work for 4 years so I said F it and took a break this past Fall semester. Then I decided to take this last Spring semester off too; now I don't really see myself going back. Just feeling like I've had enough of it. 

There are some silver linings out of this though: While I don't have a degree, I've worked my way up the ladder at my job and hold a significant position and love the work I do. I'm not too bad in debt w/ student loans. I was feeling salty at owing about $4000 in student loans but I read some people are over $100K in student loans 
. I live relatively comfortably with my own place (no roommates) and just copped a new whip. I live independently and feel like a grown man 
- Doing poorly in a Criminal Justice class I took. It was an easy class, and the professor was good, but I wasn't focused in the least bit. Completely my fault.
- Not being social enough, and just being passive towards certain opportunities in life.
Wouldn't call it a failure but i always thought to myself that by the time I'm 21 I would be out of my parents house by now.
Also I'm 3 semesters from graduating but a lot of people who I graduated high school with just graduated and that was kind of a let down as well. Oh wells
Breaking my collarbone summer before senior year on my dirtbike and pretty much ruining my hockey career. I had offers to go to a few small d1 schools. Didn't rehab it right/stay in shape. Was too big headed smh.
Ended up goin to a %*%!+@ juco school.. dropped out after about a year. Luckily my familys got connect with ford and they got me in. Still would of been nice to experience that "college campus life". Always will be my biggest regret.
its almost the end of the school year and I still haven't talked to the girl of my dreams. It gets harder for me every single day knowing that the days are counting down and it's now or never.

Why I have the ability to friendzone the baddest girls in school but not being able to say one word to my crush puzzles me. 
This is the worst one i have.Last summer my grandpa was very ill. I'm over here in America and he's in Turkey and I couldn't go because of my job. Luckily, my mother got there to see/talk to him(it's her father). I told her to tell him that I'm gonna come to visit as soon as I can and this was in June. Everybody in the family saw him except for me. My cousins, aunts, little brother, uncles, etc etc.So that August, I finally got my time off and immediately head over to Istanbul where my parents were, but my grandpa lives about 9-10 hours away in another city so that night I arrived I was too tired to go on a road trip. However, that evening at 11pm, my father gets a call and I hear my mom bawling, tears all over her face. Turns out grandpa took his last breath and I didn't get to see him or hug him or anything. I felt so guilty for some reason.mright after the call we immediately hit the road. At the funeral, I got a chance to be alone with him and finally got to hold his hand and kiss him on the forehead.
%++ I got a few:

-Not doing better in H.S. when I know I could've. I turned straight lazy. I also wasn't social enough....I felt like I had to step my game up to were I wanna be. I spent more time being embarrassed I wasn't fly then chilling with my friends.

-Still got into a pretty good school and flunking out due to my laziness. Not good at all. I had to take out a student loan to attend so I'm in debt too. I got myself a job when I was there and spent more time and money buying clothes and sneakers than studying. Ended up flunking out cause I was to busy trying to up my social status.

-I was so embarrassed I wasn't in school and I didn't have a job so I couldn't keep up that image people had of me being a fly dude so I just straight cut off all ties with everyone. Little did I know my real friends never gave a %++ about that. They was still willing to chill with me and yet all I did was sulk...lucky for me I'm changing that and they still got my back. I wish I would've realized sooner cause eventually as we get older we won't be able to chill like that. And that's on me more than anything. This one hurts the most.

-I'm in a C.C. right now. I'm doing alright, I got a 2.8 GPA. It should be higher though....once again I let laziness take over. I've been doing better the past 2 semesters though. I should have at least a 3.0 by the time I leave.
When I was a senior in high school I started pimping my friend and a friend of hers. They were already hoing on the street but wanted safer hotel or brothel work. I didn't force them to do anything but I still profitted from that dirty money. I hope I can regain some positive karma.
Originally Posted by wildmoodswings

- Not being social enough, and just being passive towards certain opportunities in life.
This. Introvert ftl back in university. Now couple years out, I'm more out going after going back to school and realizing my potential I can get with girls, but have been in a long term commitment since first year. half 
, half 
i once took the same chemistry class twice and dropped them/audited them both times. about 3 grand wasted for no reason. put my financial aid in jeopardy, my future in school in jeopardy. I regret not trying hard enough in school allllll the time. Missing class just to sleep in. Not doing homework just to play video games. skipping days to get bunz. Wish I could go back and kick my own #%%
Originally Posted by jonwin

A personal let-down: I'd say it's feeling like I missed out on part of my youth and the whole college experience. I just turned 23 and have been focusing on work and saving up money the last 4 years. When I first started college, I didn't have as many worries/priorities so I did get to enjoy the college experience of partying frequently and having fun initially but that gradually ended after freshman year. Over the last 4 years, I've had a non-existent social life
. It's not even just fact I don't have time or make an effort to go out; I've just lost the desire and would rather stay in and kick back these days 

There are some silver linings out of this though: While I don't have a degree, I've worked my way up the ladder at my job and hold a significant position and love the work I do. I'm not too bad in debt w/ student loans. I was feeling salty at owing about $4000 in student loans but I read some people are over $100K in student loans 
. I live relatively comfortably with my own place (no roommates) and just copped a new whip. I live independently and feel like a grown man 
at the end of the day, its just college. too many people go there and peak and never recover, always talking about it was the time of their lives like they dont have the rest of their lives to make memories. don't regret it. you've been busting your +@! so props.
Other than some really personal ones.

- Not finding some sort of passion in life. It could be anything, but I just want something that I can completely let myself go with. Jealous of people, anyone, who has found something they love like that.

- These past few years, I've been letting some things get to me too frequently and stop me from being happy. It's usually small things too, but for whatever reason, it has been getting to me.
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by jonwin

A personal let-down: I'd say it's feeling like I missed out on part of my youth and the whole college experience. I just turned 23 and have been focusing on work and saving up money the last 4 years. When I first started college, I didn't have as many worries/priorities so I did get to enjoy the college experience of partying frequently and having fun initially but that gradually ended after freshman year. Over the last 4 years, I've had a non-existent social life
. It's not even just fact I don't have time or make an effort to go out; I've just lost the desire and would rather stay in and kick back these days 

There are some silver linings out of this though: While I don't have a degree, I've worked my way up the ladder at my job and hold a significant position and love the work I do. I'm not too bad in debt w/ student loans. I was feeling salty at owing about $4000 in student loans but I read some people are over $100K in student loans 
. I live relatively comfortably with my own place (no roommates) and just copped a new whip. I live independently and feel like a grown man 
at the end of the day, its just college. too many people go there and peak and never recover, always talking about it was the time of their lives like they dont have the rest of their lives to make memories. don't regret it. you've been busting your +@! so props.
Thanks man 
i think a girl liked me in high school....of course, i didn't do anything

and i'm not doin too well in my physics class, i didn't pass last time, and i'm up in the air this time...i don't know what i don't get
i should be in medical school.

NO reason will ever be good enough to convince myself that its ok not to be.
God gives you a chance to redeem yourself every day. So redeem yourself. Every day for the rest of my life I will be battling to not let my weakness get the better of me again. Be strong.
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