What have you learned so far in life?

Mar 11, 2010
what are some important things that you've learned so far in life whether its dealing with work, school, women, etc


it's not what you know, it's who you know

all women can become irritating at some point, so you best as well stop trying to chase the perfect one and deal with the one you think that is close to it

do whatever i can to stay out of the court system, cus whatever the case is, it's always possible to get $**%@% over.

college is serious @+*%.

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what are some important things that you've learned so far in life whether its dealing with work, school, women, etc


it's not what you know, it's who you know

all women can become irritating at some point, so you best as well stop trying to chase the perfect one and deal with the one you think that is close to it

do whatever i can to stay out of the court system, cus whatever the case is, it's always possible to get $**%@% over.

college is serious @+*%.

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Dmvbatman wrote:

all women can become irritating at some point, so you best as well stop trying to chase the perfect one and deal with the one you think that is close to it

Only if most of NT can understand this principal in life
Dmvbatman wrote:

all women can become irritating at some point, so you best as well stop trying to chase the perfect one and deal with the one you think that is close to it

Only if most of NT can understand this principal in life
all women are the same

dudes are like females

everybody lies, you cant trust anybody

always put your own interests first
all women are the same

dudes are like females

everybody lies, you cant trust anybody

always put your own interests first
The who you know thing is sucha trip man, really sucks that life has to work out like this and its sad your life will only advance so far without this playing a big part. Smh
The who you know thing is sucha trip man, really sucks that life has to work out like this and its sad your life will only advance so far without this playing a big part. Smh
In learning: To a person, a punch is only a punch but when one practices and develops technique with that punch then that punch isn't only a punch anymore. However, if that one particular person practices that punch; over the years of training that punch becomes only a punch. We learn to forget.
In learning: To a person, a punch is only a punch but when one practices and develops technique with that punch then that punch isn't only a punch anymore. However, if that one particular person practices that punch; over the years of training that punch becomes only a punch. We learn to forget.
Do NOT TRUST 90% of people.
Friends are harder to by as you get older

Life is very complicated

Stories are never as excited as you want them to be

Money is Power in all form

Google pretty much owns most people my age at this point in my life

The Word family means very little
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