What if your wife asked you to get a Male Vasectomy...

What a ridiculous question.

If you're asking if she should have an op to stop her having more kids (which is a big deal) or should take birth control for years (which isn't the best idea in the world) then the answer is clearly no.

A vasectomy isn't a particularly big op. It's a week or so of discomfort.

So I'm told. Haven't got round to it yet - I plan to soon, just need to find a couple of weeks where I don't have much on so I can take it easy.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

with the info you said, i don't see why not.
What do you mean with the info he posted? What info did he post that is so convincing? I am lost here.
DCAllAmerican wrote:

That is the joy of being a man. Your seed doesn't have a limit. You don't have an internal clock. NO NO and NO. I would not. Loving her means nothing to this decision.

   Actually we males do have internal clocks.
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

It's an IUD not a UDI
Umm you're both wrong, its a DUI

Correction fail.  It's an Intra-Uterine Device.  You think a girl is going to get a DUI put in her uterus?
Detecting sarcasm fail
Originally Posted by HOVKid

What do you mean if she asked me to get a "male" vasectamy?

If she asked me to get a female vasectimy I would be very upset.  I mean....that is my wife and she thinks I have a vagina? 

On a serious note I have been considering one.  We just had our second kid and don't want anymore and I'm getting to lazy to pull out.  Hmmmm.....

On the real though. It would be pretty hard for me to go along with it. But nowadys you can reverse the vasectomy so why not?
I don't understand the, "I Can get it reversed" logic. Sooooooooooo. Just because I can get something reversed doesn't mean I want my meat going under the knife TWICE. You say it as if it is as simple as getting your teeth pulled. PLUS it is very expensive. I think some of you are underestimating surgery of your privates.
I am sorry op, but Nt is not the place to post a topic like this. This place is filled with mostly immature children who couldn't add any insight to what you're asking. I see DC is in here adding his normal obtuseness. There is nothing wrong with the procedure, just make sure it's something you really want to do. The last thing you want to do is harbor resentment.
I'd suggest she get her tubes tied. Vasectomies aren't always 100%

@ male vasectomy. Is there any other kind?
He already offered to. I have nothing wrong with getting my bits chopped and screwed but from a technical stand point a vasectomy is an outpatient procedure and tubal ligation is major surgery requiring an overnight stay and longer recovery time. Hell it's probably cheaper too, considering how ins companies are way more likely to cover a mans reproductive issues (viagra anyone?) versus a womens (some companies dont even cover BC)
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

It's an IUD not a UDI
Umm you're both wrong, its a DUI

Correction fail.  It's an Intra-Uterine Device.  You think a girl is going to get a DUI put in her uterus?
Detecting sarcasm fail

Dammit.  I had a feeling you couldn't be serious.
Originally Posted by kdawg

What a ridiculous question.

If you're asking if she should have an op to stop her having more kids (which is a big deal) or should take birth control for years (which isn't the best idea in the world) then the answer is clearly no.

A vasectomy isn't a particularly big op. It's a week or so of discomfort.

So I'm told. Haven't got round to it yet - I plan to soon, just need to find a couple of weeks where I don't have much on so I can take it easy.
kgawg knows what's up. Tube tying is a major invasive surgery. BC pills can have very negative side effects. I've got 2 beautiful kids and was sick and tired of strapping up. Been keeping Trojan funded for over 2 years after my second child was born. Got the procedure. Some mild discomfort for a few days. The reward was absolutely worth it. Oh- and it only cost me a co-pay.
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

is it true that they cut ur balls off

Nah they snip the semen tube. They can reverse it if you decide on having more kids.

With that being said, if I was married, had kids, and everything else, why not.

I wouldn't have to pull out on the rare instances that I got sex, so I would be happy.
^ that's good to know.

I know a guy who had it done and it got infected - one swelled up like a grapefruit (supposedly - didn't get to see it or anything). Out of the thousands they do (and quite a few guys I know who've had it done) I haven't heard that happen too many times though.
Lots of immaturity and false bravado going on in here.

When you push that aside though, between a male having a vasectomy and a female having her tubes tied, the vasectomy is by-and-large the safer way to go.  When all is said and done and my wife and I are done having kids I'd probably rather get snipped than her.  A vasectomy is much less invasive, involves a lower chance of complications and fewer/less severe potential side effects, and is usually reversible in case we later decide we want to have another child.  Looking at it objectively and unselfishly (which is how you should look at it for you married folks), it's a pretty lopsided argument, just not the way most NT'ers would see it.
Damn kdawg, that's terrible. No complications and I didn't even need to take any of the pain meds that were prescribed.
My dad got a vasectomy and I don't see all that many negative aspects of it.
When you are happily married with kids, what's the point of being liable to have more?
That way you can have less worries and it's really not a big procedure.
First of all, it's a very non-invasive procedure. You're basically in and out of the doctors office in less than an hour. They only operate on fridays....so no excuse to miss work. It doesn't hurt, unless you're a wuss or have a small winkie.
It is reversible, but with the chances of success not so great. Most insurance does cover the cost. (mine was 75 bucks)

I had it done, obviously, and to those that haven't or don't have any kids, than Don't knock the ones that do and have done this procedure.
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