What is the appeal of PTI?

they should replace Wilbon and Kornheiser with Steven A Smith and Skip Bayless. Now THAT would be entertaining
Around The Horn > PTI

PTI has been falling off the past couple months especially with Wilbon and Kornhesier taking days off every other week.
They are semi funny but they are never on together anymore and I dont think it is a good show because of them. I think the format it why people like it somuch. A lot of topics in a short period of time. What I dont understand is why anyone would watch Around The Horn. just a bunch of annoying dummies opinions
Originally Posted by nublee

they should replace Wilbon and Kornheiser with Steven A Smith and Skip Bayless. Now THAT would be entertaining

They're together on 1st and 10 every once in a while. It's not that entertaining.
They are funny....the shows covers a broad spectrum of sports discussion (for the casual fan) with very little depth.

I watch it occasionally...
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

Eh. Kornheiser is easily one of, if not THE wittiest sports personality there is, so that "moron" talk is kind of foolish.
I don't find Kornheiser to be particularly witty, and even if I did, there is a glaring caveat that you must add to that statement. You canonly give him that superlative in the world of the "mainstream" sports media. Fortunately, with thousands of other outlets away from the mainstreammedia to get my sports information from, with tons of wit and even more snark, TK would not rank near the top.

I honestly have only seen one or two people say why they like the show. A couple people have the wildly ambiguous, "I like Tony and Mike", and Ihonestly have no idea what that means in terms of how that makes a good show.
You have kind of summarized my feeling for it over the last few years, everything just becomes so regurgitated due to the endless news cycle that i'vealready heard whatever it is they have to say. They're not laugh out loud funny either, just 'tolerable'.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Tons of crosstalk, little brainpower, zero sports discussion.

Yeah, that sounds awesome.

Like I said, the show has lost a lot of it's luster in the last year or so, but when it first aired, it was a new approach to sports discussion.

Who the heck watches sports but doesn't argue sports topics? Who? So the show began as two guys with journalism backgrounds in sports arguing with each other about different sports topics, just like you and me would... except we don't have journalism backgrounds in sports, and we couldn't get Tom Brady to talk to us for a few minutes during our debating.

Once Wibon and Korheiser took all those breaks and vacations the show seemed to have changed. They don't talk about sports as much as they used to.
One positive about the show is that they do take so many vacations, and Dan Lebatard gets TV time. The show would be way better if Kornheiser croaked and wecould get DL on the show all the time.
I think Dan Lebetard has one of the worst opinions in sports. I can't stand him at all.

Wilbon sometimes makes great points, but he is always a homer and Kornheiser seems like he has a 24/7 boner.
In the other Kornheiser thread everyone called me crazy when I made the same statement about PTI


Wilbon occasionally has his moments in which he brings something to the table

Tony is pretty insightful and interesting when he reminisces about his early days as a sportswriter

You all ever notice that their TV picks are rarely sporting events, I always thought that was strange

^that's one of the reasons why the show lost a lot of it's flare. They're trying so hard to appeal to everyone, that they never talk about sportsas much.

I hate it when Kornheiser continuously talks about American Idol.
Around the Horn is trailing right behind PTI If you ask me. The show just doesn't seem the same after Micheal Smith left for ESPN.com.

And don't even get me started with Jim Rome. "I'm out!"
Being a native Washingtonian I watched from the very first day and its been one of my favorite can't miss shows. Whats the appeal, well you got

- two very knowledgable guys, and if you tell me that their knowledge is only regional, you should know that TK had a syndicated radio show, and Wilbon I thinkactually lives in Phoenix.
(If you want a regional DC show, its called Full Court Press, which I like better)
- the classic White meets Black guy and both educate and give each others perspective on troubling issues in Sports. This you rarely ever see in sports. Itsusually just a bunch of old white guys who can't relate to young black dudes in the spotlight, so they just dog them whenever they get the chance.
- Good Segments, Oddsmaker
- Great guests, you can tell that the two have known some of the guys for years. And for as much crap that they get, they do make the best of everything. Lookat the interview with Kimbo, they didn't really know that much about MMA, but still got him to say that "he's scared of diapers."
I like hearing/getting different opinions from guys who are actually in the loop. So to me, ATH and PTI are still good programs.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I like hearing/getting different opinions from guys who are actually in the loop. So to me, ATH and PTI are still good programs.
I agree. I don't think anyone isnt appreciating the shows. People are just upset that the things that made both shows good aren't thereanymore.
Originally Posted by hugebird

You have two guys with regional (at best) sports knowledge
Wilbon knows his stuff, not real sure what you are talking about.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

I like Wilbon

I like Kornehesier (sp?)


I like PTI
I can relate to Wilbon since he's a midwest dude...anyone from the east coast and midwest should like thisshow since the guys are from that area.
I made the original state in the Kornheiser doesn't know anything about football thread and I get stonefaced up and down that +$#$!

and now a couple people cosign with the OP and now everyone is on board that PTI fell over years ago

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