What is the real reason for reduction in quality materials?

Dec 14, 2006
Everyone complains about the recent lack of quality in the Air Jordan line, (including me). I believe it started with the retro releases from the mid2000's. But it seems like almost all of the recent shoes that JB puts out have low quality leather, including the CP3 models and Melo releases. I am notsure about the 23, as I have not seen this model in person yet. We all complain about it, but we never really get to the bottom of it. There must be a reasonwhy they made the switch to a thinner leather. Most could point to the cheaper cost to build the shoe, but why would they tarnish the reputation of thecurrent signature models? I would think that Melo and CP would request a quality product bearing their name. Could it be a performance feature, for thelighter weight, etc? I know that people from inside the JB organization read and post on here, so let's here it. Is there a legitimate reason?
a lot of ppl i know do not care about quality as long as the CW is hot they are sold.

Funny how Quality v Price ^
this is easy. Why waste so much money on good quality, when u could make a cheaper shoe and still sell them like double cheese burgers at Mcdonalds, and on topof that still sell them for the same price and get that max profit.

its the customers to blame.
It's pretty simple actually.

Lower quality materials cost less. Cheaper materials = cheaper production costs. If your production costs are lower, and your sales stay the same that equalsa bigger profit.

As long as the shoes are selling... the quality won't get any better. And you really can't blame JB.
^You can blame them why they advertise themselves are the leading "basketball shoe company" and "quality products inspired by the greatestplayer ever"

That's just bs, no other shoe company makes as much as Nike/JB and they have not reduced product quality
Originally Posted by AIRGOLDEN2123

^You can blame them why they advertise themselves are the leading "basketball shoe company" and "quality products inspired by the greatest player ever"

That's just bs, no other shoe company makes as much as Nike/JB and they have not reduced product quality
Maybe I should have clarified.

You can't blame JB, from a business standpoint.
Originally Posted by Untitled

i say increase of cost of materials due too inflation....

i think tht way too... as u can c globalization leading out the inflation happening in the whole world, not just in here...
so as well as the production countries, the material offers r being low quality, the producer can't do anything about it...
about the high price... just cuz many many more ppl r into the shoe games, and create the hype, well well
Jordan's name sells no matter what, they've done the experiment and it's a proven fact.

So cheaper materials means less production cost that turns into more revenue, which comes down to more profit.
Originally Posted by Untitled

i say increase of cost of materials due too inflation....

smart man. i was thinkin that too, also because they can and we all still will buy them.
Originally Posted by RYZA272

this is easy. Why waste so much money on good quality, when u could make a cheaper shoe and still sell them like double cheese burgers at Mcdonalds, and on top of that still sell them for the same price and get that max profit.

its the customers to blame.
Yes, double cheese burger aint .99 anymore.
The short answer is... Wall Street. Nike/Jordan Brands' stocks are publicly traded and so ultimately every decision made is based on the bottom line andmeeting the profit margins desired by share holders. They went public in 1990 and it's a miracle they maintained their standards as long as they did. Itwasn't until 2003 or so that things really went downhill. So thank the Bush regime for sinking the market and the Gentry regime for acting accordingly.Quality isn't even a secondary thought anymore. Who knows, maybe the Mark Smith/Obama Regimes will improve things.
people are buying them regardless so they are gonna make them as cheap as possible.

its too bad they don't actually take pride in their name and products. Having some honor in the brand and realizing how cool some of their original shoeswere. sad really.

the quality is one thing but putting out these horrible shoes such as the fusions and what not is awful.
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