What is this nonsense? what are these preposterous locks?

Apr 25, 2008
Uh, what's the point of this thread? Are people waiting to see pic's of a woman that might be a stripper? Y'all don't have Google? Friends? Your own college campus to look for working girls?

This isn't a rule, but let it be known that threads based on IM or IM-type conversations should not last long on NT.


locked thread:

HM touched it in the gen. forum. I don't even care about son's thread, but how you just lock threads you feel like locking? Is this new?
HM probably saved a few in his time and got burned when their ex-boyfriends took em back along with the money he splurged on them. He probably itching to banDC any day now
Its Holden tho

dude is known to be a mass murderer on the board

Lets not foget the fallen soldiers in the big butt big breasts posts a while back......

I think I said too much....... If I should die before I wake someone make a post saying good bye to me
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