What is your first impression of smokers?

Originally Posted by mholmes87

Lot of judgement going on in here...

When I see someone smoking a cigarette it tells me that their life hasn't/isn't an easy one.. Maybe their kids/wife/job or something else is getting to them and they feel like they need a cigarette to put them at ease.. I see so many people daily firing one up right after work its not even funny.


Some of yall need to get of your high horse and think about whats going on in someones life to make them want to smoke in the first place.

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

cigarettes - nervous, socially awkward, douche baggy, disgusting, poor, bad breath, addicted

weed - lazy, addicted, socially anxious (to fit in)

cigars (and no I don't mean black & milds
) - mature, intelligent, goal oriented, leader

just my honest opinion
agree with all this
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How can you do this KNOWING that is has zero benefits and probably will kill you.

Originally Posted by The2husky5

if your going to smoke thats on you , but you can tell when people are smokers. . . chapped lips , orange/pale skin . . . that stank smell from leftover smoke..

and dont get me started on women smokers ...wow

smoking doesnt make the person though. just dont blow that &#&# in my face or my direction please . I need my lungs .. they are my money maker.

stopped smoking back in senior year, almost 2 years and i only have not more than 5 i think...
to me, this thing is not completely addictive, fully depends on the person if he or she will continue with it...
Originally Posted by cool greyyy



never picked up a cig in my life, nor do i plan too.
Same, surprised that i havent smoked a cig i been around newports my whole life

One of the worst habits you can have. I couldnt imagine being addicted to cigarettes. Always jonesing for that cig every 10 minutes.
I used to smoke blacks and Capones occasionally but I put em down. There are other ways to relax without slowly killing yourself... Plus I want to get into shape
Originally Posted by Brondiesel

One of the worst habits you can have. I couldnt imagine being addicted to cigarettes. Always jonesing for that cig every 10 minutes.
Yup like those people at work. They get about 6-10 minutes for break every hour, plus their entire lunch break (1 hour). So, thats like 80 minutes of break time they get, excluding the lunch. 
 Doesnt help that the head honchos also smoke.
cigs = yuck (i hate that my father smokes)

weed = tolerable...you would be surprised how common weed smokers are.
I absolutely cannot stand cigarettes. It's just everything about them that annoys me. I've never touched one in my whole life and will continue to never do it. I don't understand when people say they drink they need to smoke or after they eat. Like, I just drank the same amount as you, and just had a meal, yet I don't need it. 
Weed on the other hand....It's a gift from God, and I love it.
I smoked a cig once. It is not that good tasting. It is not fun. I have never done it since. I do not plan on doing it either.

I would say unattractive. If you are a smoker you can't be super healthy.
Yesterday i was going into the library. I see a beautiful asian girl outside. I see her face first then i see smoke and that alters my attention to her cig.
I did not look back at her twice. It is not appealing/attractive.

 at people saying weed is tolerable.
you dont know what your smoking when they serve u.

if anything nicotine>rat poison

???? $$* kinda weed are you getting?

 at people saying weed is tolerable.
you dont know what your smoking when they serve u.

if anything nicotine>rat poison
I used to think the same thing when I was in like third grade....
lol at people smoking piff then looking down on cig smokers. then the same piff smokers act all aggy that people look down on them. SMH smoking is smoking. I'd rather go to the gym or run three miles
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