What is your first impression of smokers?

i go every where high so no one knows im a smoker cus im always the same

if i went to work sober they probably think i sniffed some coke or summin
Its cool I have NOT A CARE

Nowadays they know the risk and how it can effect them but they do it. It is a stress relief and more. SO its cons vs pros and if they choose to do it knowing the cons then more power to them.
Originally Posted by prymone

i go every where high so no one knows im a smoker cus im always the same

if i went to work sober they probably think i sniffed some coke or summin

I don't think it works like that?
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

If nothing else, smoking exposes other people to your habits and the danger of it. Me eating fast food has no impact on you. Nothing i hate more than people who smoke around the entrance of a building since you aren't allowed to smoke inside (and despite the fact it's illegal to do so within 50ft). Now I still have to walk through the cloud of cancer and death, plus people just throw their cigarette butts all over the place. It's also a putrid smell that is difficult to get rid of.
This is on of the reason why they want it band in public. You cant do a line of coke in public its illegal or smoke a joint.
They wanna limit children from seeing someone smoking,they are trying to even censor it more on television.
i think theyre cool

Originally Posted by NT Brah

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How can you do this KNOWING that is has zero benefits and probably will kill you.
But there are benefits to smoking, even while it's killing you. Mind blown.
My lung capacity was improved when I was a smoker and my cardio was great.  Didn't even have smoker's cough.
I learned in my respiratory care classes that the cilia in your lungs grow back 2 years after you quit.  I quit over 3 years ago so I probably have them back now.

Humans just like destructive behavior.  It's in our nature to destroy stuff, even ourselves.  We can also scold people who drink every week and eat unhealthy.  I must've killed half my brain cells by the time I was 24 from drinking. 
Man, I HATE when people say @+%% to me like, "Smoking is bad for you!
" I'm like... "!+$!% please, you just walked out of a Taco Bell." I smoke far enough from people that they have to go out of their way to get hit by my second hand. For some reason people think that just smelling smoke from 10 ft away is gonna give them cancer.

Anyways, I really wish I could stop. It was easy when I had a job I liked, but it's impossible now. $*+% retail, $*+% management.
I don't really care, I was a smoker for 6 years (I still mess with the
) it's not like you're a bad person because you do it
Doesn't bother me as much as it use to,

But sitting in class next to someone that smokes in just
am i the only one that loves the smell of smoke? the smell during and after a cigarette
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How can you do this KNOWING that is has zero benefits and probably will kill you.

same reason people drink pepsi, addiction or enjoyment
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Lol I gotta say I had the same elitist view before I started smoking cigs daily but I'm not addicted so now I feel indifferent to it. I only smoke because almost everyone around me does and a stogie is good after a blunt and/or meal. Most of the time I find it repulsive actually but I just keep it to a minimum knowing I can quit whenever.

To those that smoke half a pack+ a day which includes a lot of people I know, more power to you cause I certainly cant do that *%#+.

I also make an effort to never smoke around kids, thats the least smokers can do

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Lol I gotta say I had the same elitist view before I started smoking cigs daily but I'm not addicted so now I feel indifferent to it. I only smoke because almost everyone around me does and a stogie is good after a blunt and/or meal. Most of the time I find it repulsive actually but I just keep it to a minimum knowing I can quit whenever.

To those that smoke half a pack+ a day which includes a lot of people I know, more power to you cause I certainly cant do that *%#+.

I also make an effort to never smoke around kids, thats the least smokers can do

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Lol I gotta say I had the same elitist view before I started smoking cigs daily but I'm not addicted so now I feel indifferent to it. I only smoke because almost everyone around me does and a stogie is good after a blunt and/or meal. Most of the time I find it repulsive actually but I just keep it to a minimum knowing I can quit whenever.

To those that smoke half a pack+ a day which includes a lot of people I know, more power to you cause I certainly cant do that *%#+.

I also make an effort to never smoke around kids, thats the least smokers can do

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How can you do this KNOWING that is has zero benefits and probably will kill you.

this is what has been blowing my mind every time i think of this
tobacco companies LITERALLY put chemicals in there, chemicals that are NOT supposed to be in your body at all. i think ammonia is one of them...and there is NO way you can't know its bad for you.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

If nothing else, smoking exposes other people to your habits and the danger of it. Me eating fast food has no impact on you. Nothing i hate more than people who smoke around the entrance of a building since you aren't allowed to smoke inside (and despite the fact it's illegal to do so within 50ft). Now I still have to walk through the cloud of cancer and death, plus people just throw their cigarette butts all over the place. It's also a putrid smell that is difficult to get rid of.
This is on of the reason why they want it band in public. You cant do a line of coke in public its illegal or smoke a joint.
They wanna limit children from seeing someone smoking,they are trying to even censor it more on television.
Sorry, I'm hella high right now but I found that really funny... 
Lot of judgement going on in here...

When I see someone smoking a cigarette it tells me that their life hasn't/isn't an easy one.. Maybe their kids/wife/job or something else is getting to them and they feel like they need a cigarette to put them at ease.. I see so many people daily firing one up right after work its not even funny.
cigarettes - nervous, socially awkward, douche baggy, disgusting, poor, bad breath, addicted

weed - lazy, addicted, socially anxious (to fit in)

cigars (and no I don't mean black & milds 
 ) - mature, intelligent, goal oriented, leader 

just my honest opinion

Did you say that while smoking a cigar and sipping from your chalice? lol

it's whatever - their choice...although they do smell awful afterwards.

Pot on the other hand, Snoop: "Im smell it, lemme inhale it!"
Tobacco? Doesn't bother me none. Sometimes, I can smoke 3-5 a day. Other times, I won't touch the pack for weeks at a time. As long as you're being courteous to the people around you and you keep a good distance away from people/keep it away from kids/throw your butts in an ashtray instead of the ground, I'm all for whatever a person wants to do with their lungs. Arrogant smokers piss me off just as much those rabid-@$^ anti-smokers.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

How can you do this KNOWING that is has zero benefits and probably will kill you.
this is what has been blowing my mind every time i think of this
tobacco companies LITERALLY put chemicals in there, chemicals that are NOT supposed to be in your body at all. i think ammonia is one of them...and there is NO way you can't know its bad for you.
If it's chemicals you're worried about, you won't win in this world we live in.
Food companies, alone, pump their products with all types of "chemicals that are NOT supposed to be in your body at all", from pesticides in produce, antibiotics/steroids in animals, and ammonia they use to clean beef.
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