What is your relationship with your father like?

Mar 4, 2011
My parents haven't always been too fond of each other. Recently I haven't been too fond of him either. Deep down, I actually feel disappointed in him. All my life, I wanted him to be the father figure in my life, but I feel like he's too passive. First off, he doesn't know what he is doing with his life. I know he cares for his family, but he can never get it right. Everyone in the family has talked to him before, but he just doesn't change his habits. He is in his mid-fifties now and I think he may potentially be suffering from Alzheimer's. He would forget a lot of details which causes everyone to be annoyed. My mother has put up with him all her life, and she is the only one making money for the family. My older sister is on her own, and doesn't do much either, and I am currently living with both my parents. Honestly, I can't even really describe why I dislike my father, but I'm just disappointed in him through all the small things. Never has he ever tried to initiate a heart-to-heart talk with me before, never has he asked how school was; it's like as if in his mind, he is merely pretending to be a father and not actually "being one". Sure, he cooks and drives us everywhere but I felt like he could've contributed so much more to the family. My family has always been motivating him to find a career he likes, but everytime he does, he half-%+!*@ it and never goes through with it. For example, a while back, he and his friend had plans of going back to South Korea (where I was from) and starting a small permanent business; however, he went and came back in about a month saying he didn't like the weather, and that was that. God I've never felt so disappointed in him in all my life. In the back of my mind, I've always trusted him to grind it out and pursue something he loves, but it just never happened. I know he is old, but damn, I expected so much more from him. Throughout my life I have avoided him just so I would not grow up to be like him. That was how serious it was. I have tried talking to him about life but he just doesn't seem to see the bigger picture. I feel like he's just wasting his life now, and there's nothing I can do to change it if he isn't willing to take the first step.
And to add, he has a personality which I can't stand. When he gets mad at my mom, he literally does the exact opposite of what she says. It pisses me off that he does, because he doesn't earn any money for the family and he's being so arrogant.

Sorry here are cliff notes:
-Disappointed in my dad
-He just does his job as a dad, but isn't a father figure to me
-Claims he cares for me but just doesn't know what I actually expect from him
-I have confronted him before and he doesn't get it
-Half-#*@@@ everything in life
-Doesn't change

Sorry for the rant, but I am curious as to what your relationships is like
Did not read.

Me and my pops are best friends tho.
Don't get along, respect his work ethic but that's it.

Very negative person so I pretty much avoid him, not good to my mom.
its coo. hes the strong/silent type so we aint on no buddy buddy. plus hes old and reserved and so damn busy.

also the smartest person I know... litterally.

i am truly blessed when it comes to parents/immediate family... I dont personally know more rents than I can count on my hand that are better ppl/more caring/better role models/make more money/etc.etc.

he took me to Hawaii last January (poipu, kawaii to b exact)... yea we coo.
well you only get to have 1 dad bruh. Just accept it, it aint all bout you. Im sure he cares some dudes aint about that sentimental life.
I slightly read the passage it seems like you have high expectations for him yet he has alzheimer's so he cant live up to them.

My Pops and I are tight tho man
met him twice between the ages of 5 and 9...luckily ive been blessed with tons of father figures so it really doesnt matter.
we cool but idc about him its water under the bridge but i dont necessarily need him so i am letting him rot in peace
Originally Posted by MonStar1


Yep, and doing just fine. 
Met him about two years ago "He was what I thought he was" 

Blessed with plenty of positive males in my life, though. 
I was hesitating on making this very thread sans the Alzheimer's.

Looking back, my parents did not know what they were in for when they came to this country.
No planning was involved, just a day to day life, now I look at them and their past decisions as an adult and wonder where their head was at.

I look at it as a gift and a curse, curse for where it got them, gift because I will not make their mistakes in addition to knowing the severity of those mistakes.
he was never in my life... saw him once when i was younger (9) he tried to make up for things.. i got older ( 14 ) and my aunt told me to give him a chance.... i moved in with him, he beat me hella times, then put a gun to my head... i dipped and lived from house to house for about 3 years..

i see him maybe once every 2 years or so around the city...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Served his purpose, did his duty and moved on to a higher plane. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] I love you [/color]
We have lived in the same house for 13 years.. Nothing special. Not a real rolemodel for me.

But I'm very happy for the older male friends that I have (no, not like Cartman) they have gave me so much advice.
It's weird. I can't really explain it. Let's just say I love him but there are quite a few things about him I don't like. He's been there all my life but at times it's like he's not there at all.

But on a overall basis...he's a good dude.
im 26 $#%%% #%+ +##%+%$%*$!! never been in my life that !$#$!*# bum is just a big #%+ waste of space. Am i mad about him not being in my life yeah a little i was raised by my mom and seen how hard she struggled. While his #%*+!@% went around having babies left and right and never was a father to them either. my older brother who is 28 has a "relationship" with him if thats what u wanna call it but me and my other lil brothers asnd sisters no. we all have the same dad but different moms he has including me i think 6 that i know about. His $#%%% made #%+ is in jail right now. But u know what it just made me be a better father. i could never imagine leaving my kids to figure out life without being there to give them a helping hand which is why i try to be the best father i can be. So THANK YOU, YOU $#%%% #%+ +##%+%$%*$!! FOR NOT BEING THERE, IM A BETTER FATHER BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU $#%%% #%+ +##%+%$%*$!!
I don't know what I would have done without my dad. He has been so instrumental in my upbringing and has put s much on the line for my family for so we can succeed. Sometime I feel so fortunate to have him in my life since I know there's so many deadbeat dads out there.
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