What kind of food do you not understand how anyone could possibly like?

I'll eat salmon in sushi form or on bagels. Hate it by itself. Not a fan of the flavor.
I cannot believe this many people hate seafood. I'm seriously shocked. I couldn't live without fish man. Yall can't even rock with crawfish?

How are you surprised? People are more inclined to eat some land animals like chicken and cow than fish and seafood. I eat fish in the forms of fried filets, una sandwiches, and mostly sushi. I used to eat fried whole fish as a kid but not into that anymore.

youre missing out brother. whole fish is delicious. its like bone in steak where the bone imparts extra flavor and helps keep the meat from drying out when cooking.
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Yeah I know it tastes good but I have no motivation to ever cook it for myself. If my dad makes it then i'll get a few pieces and dip them in some soy sauce and eat with some rice. I like to cook but have no kind of butchering skills or skills to prepare and clean fish.
Yeah I know it tastes good but I have no motivation to ever cook it for myself. If my dad makes it then i'll get a few pieces and dip them in some soy sauce and eat with some rice. I like to cook but have no kind of butchering skills or skills to prepare and clean fish.

hahahaha im the same way. im lazy as hell when it come to it. we just had some people over for dinner last weekend where we served up some whole branzino as the main, it was delicious. I always have my wife take the meat off the bones for me cause shes a pro at it. yes i realize that its childish to have my wife prepare my food for me, but i dont care.
You can tell the ones who eat the box and the ones who don't! [emoji]9995[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
IDC about what's in a pig tbh. Cut down on eating it but still enjoy a good piece of pork when it's cooked.

Im the "prince" of making pancakes..ill give u guys my secret recipe for dope pancakes...

1 cup of just add water pancakes
1/2 cup of whole milk maybe a little more
1/2 tbsp of pure vanilla extract
2 tbsp of brown sugar
1 tbsp of butter
1 banana
2 strawberries
handful of blueberries

Top with 100 percent maple syrup


I'm gonna try this.

Only other thing I really hate besides pickles is coconut. Hate it by itself, idk it's an annoying flavor to me unless paired up with rice n some jerk chicken.
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I dunno about some of you guys and your taste in food. Here is a recipe that I made recently.

Kelp and Vineyard Salad:

Lime Aioli (Standard Aioli with lime juice in place of lemon juice or vinegar)
Steamed lobster tail
Fennel bulbs and fronds
Ripe Avocados
Ripe Mangos
Pine nuts or Almonds slivers
Arugula or Valerian Greens

Toss and combine all ingredients aside from the greens and fennel fronds. Combine greens and a spritz of lemon or lime juice. Use fennel fronds for garnish.

A variation is to use goat cheese in place of lobster. Ideally, one would substitute strawberries for the mango.
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