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Einstein says "energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another" If that's the case, it would suggest there is either a finite amount of energy or an all encapsulating source from where energy flows from, shifting its method of manifestation. Will we ever truly understand our own existence and the realm we perceive? Is it even possible to in this state?
Will I see my dead corpse after I die?

Einstein says "energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another" If that's the case, it would suggest there is either a finite amount of energy or an all encapsulating source from where energy flows from, shifting its method of manifestation. Will we ever truly understand our own existence and the realm we perceive? Is it even possible to in this state?

These are deep. To attempt to answer the second, I don't think we can until death (and possible transfer of energy) and even then our consciousness could cease to exist prior to gaining that understanding.
Why don't cereal bags have ziploc?
I'd imagine it comes down to cost+lifespan. Always keep in mind that it's in food manufacturers' best interests for you to buy more. Not saying they're deliberately trying to make your cereal go stale, but they know it probably doesn't make sense for them to provide better storage options sales-wise.
He was actually a counselor at a big brothers program
i know, i know. But i like to tell people this lie to give them that "woke feeling"

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