What movie is the most influential on your life?

Movies are just entertainment to me. Nothing has come remotely close to inspiring me long-term. Maybe I'll change my attitude for a week after a good movie, but nothing ever sticks.
Not exactly a movie, but that DBZ episode when Majin Vegita sacrifices himself to destroy Buu.

Those feels bruh. Realization of what makes life worth living and sacrifice.
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This. Crazy story, it should be a movie that every kid living in a big city needs to watch.

KIDS and There Will Be Blood are a couple of movies that had a profound effect on my personal actions.
Was gonna post *waits for cornballs to post drug movies* but I see I'm late.​
I love Paid In Full and all those types of movies just like the next guy but c'mon how is it influencing you when you are working a desk job or in school or something like that 
(which could be an assumption....but probably not)​
You take things too literally. Maybe dudes valued Paid in Full or Scarface for the message and not necessarily the drugs/violence aspect. Didn't you ever study Shakespeare and symbolism in high school?
Taught me to never f--- w/o a rubber



RIP to Harold Hunter
And RIP to Justin Pierce
to my fellow cubicled warriors...

"That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired."
Finding Nemo -Just keep Swimming

Casino - Pay attention to your relationships, friends and women

Blow - [FEMALE DOGS] will **** you over, choose wisely

American Gangsta - Stay humble

The Wood - patience and good friends are good to have

X - even when the world turns against, stand on your principles.
Nemo honestly had the biggest influence, and I saw that in college.
Pursuit of Happiness. Do anything for your children and family. Never give up on what you believe in. Push your self to your limit and then go over your limit.

Juno. The movie about the pregnant high schooler unsure of her future and keeping the baby. It came out literally the week my girlfriend and I found out she was pregnant and even though it sounds lame it had a profound effect on our decisions as teenagers preparing to have a child. My girl and I discussed abortion (being raised a Roman Catholic, I had a serious problem with this, but still respected my girls opinion on what she was and wasn't willing to do with her body), adoption, and ultimately growing up and being responsible parents. That 9 months was filled with huge highs and very low lows. But 6 years later here we are married and we have TWO healthy children.
How to be a Player

Not srs but I did still tricks from that movie
- the picture frame switches
- the dancing with the ugly chick first

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