What movie is the most influential on your life?

Invincible. A major role in my going back to school at 25. Don't let age deter you from doing the amazing.
Every 10 year old male should watch this movie:

View media item 638905

Everyone entering high school should watch this movie:

View media item 638907

Before junior year high school:

View media item 638909

Anyone who works in an office:

to my fellow cubicled warriors...

View media item 638545

"That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired."

After high school:

Not necessarily a movie, but an episode from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Don't know how to embed but that's the one.
The Truman Show

I like this answer.
This. Movies like Inception and Matrix have ****** my perspective of reality forever.



This film was so important to me during my teenage years, the main character and I went through very similar situations. Still watch it yearly.

And this film is simply a masterpiece. Inspired my trip to Thailand as well.
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So Hamlet?

No, simba and mufasa, idc where the story came from

It was the lion cartoon characters that really made the impact, thus changing my life forever.

#hakunamattata :lol:

Seriously tho, when I was little I would call myself simba when people asked my name :x I know this movie word for word lol
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Stand By Me
The Wackness
Last American Virgin
The Wood
Baby Boy

Couple more I couldn't think of that should go on here. The movies haven't really changed my life but some of the "quotables" have helped me in some way, plus I just like watching these movies a lot.
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